#!/usr/bin/python3 """scdl allow you to download music from soundcloud Usage: scdl.py -l [-a | -f | -t | -p][-c][-o ][--hidewarnings][--path ][--addtofile] scdl.py me (-s | -a | -f | -t | -p)[-c][-o ][--hidewarnings][--path ][--addtofile] scdl.py -h | --help scdl.py --version Options: -h --help Show this screen --version Show version me Use the user profile from the auth_token -l [url] URL can be track/playlist/user -s Download the stream of an user (token needed) -a Download all track of an user (including repost) -t Download all upload of an user -f Download all favorite of an user -p Download all playlist of an user -c Continue if a music already exist -o [offset] Begin with a custom offset --path [path] Use a custom path for this time --hidewarnings Hide Warnings. (use with precaution) --addtofile Add the artist name to the filename if it isn't in the filename already """ from docopt import docopt import configparser import warnings import os import signal import sys import time import soundcloud import wget import urllib.request import json import mutagen token = '' offset = 0 filename = '' scdl_client_id = 'b45b1aa10f1ac2941910a7f0d10f8e28' client = soundcloud.Client(client_id=scdl_client_id) def main(): """ Main function, call parse_url """ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) print("Soundcloud Downloader") global offset # import conf file get_config() # Parse argument arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1') print(arguments) if arguments["-o"] is not None: try: offset = int(arguments["-o"]) except: print('Offset should be an Integer...') sys.exit() if arguments["--hidewarnings"]: warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") print("no warnings!") if arguments["--path"] is not None: if os.path.exists(arguments["--path"]): os.chdir(arguments["--path"]) else: print('Invalid path...') sys.exit() print('') if arguments["-l"]: parse_url(arguments[""]) elif arguments["me"]: if arguments["-a"]: download_all_user_tracks(who_am_i()) elif arguments["-f"]: download_user_favorites(who_am_i()) elif arguments["-t"]: download_user_tracks(who_am_i()) elif arguments["-p"]: download_user_playlists(who_am_i()) def get_config(): """ read the path where to store music """ global token config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config/scdl/scdl.cfg')) try: token = config['scdl']['auth_token'] path = config['scdl']['path'] except: print('Are you sure scdl.cfg is in $HOME/.config/scdl/ ?') sys.exit() if os.path.exists(path): os.chdir(path) else: print('Invalid path...') sys.exit() def get_item(track_url): """ Fetches metadata for an track or playlist """ try: item = client.get('/resolve', url=track_url) except Exception: print("Could not resolve url " + track_url) sys.exit(0) return item def parse_url(track_url): """ Detects if the URL is a track or playlists, and parses the track(s) to the track downloader """ arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1') item = get_item(track_url) if not item: return elif item.kind == 'track': print("Found a track") download_track(item) elif item.kind == "playlist": print("Found a playlist") download_playlist(item) elif item.kind == 'user': print("Found an user profile") if arguments["-f"]: download_user_favorites(item) elif arguments["-t"]: download_user_tracks(item) elif arguments["-a"]: download_all_user_tracks(item) elif arguments["-p"]: download_user_playlists(item) else: print('Please provide a download type...') else: print("Unknown item type") def who_am_i(): """ display to who the current token correspond, check if the token is valid """ global client client = soundcloud.Client(access_token=token, client_id=scdl_client_id) try: current_user = client.get('/me') except: print('Invalid token...') sys.exit(0) print('Hello', current_user.username, '!') print('') return current_user def download_all_user_tracks(user): """ Find track & repost of the user """ global offset user_id = user.id url = "https://api.sndcdn.com/e1/users/%s/sounds.json?limit=1&offset=%d&client_id=9dbef61eb005cb526480279a0cc868c4" % (user_id, offset) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = response.read() text = data.decode('utf-8') json_data = json.loads(text) while json_data != '[]': offset += 1 try: this_url = json_data[0]['track']['uri'] except: this_url = json_data[0]['playlist']['uri'] print('Track n°%d' % (offset)) parse_url(this_url) url = "https://api.sndcdn.com/e1/users/%s/sounds.json?limit=1&offset=%d&client_id=9dbef61eb005cb526480279a0cc868c4" % (user_id, offset) response = urllib.request.urlopen(url) data = response.read() text = data.decode('utf-8') json_data = json.loads(text) def download_user_tracks(user): """ Find track in user upload --> no repost """ global offset count = 0 tracks = client.get('/users/' + str(user.id) + '/tracks', limit=10, offset=offset) for track in tracks: for track in tracks: count += 1 print("") print('Track n°%d' % (count)) download_track(track) offset += 10 tracks = client.get('/users/' + str(user.id) + '/tracks', limit=10, offset=offset) print('All users track downloaded!') def download_user_playlists(user): """ Find playlists of the user """ global offset count = 0 playlists = client.get('/users/' + str(user.id) + '/playlists', limit=10, offset=offset) for playlist in playlists: for playlist in playlists: count += 1 print("") print('Playlist n°%d' % (count)) download_playlist(playlist) offset += 10 playlists = client.get('/users/' + str(user.id) + '/playlists', limit=10, offset=offset) print('All users playlists downloaded!') def download_user_favorites(user): """ Find tracks in user favorites """ global offset count = 0 favorites = client.get('/users/' + str(user.id) + '/favorites', limit=10, offset=offset) for track in favorites: for track in favorites: count += 1 print("") print('Favorite n°%d' % (count)) download_track(track) offset += 10 client.get('/users/' + str(user.id) + '/favorites', limit=10, offset=offset) print('All users favorites downloaded!') def download_my_stream(): """ DONT WORK FOR NOW Download the stream of the current user """ client = soundcloud.Client(access_token=token, client_id=scdl_client_id) activities = client.get('/me/activities') print(activities) def download_playlist(playlist): """ Download a playlist """ count = 0 for track_raw in playlist.tracks: count += 1 mp3_url = get_item(track_raw["permalink_url"]) print('Track n°%d' % (count)) download_track(mp3_url) def download_track(track): """ Downloads a track """ global filename arguments = docopt(__doc__, version='0.1') if track.streamable: stream_url = client.get(track.stream_url, allow_redirects=False) else: print('%s is not streamable...' % (track.title)) print('') return title = track.title print("Downloading " + title) #filename if track.downloadable: print('Downloading the orginal file.') url = track.download_url + '?client_id=' + scdl_client_id filename = urllib.request.urlopen(url).info()['Content-Disposition'].split('filename=')[1] if filename[0] == '"' or filename[0] == "'": filename = filename[1:-1] else: url = stream_url.location invalid_chars = '\/:*?|<>' if track.user['username'] not in title and arguments["--addtofile"]: title = track.user['username'] + ' - ' + title title = ''.join(c for c in title if c not in invalid_chars) filename = title + '.mp3' # Download if not os.path.isfile(filename): wget.download(url, filename) print('') if '.mp3' in filename: try: settags(track) except: print('Error trying to set the tags...') else: print('This type of audio don\'t support tag...') else: if arguments["-c"]: print(title + " already Downloaded") print('') return else: print('') print("Music already exists ! (exiting)") sys.exit(0) print('') print(filename + ' Downloaded.') print('') def settags(track): """ Set the tags to the mp3 """ print("Settings tags...") user = client.get('/users/' + str(track.user_id), allow_redirects=False) artwork_url = track.artwork_url if artwork_url is None: artwork_url = user.avatar_url artwork_url = artwork_url.replace('large', 't500x500') urllib.request.urlretrieve(artwork_url, '/tmp/scdl.jpg') audio = mutagen.File(filename) audio["TIT2"] = mutagen.id3.TIT2(encoding=3, text=track.title) audio["TALB"] = mutagen.id3.TALB(encoding=3, text='Soundcloud') audio["TPE1"] = mutagen.id3.TPE1(encoding=3, text=user.username) audio["TCON"] = mutagen.id3.TCON(encoding=3, text=track.genre) if artwork_url is not None: audio["APIC"] = mutagen.id3.APIC(encoding=3, mime='image/jpeg', type=3, desc='Cover', data=open('/tmp/scdl.jpg', 'rb').read()) else: print("Artwork can not be set.") audio.save() def signal_handler(signal, frame): """ handle keyboardinterrupt """ time.sleep(1) files = os.listdir() for f in files: if not os.path.isdir(f) and ".tmp" in f: os.remove(f) print('') print('Good bye!') sys.exit(0) if __name__ == "__main__": main()