Compiling Freedoom ================== This document is a general overview of Freedoom’s dependencies required to build it. See `README` for a description of what Freedoom _is_, and `BUILD-SYSTEM` for the technical details on _how_ Freedoom is built. Required software ----------------- Building the Freedoom IWADs pretty much simply requires the following: * _make_: While there is some attempt to keep our Makefiles portable, testing does not really happen on anything but[GNU Make] (patches to fix portability are most welcome!). On non-GNU systems, it might be available in a package and binary named as _gmake_. * _Python_: Freedoom uses several Python programs in its tree to assist with building the IWADs. Python 3.x is required, we no longer support Python 2. * _Pillow_: A Python image manipulation module that provides the features we need for scaling and composing various graphics of the game. * _DeuTex_ 5.0: Freedoom depends on features developed in this version of DeuTex and will not build on earlier versions. It is available at in source and Windows binary formats. All or most of this software should already be available in your operating system’s software repository, with the likely exception of DeuTex, which is easy to build. Building Freedoom ----------------- Significant work has been put into making this step easy. At the top of the Freedoom source tree, you should be able to simply type `make` and wait for it to eventually produce the IWAD files in the `wads` sub-directory. Parallel make builds are safe too, such as with `make -j`. If only interested in a specific IWAD, you can also run `make wads/freedm.wad`, `make wads/freedoom1.wad`, `make wads/freedoom2.wad`. As mentioned in the prior section, the Makefile only recieves testing with the GNU version of Make. If the primary version of your Make is not GNU and it fails, try `gmake` instead. Building on Microsoft Windows ----------------------------- Freedoom has normally seen all of its development on Unix systems, nevertheless some people like to compile Freedoom on Windows. This is possible, although complicated by our choice of tooling for the project. GNU environments for Windows such as[Cygwin],[MSYS2], or[WSL] provide sufficient shell capabilities to build Freedoom. The dependencies listed previously for Freedoom apply just as well to a Windows environment. Instructions on how to use a GNU system and shell are out of scope of this document. Optional software ----------------- * _Git_: Freedoom is developed using the Git version control system, the latest developments can be tracked with it. * _AsciiDoc_: The `*.adoc` files are all written in AsciiDoc markup, and it can be used to generate HTML versions of all these documents. This is used as part of the `make dist` and `make install` targets, to generate the `NEWS.html` and `README.html` files for inclusion with official Zip files. Different implementations (eg, AsciiDoctor) may be selected by passing `ASCIIDOC` and `ASCIIDOC_MAN` environment variables to `make`. * _AsciiDoctor PDF_: Our manual, maintained in `manual/manual.adoc`, has a hard dependency on this implementation of AsciiDoc for its superior-looking PDF output. * _Zip_: The `make dist` target uses Zip to create release archives for FreeDM, Phase 1, and Phase 2. This can also provide an easy way to automate generating in-development versions for other people.