#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- """scdl allow you to download music from soundcloud Usage: scdl -l [-a | -f | -C | -t | -p][-c][-o ]\ [--hidewarnings][--debug | --error][--path ][--addtofile][--addtimestamp][--onlymp3] [--hide-progress][--min-size ][--max-size ][--remove] scdl me (-s | -a | -f | -t | -p | -m)[-c][-o ]\ [--hidewarnings][--debug | --error][--path ][--addtofile][--addtimestamp][--onlymp3] [--hide-progress][--min-size ][--max-size ][--remove] scdl -h | --help scdl --version Options: -h --help Show this screen --version Show version me Use the user profile from the auth_token -l [url] URL can be track/playlist/user -s Download the stream of a user (token needed) -a Download all tracks of a user (including reposts) -t Download all uploads of a user (no reposts) -f Download all favorites of a user -C Download all commented by a user -p Download all playlists of a user -m Download all liked and owned playlists of a user -c Continue if a downloaded file already exists -o [offset] Begin with a custom offset --path [path] Use a custom path for downloaded files --min-size [min-size] Skip tracks smaller than size (k/m/g) --max-size [max-size] Skip tracks larger than size (k/m/g) --hidewarnings Hide Warnings. (use with precaution) --addtofile Add the artist name to the filename if it isn't in the filename already --addtimestamp Adds the timestamp of the creation of the track to the title (useful to sort chronologically) --onlymp3 Download only the mp3 file even if the track is Downloadable --remove Also remove all files that are not in the downloaded collection --error Set log level to ERROR --debug Set log level to DEBUG --hide-progress Hide the wget progress bar """ import logging import os import signal import sys import time import warnings import math import shutil import requests import re import tempfile import codecs import configparser import mutagen from docopt import docopt from clint.textui import progress from scdl import __version__, CLIENT_ID, ALT_CLIENT_ID from scdl import client, utils from datetime import datetime logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(message)s') logging.getLogger('requests').setLevel(logging.WARNING) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addFilter(utils.ColorizeFilter()) arguments = None token = '' path = '' offset = 1 url = { 'playlists-liked': ('https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/users/{0}/playlists' '/liked_and_owned?limit=200'), 'favorites': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/users/{0}/favorites?' 'limit=200'), 'commented': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/users/{0}/comments'), 'tracks': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/users/{0}/tracks?' 'limit=200'), 'all': ('https://api-v2.soundcloud.com/profile/soundcloud:users:{0}?' 'limit=200'), 'playlists': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/users/{0}/playlists?' 'limit=200'), 'resolve': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/resolve?url={0}'), 'trackinfo': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/{0}'), 'user': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/users/{0}'), 'me': ('https://api.soundcloud.com/me?oauth_token={0}') } client = client.Client() fileToKeep = [] def main(): """ Main function, call parse_url """ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) global offset global arguments # Parse argument arguments = docopt(__doc__, version=__version__) if arguments['--debug']: logger.level = logging.DEBUG elif arguments['--error']: logger.level = logging.ERROR # import conf file get_config() logger.info('Soundcloud Downloader') logger.debug(arguments) if arguments['-o'] is not None: try: offset = int(arguments['-o']) if offset < 0: raise except: logger.error('Offset should be a positive integer...') sys.exit() logger.debug('offset: %d', offset) if arguments['--min-size'] is not None: try: arguments['--min-size'] = utils.size_in_bytes( arguments['--min-size'] ) except: logger.exception( 'Min size should be an integer with a possible unit suffix' ) sys.exit() logger.debug('min-size: %d', arguments['--min-size']) if arguments['--max-size'] is not None: try: arguments['--max-size'] = utils.size_in_bytes( arguments['--max-size'] ) except: logger.error( 'Max size should be an integer with a possible unit suffix' ) sys.exit() logger.debug('max-size: %d', arguments['--max-size']) if arguments['--hidewarnings']: warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') if arguments['--path'] is not None: if os.path.exists(arguments['--path']): os.chdir(arguments['--path']) else: logger.error('Invalid path in arguments...') sys.exit() logger.debug('Downloading to '+os.getcwd()+'...') if arguments['-l']: parse_url(arguments['-l']) elif arguments['me']: if arguments['-f']: download(who_am_i(), 'favorites', 'likes') if arguments['-C']: download(who_am_i(), 'commented', 'commented tracks') elif arguments['-t']: download(who_am_i(), 'tracks', 'uploaded tracks') elif arguments['-a']: download(who_am_i(), 'all', 'tracks and reposts') elif arguments['-p']: download(who_am_i(), 'playlists', 'playlists') elif arguments['-m']: download(who_am_i(), 'playlists-liked', 'my and liked playlists') if arguments['--remove']: removeFiles() def get_config(): """ read the path where to store music """ global token config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config/scdl/scdl.cfg')) try: token = config['scdl']['auth_token'] path = config['scdl']['path'] except: logger.error('Are you sure scdl.cfg is in $HOME/.config/scdl/ ? Are both "auth_token" and "path" defined there ?') sys.exit() if os.path.exists(path): os.chdir(path) else: logger.error('Invalid path in scdl.cfg...') sys.exit() def get_item(track_url, client_id=CLIENT_ID): """ Fetches metadata for an track or playlist """ try: item_url = url['resolve'].format(track_url) r = requests.get(item_url, params={'client_id': client_id}) logger.debug(r.url) if r.status_code == 403: return get_item(track_url, ALT_CLIENT_ID) item = r.json() no_tracks = item['kind'] == 'playlist' and not item['tracks'] if no_tracks and client_id != ALT_CLIENT_ID: return get_item(track_url, ALT_CLIENT_ID) except Exception: if client_id == ALT_CLIENT_ID: logger.error('Get item failed...') return logger.error('Error resolving url, retrying...') time.sleep(5) try: return get_item(track_url, ALT_CLIENT_ID) except Exception as e: logger.error('Could not resolve url {0}'.format(track_url)) logger.exception(e) sys.exit(0) return item def parse_url(track_url): """ Detects if the URL is a track or playlists, and parses the track(s) to the track downloader """ global arguments item = get_item(track_url) logger.debug(item) if not item: return elif item['kind'] == 'track': logger.info('Found a track') download_track(item) elif item['kind'] == 'playlist': logger.info('Found a playlist') download_playlist(item) elif item['kind'] == 'user': logger.info('Found a user profile') if arguments['-f']: download(item, 'favorites', 'likes') elif arguments['-C']: download(item, 'commented', 'commented tracks') elif arguments['-t']: download(item, 'tracks', 'uploaded tracks') elif arguments['-a']: download(item, 'all', 'tracks and reposts') elif arguments['-p']: download(item, 'playlists', 'playlists') elif arguments['-m']: download(item, 'playlists-liked', 'my and liked playlists') else: logger.error('Please provide a download type...') else: logger.error('Unknown item type') def who_am_i(): """ display to who the current token correspond, check if the token is valid """ me = url['me'].format(token) r = requests.get(me, params={'client_id': CLIENT_ID}) r.raise_for_status() current_user = r.json() logger.debug(me) logger.info('Hello {0}!'.format(current_user['username'])) return current_user def removeFiles(): """ Remove the track that are not in the downloaded collection """ logger.info("Removing all track that were not downloaded...") files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f)] for f in files: if not f in fileToKeep: os.remove(f) def get_track_info(trackid): """ Fetch more info on the track """ logger.info('Retrieving more info on the track') info_url = url["trackinfo"].format(trackid) r = requests.get(info_url, params={'client_id': CLIENT_ID}, stream=True) item = r.json() logger.debug(item) return item def download(user, dl_type, name): """ Download all items of a user """ username = user['username'] user_id = user['id'] logger.info( 'Retrieving all {0} of user {1}...'.format(name, username) ) dl_url = url[dl_type].format(user_id) logger.debug(dl_url) ressources = client.get_collection(dl_url, token) del ressources[:offset - 1] logger.debug(ressources) total = len(ressources) logger.info('Retrieved {0} {1}'.format(total, name)) for counter, item in enumerate(ressources, offset): try: logger.debug(item) logger.info('{0} n°{1} of {2}'.format( name.capitalize(), counter, total) ) if dl_type == 'all': item_name = item['type'].split('-')[0] # remove the '-repost' uri = item[item_name]['uri'] parse_url(uri) elif dl_type == 'playlists': download_playlist(item) elif dl_type == 'playlists-liked': parse_url(item['playlist']['uri']) elif dl_type == 'commented': item=get_track_info(item['track_id']) download_track(item) else: download_track(item) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) logger.info('Downloaded all {0} {1} of user {2}!'.format( total, name, username) ) def download_playlist(playlist): """ Download a playlist """ invalid_chars = '\/:*?|<>"' playlist_name = playlist['title'].encode('utf-8', 'ignore') playlist_name = playlist_name.decode('utf8') playlist_name = ''.join(c for c in playlist_name if c not in invalid_chars) if not os.path.exists(playlist_name): os.makedirs(playlist_name) os.chdir(playlist_name) try: with codecs.open(playlist_name + '.m3u', 'w+', 'utf8') as playlist_file: playlist_file.write('#EXTM3U' + os.linesep) del playlist['tracks'][:offset - 1] for counter, track_raw in enumerate(playlist['tracks'], offset): logger.debug(track_raw) logger.info('Track n°{0}'.format(counter)) download_track(track_raw, playlist['title'], playlist_file) finally: os.chdir('..') def download_my_stream(): """ DONT WORK FOR NOW Download the stream of the current user """ # TODO # Use Token def try_utime(path, filetime): try: os.utime(path, (time.time(), filetime)) except: logger.warn("Cannot update utime of file") def get_filename(track, title, is_original = False): username = track['user']['username'] if username not in title and arguments['--addtofile']: title = '{0} - {1}'.format(username, title) if arguments['--addtimestamp']: # created_at sample: 2017/03/03 09:29:33 +0000 ts = datetime\ .strptime(track['created_at'], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z")\ .timestamp() title = str(int(ts)) + "_" + title title = title if is_original else title + ".mp3" return title def download_track(track, playlist_name=None, playlist_file=None): """ Downloads a track """ global arguments title = track['title'] title = title.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf8') if track['streamable']: url = track['stream_url'] else: logger.error('{0} is not streamable...'.format(title)) return logger.info('Downloading {0}'.format(title)) r = None # filename if track['downloadable'] and not arguments['--onlymp3']: logger.info('Downloading the original file.') original_url = track['download_url'] r = requests.get(original_url, params={'client_id': CLIENT_ID}, stream=True) if r.status_code == 401: logger.info('The original file has no download left.') filename = get_filename(track, title) else: if r.headers['content-disposition']: d = r.headers['content-disposition'] filename = re.findall("filename=(.+)", d)[0][1:-1] filename = get_filename(track, filename, True) else: filename = get_filename(track, title) else: filename = get_filename(track, title) invalid_chars = '\/:*?|<>"' filename = ''.join(c for c in filename if c not in invalid_chars) filename.encode('utf-8', 'ignore').decode('utf8') base, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) filename = base + ext.lower() logger.debug("filename : {0}".format(filename)) # Add the track to the generated m3u playlist file if playlist_file: duration = math.floor(track['duration'] / 1000) playlist_file.write( '#EXTINF:{0},{1}{3}{2}{3}'.format( duration, title, filename, os.linesep ) ) if arguments['--remove']: fileToKeep.append(filename) # Download if not os.path.isfile(filename): if r is None or r.status_code == 401: r = requests.get(url, params={'client_id': CLIENT_ID}, stream=True) logger.debug(r.url) if r.status_code == 401 or r.status_code == 429: r = requests.get(url, params={'client_id': ALT_CLIENT_ID}, stream=True) logger.debug(r.url) r.raise_for_status() temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) total_length = int(r.headers.get('content-length')) min_size = arguments.get('--min-size') max_size = arguments.get('--max-size') if min_size is not None and total_length < min_size: logging.info('{0} not large enough, skipping'.format(title)) return if max_size is not None and total_length > max_size: logging.info('{0} too large, skipping'.format(title)) return with temp as f: for chunk in progress.bar( r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024), expected_size=(total_length/1024) + 1, hide=True if arguments["--hide-progress"] else False ): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() shutil.move(temp.name, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)) if filename.endswith('.mp3') or filename.endswith('.m4a'): try: setMetadata(track, filename, playlist_name) except Exception as e: logger.error('Error trying to set the tags...') logger.debug(e) else: logger.error("This type of audio doesn't support tagging...") #Try to change the real creation date created_at = track['created_at'] filetime = int(time.mktime(datetime.strptime(created_at, '%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z').timetuple())) try_utime(filename,filetime) else: if arguments['-c'] or arguments['--remove']: logger.info('{0} already Downloaded'.format(title)) return else: logger.error('Music already exists ! (use -c to continue)') sys.exit(0) logger.info('{0} Downloaded.\n'.format(filename)) def setMetadata(track, filename, album=None): """ Set the tags to the mp3 """ logger.info('Settings tags...') artwork_url = track['artwork_url'] user = track['user'] if not artwork_url: artwork_url = user['avatar_url'] artwork_url = artwork_url.replace('large', 't500x500') response = requests.get(artwork_url, stream=True) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as out_file: shutil.copyfileobj(response.raw, out_file) out_file.seek(0) track_date = datetime.strptime(track['created_at'], "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S %z") logger.debug('Extracting date: {0} {1}'.format(track['created_at'], track_date)) track_year = track_date.strftime("%Y") track_day_month = track_date.strftime("%d%m") audio = mutagen.File(filename) audio['TIT2'] = mutagen.id3.TIT2(encoding=3, text=track['title']) audio['TPE1'] = mutagen.id3.TPE1(encoding=3, text=user['username']) audio['TCON'] = mutagen.id3.TCON(encoding=3, text=track['genre']) audio['COMM'] = mutagen.id3.COMM(encoding=3, lang=u'ENG', text=track['description']) audio['TYER'] = mutagen.id3.TYER(encoding=3, text=track_year) audio['TDAT'] = mutagen.id3.TDAT(encoding=3, text=track_day_month) audio['WOAS'] = mutagen.id3.WOAS(url=track['permalink_url']) if album: audio['TALB'] = mutagen.id3.TALB(encoding=3, text=album) if artwork_url: audio['APIC'] = mutagen.id3.APIC( encoding=3, mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc='Cover', data=out_file.read() ) else: logger.error('Artwork can not be set.') audio.save(v2_version=3) def signal_handler(signal, frame): """ Handle Keyboardinterrupt """ logger.info('\nGood bye!') sys.exit(0) if __name__ == '__main__': main()