// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "ISceneManager.h" #include "S3DVertex.h" #include "os.h" #include "CShadowVolumeSceneNode.h" #include "IAnimatedMeshMS3D.h" #include "IAnimatedMeshMD3.h" #include "IAnimatedMeshX.h" #include "IAnimatedMeshB3d.h" #include "IDummyTransformationSceneNode.h" #include "IMaterialRenderer.h" #include "IMesh.h" #include "IMeshCache.h" #include "IAnimatedMesh.h" #include "quaternion.h" namespace irr { namespace scene { //! constructor CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::CAnimatedMeshSceneNode(IAnimatedMesh* mesh, ISceneNode* parent, ISceneManager* mgr, s32 id, const core::vector3df& position, const core::vector3df& rotation, const core::vector3df& scale) : IAnimatedMeshSceneNode(parent, mgr, id, position, rotation, scale), Mesh(0), BeginFrameTime(0), StartFrame(0), EndFrame(0), FramesPerSecond(25.f / 1000.f ), CurrentFrameNr(0), Looping(true), ReadOnlyMaterials(false), LoopCallBack(0), PassCount(0), Shadow(0) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CAnimatedMeshSceneNode"); #endif BeginFrameTime = os::Timer::getTime(); setMesh(mesh); } //! destructor CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::~CAnimatedMeshSceneNode() { if (Mesh) Mesh->drop(); if (Shadow) Shadow->drop(); for (u32 i=0; idrop(); if (LoopCallBack) LoopCallBack->drop(); } //! Sets the current frame. From now on the animation is played from this frame. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setCurrentFrame(s32 frame) { // if you pass an out of range value, we just clamp it CurrentFrameNr = core::s32_clamp ( frame, StartFrame, EndFrame ); BeginFrameTime = os::Timer::getTime() - (s32)((CurrentFrameNr - StartFrame) / FramesPerSecond); } //! Returns the current displayed frame number. s32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getFrameNr() const { return CurrentFrameNr; } u32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::buildFrameNr(u32 timeMs) { const s32 deltaFrame = core::floor32 ( f32 ( timeMs - BeginFrameTime ) * FramesPerSecond ); if (Looping) { const s32 len = EndFrame - StartFrame + 1; // play animation looped return StartFrame + ( deltaFrame % len ); } else { // play animation non looped s32 frame = StartFrame + deltaFrame; if (frame > EndFrame) { frame = EndFrame; if (LoopCallBack) LoopCallBack->OnAnimationEnd(this); } return frame; } } //! frame void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode() { if (IsVisible) { // because this node supports rendering of mixed mode meshes consisting of // transparent and solid material at the same time, we need to go through all // materials, check of what type they are and register this node for the right // render pass according to that. video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver(); PassCount = 0; int transparentCount = 0; int solidCount = 0; // count transparent and solid materials in this scene node for (u32 i=0; igetMaterialRenderer(Materials[i].MaterialType); if (rnd && rnd->isTransparent()) ++transparentCount; else ++solidCount; if (solidCount && transparentCount) break; } // register according to material types counted if (solidCount) SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_SOLID); if (transparentCount) SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this, scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT); ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode(); for (u32 j=0; jOnRegisterSceneNode(); } } //! OnAnimate() is called just before rendering the whole scene. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate(u32 timeMs) { CurrentFrameNr = buildFrameNr ( timeMs ); if ( Mesh ) { Box = Mesh->getBoundingBox(); //can we remove this, the box is set on 'setMesh', and without it the user can set their own boundingbox (if the normal one is too small) without it being overwritten } IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::OnAnimate ( timeMs ); } /* angle = dotproduct ( v(0,1,0), up ) axis = crossproduct ( v(0,1,0), up ) */ inline void AlignToUpVector(irr::core::matrix4 &m, const irr::core::vector3df &up ) { core::quaternion quatRot( up.Z, 0.f, -up.X, 1 + up.Y ); quatRot.normalize(); quatRot.getMatrix ( m ); } //! renders the node. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::render() { video::IVideoDriver* driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver(); if (!Mesh || !driver) return; bool isTransparentPass = SceneManager->getSceneNodeRenderPass() == scene::ESNRP_TRANSPARENT; ++PassCount; s32 frame = getFrameNr(); scene::IMesh* m = Mesh->getMesh(frame, 255, StartFrame, EndFrame); if ( 0 == m ) { #ifdef _DEBUG os::Printer::log("Animated Mesh returned no mesh to render.", Mesh->getDebugName(), ELL_WARNING); #endif } driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation); u32 i,g; // update all dummy transformation nodes if (!JointChildSceneNodes.empty() && Mesh && (Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_MS3D || Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_X || Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_B3D )) { IAnimatedMeshMS3D* amm = (IAnimatedMeshMS3D*)Mesh; core::matrix4* m; for ( i=0; i< JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++i) if (JointChildSceneNodes[i]) { m = amm->getMatrixOfJoint(i, frame); if (m) JointChildSceneNodes[i]->getRelativeTransformationMatrix() = *m; } } if (Shadow && PassCount==1) Shadow->setMeshToRenderFrom(m); // for debug purposes only: u32 renderMeshes = 1; video::SMaterial mat; if (DebugDataVisible && PassCount==1) { // overwrite half transparency if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_HALF_TRANSPARENCY ) { for ( g=0; ggetMeshBufferCount(); ++g) { mat = Materials[g]; mat.MaterialType = video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR; driver->setMaterial(mat); driver->drawMeshBuffer ( m->getMeshBuffer ( g ) ); } renderMeshes = 0; } } // render original meshes if ( renderMeshes ) { for ( i=0; igetMeshBufferCount(); ++i) { video::IMaterialRenderer* rnd = driver->getMaterialRenderer(Materials[i].MaterialType); bool transparent = (rnd && rnd->isTransparent()); // only render transparent buffer if this is the transparent render pass // and solid only in solid pass if (transparent == isTransparentPass) { scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i); driver->setMaterial(Materials[i]); driver->drawMeshBuffer(mb); } } } // for debug purposes only: if (DebugDataVisible && PassCount==1) { mat.Lighting = false; driver->setMaterial(mat); // show bounding box if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_BBOX_BUFFERS ) { for ( g=0; g< m->getMeshBufferCount(); ++g) { driver->draw3DBox( m->getMeshBuffer(g)->getBoundingBox(), video::SColor(0,190,128,128) ); } } if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_BBOX ) driver->draw3DBox(Box, video::SColor(0,255,255,255)); // show skeleton if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_SKELETON ) { if (Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_X) { // draw skeleton const core::array* ds = ((IAnimatedMeshX*)Mesh)->getDrawableSkeleton(frame); for ( g=0; g < ds->size(); g +=2 ) driver->draw3DLine((*ds)[g], (*ds)[g+1], video::SColor(0,51,66,255)); } // show tag for quake3 models if (Mesh->getMeshType() == EAMT_MD3 ) { IAnimatedMesh * arrow = SceneManager->addArrowMesh ( "__tag_show", 0xFF0000FF, 0xFF000088, 4, 8, 5.f, 4.f, 0.5f, 1.f); if ( 0 == arrow ) { arrow = SceneManager->getMesh ( "__tag_show" ); } IMesh *arrowMesh = arrow->getMesh ( 0 ); video::SMaterial material; material.Lighting = false; driver->setMaterial(material); core::matrix4 m; SMD3QuaterionTagList *taglist = ((IAnimatedMeshMD3*)Mesh)->getTagList ( getFrameNr(), 255, getStartFrame (), getEndFrame () ); if ( taglist ) { for ( u32 g = 0; g != taglist->size();++g ) { (*taglist)[g].setto ( m ); driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, m ); for ( u32 a = 0; a != arrowMesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++a ) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( arrowMesh->getMeshBuffer ( a ) ); } } } } // show normals if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_NORMALS ) { IAnimatedMesh * arrow = SceneManager->addArrowMesh ( "__debugnormal", 0xFFECEC00, 0xFF999900, 4, 8, 1.f, 0.6f, 0.05f, 0.3f); if ( 0 == arrow ) { arrow = SceneManager->getMesh ( "__debugnormal" ); } IMesh *mesh = arrow->getMesh ( 0 ); // find a good scaling factor core::matrix4 m2; // draw normals for ( g=0; ggetMeshBufferCount(); ++g) { scene::IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(g); const u32 vSize = mb->getVertexPitch(); const video::S3DVertex* v = ( const video::S3DVertex*)mb->getVertices(); for ( i = 0; i != mb->getVertexCount(); ++i ) { AlignToUpVector ( m2, v->Normal ); m2.setTranslation(v->Pos); m2*=AbsoluteTransformation; driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, m2 ); for ( u32 a = 0; a != mesh->getMeshBufferCount(); ++a ) driver->drawMeshBuffer ( mesh->getMeshBuffer ( a ) ); v = (const video::S3DVertex*) ( (u8*) v + vSize ); } } driver->setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation); } // show mesh if ( DebugDataVisible & scene::EDS_MESH_WIRE_OVERLAY ) { mat.Lighting = false; mat.Wireframe = true; driver->setMaterial(mat); for ( g=0; ggetMeshBufferCount(); ++g) { driver->drawMeshBuffer ( m->getMeshBuffer ( g ) ); } } } } //! Returns the current start frame number. s32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getStartFrame() const { return StartFrame; } //! Returns the current start frame number. s32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getEndFrame() const { return EndFrame; } //! sets the frames between the animation is looped. //! the default is 0 - MaximalFrameCount of the mesh. bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setFrameLoop(s32 begin, s32 end) { const s32 maxFrameCount = Mesh->getFrameCount() - 1; if ( end < begin ) { StartFrame = core::s32_clamp(end, 0, maxFrameCount); EndFrame = core::s32_clamp(begin, StartFrame, maxFrameCount); } else { StartFrame = core::s32_clamp(begin, 0, maxFrameCount); EndFrame = core::s32_clamp(end, StartFrame, maxFrameCount); } setCurrentFrame ( StartFrame ); return true; } //! sets the speed with witch the animation is played void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationSpeed(f32 framesPerSecond) { FramesPerSecond = framesPerSecond * 0.001f; } //! returns the axis aligned bounding box of this node const core::aabbox3d& CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getBoundingBox() const { return Box; } //! returns the material based on the zero based index i. To get the amount //! of materials used by this scene node, use getMaterialCount(). //! This function is needed for inserting the node into the scene hirachy on a //! optimal position for minimizing renderstate changes, but can also be used //! to directly modify the material of a scene node. video::SMaterial& CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMaterial(u32 i) { if ( i >= Materials.size() ) return ISceneNode::getMaterial(i); return Materials[i]; } //! returns amount of materials used by this scene node. u32 CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMaterialCount() { return Materials.size(); } //! Creates shadow volume scene node as child of this node //! and returns a pointer to it. IShadowVolumeSceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::addShadowVolumeSceneNode(s32 id, bool zfailmethod, f32 infinity) { if (!SceneManager->getVideoDriver()->queryFeature(video::EVDF_STENCIL_BUFFER)) return 0; if (Shadow) { os::Printer::log("This node already has a shadow.", ELL_WARNING); return 0; } Shadow = new CShadowVolumeSceneNode(this, SceneManager, id, zfailmethod, infinity); return Shadow; } //! Returns a pointer to a child node, which has the same transformation as //! the corrsesponding joint, if the mesh in this scene node is a ms3d mesh. ISceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMS3DJointNode(const c8* jointName) { if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MS3D) return 0; IAnimatedMeshMS3D* amm = (IAnimatedMeshMS3D*)Mesh; s32 jointCount = amm->getJointCount(); s32 number = amm->getJointNumber(jointName); if (number == -1) { os::Printer::log("Joint with specified name not found in ms3d mesh.", jointName, ELL_WARNING); return 0; } if (JointChildSceneNodes.empty()) { // allocate joints for the first time. JointChildSceneNodes.set_used(jointCount); for (s32 i=0; iaddDummyTransformationSceneNode(this); JointChildSceneNodes[number]->grab(); } return JointChildSceneNodes[number]; } //! Returns a pointer to a child node, which has the same transformation as //! the corrsesponding joint, if the mesh in this scene node is a ms3d mesh. ISceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getXJointNode(const c8* jointName) { if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_X) return 0; IAnimatedMeshX* amm = (IAnimatedMeshX*)Mesh; s32 jointCount = amm->getJointCount(); s32 number = amm->getJointNumber(jointName); if (number == -1) { os::Printer::log("Joint with specified name not found in x mesh.", jointName, ELL_WARNING); return 0; } if (JointChildSceneNodes.empty()) { // allocate joints for the first time. JointChildSceneNodes.set_used(jointCount); for (s32 i=0; iaddDummyTransformationSceneNode(this); JointChildSceneNodes[number]->grab(); } return JointChildSceneNodes[number]; } //! Returns a pointer to a child node, which has the same transformation as //! the corrsesponding joint, if the mesh in this scene node is a b3d mesh. ISceneNode* CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getB3DJointNode(const c8* jointName) { if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_B3D) return 0; IAnimatedMeshB3d* amm = (IAnimatedMeshB3d*)Mesh; s32 jointCount = amm->getJointCount(); s32 number = amm->getJointNumber(jointName); if (number == -1) { os::Printer::log("Joint with specified name not found in b3d mesh.", jointName, ELL_WARNING); return 0; } if (JointChildSceneNodes.empty()) { // allocate joints for the first time. JointChildSceneNodes.set_used(jointCount); for (s32 i=0; iaddDummyTransformationSceneNode(this); JointChildSceneNodes[number]->grab(); } return JointChildSceneNodes[number]; } //! Removes a child from this scene node. //! Implemented here, to be able to remove the shadow properly, if there is one, //! or to remove attached childs. bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::removeChild(ISceneNode* child) { if (child && Shadow == child) { Shadow->drop(); Shadow = 0; return true; } if (ISceneNode::removeChild(child)) { for (s32 i=0; i<(s32)JointChildSceneNodes.size(); ++i) if (JointChildSceneNodes[i] == child) { JointChildSceneNodes[i]->drop(); JointChildSceneNodes[i] = 0; return true; } return true; } return false; } //! Starts a MD2 animation. bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMD2Animation(EMD2_ANIMATION_TYPE anim) { if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MD2) return false; IAnimatedMeshMD2* m = (IAnimatedMeshMD2*)Mesh; s32 begin, end, speed; m->getFrameLoop(anim, begin, end, speed); setAnimationSpeed( f32(speed) ); setFrameLoop(begin, end); return true; } //! Starts a special MD2 animation. bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMD2Animation(const c8* animationName) { if (!Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MD2) return false; IAnimatedMeshMD2* m = (IAnimatedMeshMD2*)Mesh; s32 begin, end, speed; if (!m->getFrameLoop(animationName, begin, end, speed)) return false; setAnimationSpeed( (f32)speed ); setFrameLoop(begin, end); return true; } //! Sets looping mode which is on by default. If set to false, //! animations will not be looped. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setLoopMode(bool playAnimationLooped) { Looping = playAnimationLooped; } //! Sets a callback interface which will be called if an animation //! playback has ended. Set this to 0 to disable the callback again. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setAnimationEndCallback(IAnimationEndCallBack* callback) { if (LoopCallBack) LoopCallBack->drop(); LoopCallBack = callback; if (LoopCallBack) LoopCallBack->grab(); } //! Sets if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setReadOnlyMaterials(bool readonly) { ReadOnlyMaterials = readonly; } //! Returns if the scene node should not copy the materials of the mesh but use them in a read only style bool CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::isReadOnlyMaterials() { return ReadOnlyMaterials; } //! Writes attributes of the scene node. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) { IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::serializeAttributes(out, options); out->addString("Mesh", SceneManager->getMeshCache()->getMeshFilename(Mesh)); out->addBool("Looping", Looping); out->addBool("ReadOnlyMaterials", ReadOnlyMaterials); out->addFloat("FramesPerSecond", FramesPerSecond); // TODO: write animation names instead of frame begin and ends } //! Reads attributes of the scene node. void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options) { IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::deserializeAttributes(in, options); core::stringc oldMeshStr = SceneManager->getMeshCache()->getMeshFilename(Mesh); core::stringc newMeshStr = in->getAttributeAsString("Mesh"); Looping = in->getAttributeAsBool("Looping"); ReadOnlyMaterials = in->getAttributeAsBool("ReadOnlyMaterials"); FramesPerSecond = in->getAttributeAsFloat("FramesPerSecond"); if (newMeshStr != "" && oldMeshStr != newMeshStr) { IAnimatedMesh* newAnimatedMesh = SceneManager->getMesh(newMeshStr.c_str()); if (newAnimatedMesh) setMesh(newAnimatedMesh); } // TODO: read animation names instead of frame begin and ends } //! Sets a new mesh void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::setMesh(IAnimatedMesh* mesh) { if (!mesh) return; // won't set null mesh if (Mesh) Mesh->drop(); Mesh = mesh; // get materials and bounding box Box = Mesh->getBoundingBox(); IMesh* m = Mesh->getMesh(0,0); if (m) { Materials.clear(); video::SMaterial mat; for (u32 i=0; igetMeshBufferCount(); ++i) { IMeshBuffer* mb = m->getMeshBuffer(i); if (mb) mat = mb->getMaterial(); Materials.push_back(mat); } } // get start and begin time setFrameLoop ( 0, Mesh->getFrameCount() ); // grab the mesh if (Mesh) Mesh->grab(); } // returns the absolute transformation for a special MD3 Tag if the mesh is a md3 mesh, // or the absolutetransformation if it's a normal scenenode const SMD3QuaterionTag& CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::getMD3TagTransformation( const core::stringc & tagname) { SMD3QuaterionTag * tag = MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.get ( tagname ); if ( tag ) return *tag; MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.Container.push_back ( SMD3QuaterionTag ( tagname, AbsoluteTransformation ) ); return *MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.get ( tagname ); } //! updates the absolute position based on the relative and the parents position void CAnimatedMeshSceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition() { if ( 0 == Mesh || Mesh->getMeshType() != EAMT_MD3 ) { IAnimatedMeshSceneNode::updateAbsolutePosition(); return; } SMD3QuaterionTag parent; if ( Parent && Parent->getType () == ESNT_ANIMATED_MESH) { parent = ((IAnimatedMeshSceneNode*) Parent)->getMD3TagTransformation ( MD3Special.Tagname ); } SMD3QuaterionTag relative( RelativeTranslation, RelativeRotation ); SMD3QuaterionTagList *taglist; taglist = ( (IAnimatedMeshMD3*) Mesh )->getTagList ( getFrameNr(),255,getStartFrame (),getEndFrame () ); if ( taglist ) { MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList.Container.set_used ( taglist->size () ); for ( u32 i = 0; i!= taglist->size (); ++i ) { MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList[i].position = parent.position + (*taglist)[i].position + relative.position; MD3Special.AbsoluteTagList[i].rotation = parent.rotation * (*taglist)[i].rotation * relative.rotation; } } } } // end namespace scene } // end namespace irr