// Copyright (C) 2002-2007 Nikolaus Gebhardt // This file is part of the "Irrlicht Engine". // For conditions of distribution and use, see copyright notice in irrlicht.h #include "CGUIContextMenu.h" #ifdef _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_ #include "IGUISkin.h" #include "IGUIEnvironment.h" #include "IVideoDriver.h" #include "IGUIFont.h" #include "IGUISpriteBank.h" #include "os.h" namespace irr { namespace gui { //! constructor CGUIContextMenu::CGUIContextMenu(IGUIEnvironment* environment, IGUIElement* parent, s32 id, core::rect rectangle, bool getFocus, bool allowFocus) : IGUIContextMenu(environment, parent, id, rectangle), HighLighted(-1), ChangeTime(0), EventParent(0), AllowFocus(allowFocus) { #ifdef _DEBUG setDebugName("CGUIContextMenu"); #endif Pos = rectangle.UpperLeftCorner; recalculateSize(); if (getFocus) Environment->setFocus(this); setNotClipped(true); } //! destructor CGUIContextMenu::~CGUIContextMenu() { for (u32 i=0; idrop(); } //! Returns amount of menu items u32 CGUIContextMenu::getItemCount() const { return Items.size(); } //! Adds a menu item. u32 CGUIContextMenu::addItem(const wchar_t* text, s32 id, bool enabled, bool hasSubMenu, bool checked) { SItem s; s.Enabled = enabled; s.Checked = checked; s.Text = text; s.IsSeparator = (text == 0); s.SubMenu = 0; s.CommandId = id; if (hasSubMenu) { s.SubMenu = new CGUIContextMenu(Environment, this, id, core::rect(0,0,100,100), false, false); s.SubMenu->setVisible(false); } Items.push_back(s); recalculateSize(); return Items.size() - 1; } //! Adds a sub menu from an element that already exists. void CGUIContextMenu::setSubMenu(u32 index, CGUIContextMenu* menu) { if (index >= Items.size()) return; if (Items[index].SubMenu) Items[index].SubMenu->drop(); Items[index].SubMenu = menu; menu->setVisible(false); if (Items[index].SubMenu) { menu->grab(); menu->AllowFocus = false; if ( Environment->getFocus() == menu ) { Environment->setFocus( this ); } } recalculateSize(); } //! Adds a separator item to the menu void CGUIContextMenu::addSeparator() { addItem(0, -1, true, false, false); } //! Returns text of the menu item. const wchar_t* CGUIContextMenu::getItemText(u32 idx) const { if (idx >= Items.size()) return 0; return Items[idx].Text.c_str(); } //! Sets text of the menu item. void CGUIContextMenu::setItemText(u32 idx, const wchar_t* text) { if (idx >= Items.size()) return; Items[idx].Text = text; recalculateSize(); } //! Returns if a menu item is enabled bool CGUIContextMenu::isItemEnabled(u32 idx) const { if (idx >= Items.size()) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return Items[idx].Enabled; } //! Returns if a menu item is checked bool CGUIContextMenu::isItemChecked(u32 idx) const { if (idx >= Items.size()) { _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return false; } _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX; return Items[idx].Checked; } //! Sets if the menu item should be enabled. void CGUIContextMenu::setItemEnabled(u32 idx, bool enabled) { if (idx >= Items.size()) return; Items[idx].Enabled = enabled; } //! Sets if the menu item should be checked. void CGUIContextMenu::setItemChecked(u32 idx, bool checked ) { if (idx >= Items.size()) return; Items[idx].Checked = checked; } //! Removes a menu item void CGUIContextMenu::removeItem(u32 idx) { if (idx >= Items.size()) return; if (Items[idx].SubMenu) { Items[idx].SubMenu->drop(); Items[idx].SubMenu = 0; } Items.erase(idx); recalculateSize(); } //! Removes all menu items void CGUIContextMenu::removeAllItems() { for (u32 i=0; idrop(); Items.clear(); recalculateSize(); } //! called if an event happened. bool CGUIContextMenu::OnEvent(const SEvent& event) { if (!IsEnabled) return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; switch(event.EventType) { case EET_GUI_EVENT: switch(event.GUIEvent.EventType) { case EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUS_LOST: if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && !isMyChild(event.GUIEvent.Element) && AllowFocus) { // set event parent of submenus setEventParent(Parent); remove(); return false; } break; case EGET_ELEMENT_FOCUSED: if (event.GUIEvent.Caller == this && !AllowFocus) { return true; } break; default: break; } break; case EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT: switch(event.MouseInput.Event) { case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: { // menu might be removed if it loses focus in sendClick, so grab a reference grab(); const u32 t = sendClick(core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y)); if ((t==0 || t==1) && Environment->hasFocus(this)) Environment->removeFocus(this); drop(); } return true; case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: return true; case EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: if (Environment->hasFocus(this)) highlight(core::position2d(event.MouseInput.X, event.MouseInput.Y), true); return true; default: break; } break; default: break; } return Parent ? Parent->OnEvent(event) : false; } //! Sets the visible state of this element. void CGUIContextMenu::setVisible(bool visible) { HighLighted = -1; ChangeTime = os::Timer::getTime(); for (u32 j=0; jsetVisible(false); IGUIElement::setVisible(visible); } //! sends a click Returns: //! 0 if click went outside of the element, //! 1 if a valid button was clicked, //! 2 if a nonclickable element was clicked u32 CGUIContextMenu::sendClick(const core::position2d& p) { u32 t = 0; // get number of open submenu s32 openmenu = -1; s32 j; for (j=0; j<(s32)Items.size(); ++j) if (Items[j].SubMenu && Items[j].SubMenu->isVisible()) { openmenu = j; break; } // delegate click operation to submenu if (openmenu != -1) { t = Items[j].SubMenu->sendClick(p); if (t != 0) return t; // clicked something } // check click on myself if (isPointInside(p) && (u32)HighLighted < Items.size()) { if (!Items[HighLighted].Enabled || Items[HighLighted].IsSeparator || Items[HighLighted].SubMenu) return 2; SEvent event; event.EventType = EET_GUI_EVENT; event.GUIEvent.Caller = this; event.GUIEvent.Element = 0; event.GUIEvent.EventType = EGET_MENU_ITEM_SELECTED; if (Parent) Parent->OnEvent(event); else if (EventParent) EventParent->OnEvent(event); return 1; } return 0; } //! returns true, if an element was highligted bool CGUIContextMenu::highlight(const core::position2d& p, bool canOpenSubMenu) { // get number of open submenu s32 openmenu = -1; s32 i; for (i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i) if (Items[i].SubMenu && Items[i].SubMenu->isVisible()) { openmenu = i; break; } // delegate highlight operation to submenu if (openmenu != -1) { if (Items[openmenu].SubMenu->highlight(p, canOpenSubMenu)) { HighLighted = openmenu; ChangeTime = os::Timer::getTime(); return true; } } // highlight myself for (i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i) if (getHRect(Items[i], AbsoluteRect).isPointInside(p)) { HighLighted = i; ChangeTime = os::Timer::getTime(); // make submenus visible/invisible for (s32 j=0; j<(s32)Items.size(); ++j) if (Items[j].SubMenu) { if ( j == i && canOpenSubMenu ) Items[j].SubMenu->setVisible(true); else if ( j != i ) Items[j].SubMenu->setVisible(false); } return true; } HighLighted = openmenu; return false; } //! returns the item highlight-area core::rect CGUIContextMenu::getHRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect& absolute) const { core::rect r = absolute; r.UpperLeftCorner.Y += i.PosY; r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + i.Dim.Height; return r; } //! Gets drawing rect of Item core::rect CGUIContextMenu::getRect(const SItem& i, const core::rect& absolute) const { core::rect r = absolute; r.UpperLeftCorner.Y += i.PosY; r.LowerRightCorner.Y = r.UpperLeftCorner.Y + i.Dim.Height; r.UpperLeftCorner.X += 20; return r; } //! draws the element and its children void CGUIContextMenu::draw() { if (!IsVisible) return; IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); if (!skin) return; IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_MENU); IGUISpriteBank* sprites = skin->getSpriteBank(); core::rect rect = AbsoluteRect; core::rect* clip = 0; // draw frame skin->draw3DMenuPane(this, AbsoluteRect, clip); // loop through all menu items rect = AbsoluteRect; s32 y = AbsoluteRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y; for (s32 i=0; i<(s32)Items.size(); ++i) { if (Items[i].IsSeparator) { // draw separator rect = AbsoluteRect; rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += Items[i].PosY + 3; rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + 1; rect.UpperLeftCorner.X += 5; rect.LowerRightCorner.X -= 5; skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_SHADOW), rect, clip); rect.LowerRightCorner.Y += 1; rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y += 1; skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_3D_HIGH_LIGHT), rect, clip); y += 10; } else { rect = getRect(Items[i], AbsoluteRect); // draw highlighted if (i == HighLighted && Items[i].Enabled) { core::rect r = AbsoluteRect; r.LowerRightCorner.Y = rect.LowerRightCorner.Y; r.UpperLeftCorner.Y = rect.UpperLeftCorner.Y; r.LowerRightCorner.X -= 5; r.UpperLeftCorner.X += 5; skin->draw2DRectangle(this, skin->getColor(EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT), r, clip); } // draw text EGUI_DEFAULT_COLOR c = EGDC_BUTTON_TEXT; if (i == HighLighted) c = EGDC_HIGH_LIGHT_TEXT; if (!Items[i].Enabled) c = EGDC_GRAY_TEXT; if (font) font->draw(Items[i].Text.c_str(), rect, skin->getColor(c), false, true, clip); // draw submenu symbol if (Items[i].SubMenu && sprites) { core::rect r = rect; r.UpperLeftCorner.X = r.LowerRightCorner.X - 15; sprites->draw2DSprite(skin->getIcon(EGDI_CURSOR_RIGHT), r.getCenter(), clip, skin->getColor(c), (i == HighLighted) ? ChangeTime : 0, (i == HighLighted) ? os::Timer::getTime() : 0, (i == HighLighted), true); } // draw checked symbol if (Items[i].Checked && sprites) { core::rect r = rect; r.LowerRightCorner.X = r.UpperLeftCorner.X - 15; r.UpperLeftCorner.X = r.LowerRightCorner.X + 15; sprites->draw2DSprite(skin->getIcon(EGDI_CHECK_BOX_CHECKED), r.getCenter(), clip, skin->getColor(c), (i == HighLighted) ? ChangeTime : 0, (i == HighLighted) ? os::Timer::getTime() : 0, (i == HighLighted), true); } } } IGUIElement::draw(); } void CGUIContextMenu::recalculateSize() { IGUISkin* skin = Environment->getSkin(); IGUIFont* font = skin->getFont(EGDF_MENU); if (!font) return; core::rect rect; rect.UpperLeftCorner = RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner; s32 width = 100; s32 height = 3; u32 i; for (i=0; igetDimension(Items[i].Text.c_str()); Items[i].Dim.Width += 40; if (Items[i].Dim.Width > width) width = Items[i].Dim.Width; } Items[i].PosY = height; height += Items[i].Dim.Height; } height += 5; if (height < 10) height = 10; rect.LowerRightCorner.X = RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner.X + width; rect.LowerRightCorner.Y = RelativeRect.UpperLeftCorner.Y + height; setRelativePosition(rect); // recalculate submenus for (i=0; igetAbsolutePosition().getWidth(); const s32 h = Items[i].SubMenu->getAbsolutePosition().getHeight(); Items[i].SubMenu->setRelativePosition( core::rect(width-5, Items[i].PosY, width+w-5, Items[i].PosY+h)); } } } //! Returns the selected item in the menu s32 CGUIContextMenu::getSelectedItem() const { return HighLighted; } //! \return Returns a pointer to the submenu of an item. IGUIContextMenu* CGUIContextMenu::getSubMenu(u32 idx) const { if (idx >= Items.size()) return 0; return Items[idx].SubMenu; } //! Returns command id of a menu item s32 CGUIContextMenu::getItemCommandId(u32 idx) const { if (idx >= Items.size()) return -1; return Items[idx].CommandId; } //! Sets the command id of a menu item void CGUIContextMenu::setItemCommandId(u32 idx, s32 id) { if (idx >= Items.size()) return; Items[idx].CommandId = id; } //! Writes attributes of the element. void CGUIContextMenu::serializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* out, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) const { IGUIElement::serializeAttributes(out,options); out->addPosition2d("Position", Pos); if (Parent->getType() == EGUIET_CONTEXT_MENU || Parent->getType() == EGUIET_MENU ) { const IGUIContextMenu* const ptr = (const IGUIContextMenu*)Parent; // find the position of this item in its parent's list u32 i; // VC6 needs the cast for this for (i=0; (igetItemCount()) && (ptr->getSubMenu(i) != (const IGUIContextMenu*)this); ++i) ; // do nothing out->addInt("ParentItem", i); } // write out the item list out->addInt("ItemCount", Items.size()); core::stringc tmp; for (u32 i=0; i < Items.size(); ++i) { tmp = "IsSeparator"; tmp += i; out->addBool(tmp.c_str(), Items[i].IsSeparator); if (!Items[i].IsSeparator) { tmp = "Text"; tmp += i; out->addString(tmp.c_str(), Items[i].Text.c_str()); tmp = "CommandID"; tmp += i; out->addInt(tmp.c_str(), Items[i].CommandId); tmp = "Enabled"; tmp += i; out->addBool(tmp.c_str(), Items[i].Enabled); } } } //! Reads attributes of the element void CGUIContextMenu::deserializeAttributes(io::IAttributes* in, io::SAttributeReadWriteOptions* options=0) { IGUIElement::deserializeAttributes(in,options); Pos = in->getAttributeAsPosition2d("Position"); // link to this item's parent if (Parent && ( Parent->getType() == EGUIET_CONTEXT_MENU || Parent->getType() == EGUIET_MENU ) ) ((CGUIContextMenu*)Parent)->setSubMenu(in->getAttributeAsInt("ParentItem"),this); removeAllItems(); // read the item list const s32 count = in->getAttributeAsInt("ItemCount"); for (s32 i=0; igetAttributeAsBool(tmp.c_str()) ) addSeparator(); else { tmp = "Text"; tmp += i; txt = in->getAttributeAsStringW(tmp.c_str()); tmp = "CommandID"; tmp += i; commandid = in->getAttributeAsInt(tmp.c_str()); tmp = "Enabled"; tmp += i; enabled = in->getAttributeAsBool(tmp.c_str()); tmp = "Checked"; tmp += i; checked = in->getAttributeAsBool(tmp.c_str()); addItem(core::stringw(txt.c_str()).c_str(), commandid, enabled, false, checked); } } recalculateSize(); } // because sometimes the element has no parent at click time void CGUIContextMenu::setEventParent(IGUIElement *parent) { EventParent = parent; for (u32 i=0; isetEventParent(parent); } bool CGUIContextMenu::hasOpenSubMenu() const { for (u32 i=0; iisVisible() ) return true; return false; } void CGUIContextMenu::closeAllSubMenus() { for (u32 i=0; isetVisible(false); //HighLighted = -1; } } // end namespace } // end namespace #endif // _IRR_COMPILE_WITH_GUI_