===================================================== =================== DOCUMENTATION =================== ===================================================== This document list how the mod stores information. ===================================================== PARTY === mod_storage:_party -- player's leadername -- rather than the actual party name, this value is the leadername because it makes it easier to obtain values below with === mod_storage:_officer -- if officer then true, else empty === mod_storage:_title -- chat title name === mod_storage:_leader -- 's party name === mod_storage:_lock -- join status of party === mod_storage:_home -- home of party ----------------------------------------------------- === attribute:partyinvite -- if invited, value is inviter's name === attribute:partypending -- for request mode parties only, if player sends request to join a party, value is party's leadername === attribute:partynoinvite -- if true all invites are ignored === attribute:partypvp -- if true, pvp between party members are enabled === attribute:partychat -- determines where the chat message is sent, main == global/main channel | party == party channel | squad == squad channel ===================================================== SQUAD === mod_storage:_squad -- player's squad name === mod_storage:_squad_no <1-7> -- squad position -- used for determining hud locations === mod_storage:_squad_leader -- if player is leader, value == squad name === mod_storage:_squad_lock -- join status of squad ----------------------------------------------------- === attribute:squadinvite -- if invited, value is inviter's name ===================================================== OBTAINING MOD STORAGE VALUES Mod storage values are local to this mod. But global functions are added for you to obtain and set values. Refer to the list above for a list of values obtainable. party.get_value() will return mod_storage:get_string() party.set_value(, ) will do mod_storage:set_string(, ) =====================================================