/* fileio.c - File i/o handler Copyright (C) Yann Collet 2013-2015 GPL v2 License This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. You can contact the author at : - zstd source repository : https://github.com/Cyan4973/zstd - Public forum : https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/lz4c */ /* Note : this is stand-alone program. It is not part of ZSTD compression library, it is a user program of ZSTD library. The license of ZSTD library is BSD. The license of this file is GPLv2. */ /* ************************************* * Tuning options ***************************************/ #ifndef ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT /**LEGACY_SUPPORT : * decompressor can decode older formats (starting from Zstd 0.1+) */ # define ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT 1 #endif /* ************************************* * Compiler Options ***************************************/ /* Disable some Visual warning messages */ #ifdef _MSC_VER # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS # define _CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /* VS2005 */ # pragma warning(disable : 4127) /* disable: C4127: conditional expression is constant */ #endif #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 /* Large file support on 32-bits unix */ #define _POSIX_SOURCE 1 /* enable fileno() within on unix */ /* ************************************* * Includes ***************************************/ #include /* fprintf, fopen, fread, _fileno, stdin, stdout */ #include /* malloc, free */ #include /* strcmp, strlen */ #include /* clock */ #include /* errno */ #include /* stat64 */ #include /* stat64 */ #include "mem.h" #include "fileio.h" #include "zstd_static.h" /* ZSTD_magicNumber */ #include "zstd_buffered_static.h" #if defined(ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT) && (ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT==1) # include "zstd_legacy.h" /* legacy */ # include "fileio_legacy.h" /* legacy */ #endif /* ************************************* * OS-specific Includes ***************************************/ #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(OS2) || defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__CYGWIN__) # include /* _O_BINARY */ # include /* _setmode, _isatty */ # ifdef __MINGW32__ // int _fileno(FILE *stream); /* seems no longer useful /* MINGW somehow forgets to include this windows declaration into */ # endif # define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) { int unused = _setmode(_fileno(file), _O_BINARY); (void)unused; } # define IS_CONSOLE(stdStream) _isatty(_fileno(stdStream)) #else # include /* isatty */ # define SET_BINARY_MODE(file) # define IS_CONSOLE(stdStream) isatty(fileno(stdStream)) #endif #if !defined(S_ISREG) # define S_ISREG(x) (((x) & S_IFMT) == S_IFREG) #endif /* ************************************* * Constants ***************************************/ #define KB *(1U<<10) #define MB *(1U<<20) #define GB *(1U<<30) #define _1BIT 0x01 #define _2BITS 0x03 #define _3BITS 0x07 #define _4BITS 0x0F #define _6BITS 0x3F #define _8BITS 0xFF #define BIT6 0x40 #define BIT7 0x80 #define BLOCKSIZE (128 KB) #define ROLLBUFFERSIZE (BLOCKSIZE*8*64) #define FIO_FRAMEHEADERSIZE 5 /* as a define, because needed to allocated table on stack */ #define FSE_CHECKSUM_SEED 0 #define CACHELINE 64 #define MAX_DICT_SIZE (512 KB) /* ************************************* * Macros ***************************************/ #define DISPLAY(...) fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__) #define DISPLAYLEVEL(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); } static U32 g_displayLevel = 2; /* 0 : no display; 1: errors; 2 : + result + interaction + warnings; 3 : + progression; 4 : + information */ #define DISPLAYUPDATE(l, ...) if (g_displayLevel>=l) { \ if ((FIO_GetMilliSpan(g_time) > refreshRate) || (g_displayLevel>=4)) \ { g_time = clock(); DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); \ if (g_displayLevel>=4) fflush(stdout); } } static const unsigned refreshRate = 150; static clock_t g_time = 0; /* ************************************* * Local Parameters ***************************************/ static U32 g_overwrite = 0; void FIO_overwriteMode(void) { g_overwrite=1; } void FIO_setNotificationLevel(unsigned level) { g_displayLevel=level; } /* ************************************* * Exceptions ***************************************/ #ifndef DEBUG # define DEBUG 0 #endif #define DEBUGOUTPUT(...) if (DEBUG) DISPLAY(__VA_ARGS__); #define EXM_THROW(error, ...) \ { \ DEBUGOUTPUT("Error defined at %s, line %i : \n", __FILE__, __LINE__); \ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Error %i : ", error); \ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, __VA_ARGS__); \ DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "\n"); \ exit(error); \ } /* ************************************* * Functions ***************************************/ static unsigned FIO_GetMilliSpan(clock_t nPrevious) { clock_t nCurrent = clock(); unsigned nSpan = (unsigned)(((nCurrent - nPrevious) * 1000) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC); return nSpan; } static void FIO_getFileHandles(FILE** pfinput, FILE** pfoutput, const char* input_filename, const char* output_filename) { if (!strcmp (input_filename, stdinmark)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdin for input\n"); *pfinput = stdin; SET_BINARY_MODE(stdin); } else { *pfinput = fopen(input_filename, "rb"); } if (!strcmp (output_filename, stdoutmark)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdout for output\n"); *pfoutput = stdout; SET_BINARY_MODE(stdout); } else { /* Check if destination file already exists */ *pfoutput=0; if (strcmp(output_filename,nulmark)) *pfoutput = fopen( output_filename, "rb" ); if (*pfoutput!=0) { fclose(*pfoutput); if (!g_overwrite) { char ch='N'; if (g_displayLevel <= 1) /* No interaction possible */ EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename); DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Warning : %s already exists\n", output_filename); DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Overwrite ? (y/N) : "); ch = (char)getchar(); if ((ch!='Y') && (ch!='y')) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", output_filename); } } *pfoutput = fopen( output_filename, "wb" ); } if ( *pfinput==0 ) EXM_THROW(12, "Pb opening src : %s", input_filename); if ( *pfoutput==0) EXM_THROW(13, "Pb opening dst : %s", output_filename); } static U64 FIO_getFileSize(const char* infilename) { int r; #if defined(_MSC_VER) struct _stat64 statbuf; r = _stat64(infilename, &statbuf); #else struct stat statbuf; r = stat(infilename, &statbuf); #endif if (r || !S_ISREG(statbuf.st_mode)) return 0; return (U64)statbuf.st_size; } static int FIO_getFiles(FILE** fileOutPtr, FILE** fileInPtr, const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName) { if (!strcmp (srcFileName, stdinmark)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdin for input\n"); *fileInPtr = stdin; SET_BINARY_MODE(stdin); } else { *fileInPtr = fopen(srcFileName, "rb"); } if ( *fileInPtr==0 ) { DISPLAYLEVEL(1, "Unable to access file for processing: %s\n", srcFileName); return 1; } if (!strcmp (dstFileName, stdoutmark)) { DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using stdout for output\n"); *fileOutPtr = stdout; SET_BINARY_MODE(stdout); } else { /* Check if destination file already exists */ if (!g_overwrite) { *fileOutPtr = fopen( dstFileName, "rb" ); if (*fileOutPtr != 0) { /* prompt for overwrite authorization */ int ch = 'N'; fclose(*fileOutPtr); DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Warning : %s already exists\n", dstFileName); if ((g_displayLevel <= 1) || (*fileInPtr == stdin)) EXM_THROW(11, "Operation aborted : %s already exists", dstFileName); /* No interaction possible */ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Overwrite ? (y/N) : "); while((ch = getchar()) != '\n' && ch != EOF); /* flush integrated */ if ((ch!='Y') && (ch!='y')) EXM_THROW(12, "No. Operation aborted : %s already exists", dstFileName); } } *fileOutPtr = fopen( dstFileName, "wb" ); } if (*fileOutPtr==0) EXM_THROW(13, "Pb opening %s", dstFileName); return 0; } /* ********************************************************************** * Compression ************************************************************************/ typedef struct { void* srcBuffer; size_t srcBufferSize; void* dstBuffer; size_t dstBufferSize; void* dictBuffer; size_t dictBufferSize; ZBUFF_CCtx* ctx; } cRess_t; static cRess_t FIO_createCResources(const char* dictFileName) { cRess_t ress; ress.ctx = ZBUFF_createCCtx(); if (ress.ctx == NULL) EXM_THROW(30, "Allocation error : can't create ZBUFF context"); /* Allocate Memory */ ress.srcBufferSize = ZBUFF_recommendedCInSize(); ress.srcBuffer = malloc(ress.srcBufferSize); ress.dstBufferSize = ZBUFF_recommendedCOutSize(); ress.dstBuffer = malloc(ress.dstBufferSize); if (!ress.srcBuffer || !ress.dstBuffer) EXM_THROW(31, "Allocation error : not enough memory"); /* dictionary */ ress.dictBuffer = NULL; ress.dictBufferSize = 0; if (dictFileName) { FILE* dictHandle; size_t readSize; U64 dictSize; DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using %s as dictionary \n", dictFileName); dictHandle = fopen(dictFileName, "rb"); if (dictHandle==0) EXM_THROW(31, "Error opening dictionary file %s", dictFileName); dictSize = FIO_getFileSize(dictFileName); if (dictSize > MAX_DICT_SIZE) { int seekResult; if (dictSize > 1 GB) EXM_THROW(32, "Dictionary file %s is too large", dictFileName); /* avoid extreme cases */ DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Dictionary %s is too large : using last %u bytes only \n", dictFileName, MAX_DICT_SIZE); seekResult = fseek(dictHandle, (long int)(dictSize-MAX_DICT_SIZE), SEEK_SET); /* use end of file */ if (seekResult != 0) EXM_THROW(33, "Error seeking into dictionary file %s", dictFileName); dictSize = MAX_DICT_SIZE; } ress.dictBuffer = (BYTE*)malloc((size_t)dictSize); if (ress.dictBuffer==NULL) EXM_THROW(34, "Allocation error : not enough memory for dictBuffer"); readSize = fread(ress.dictBuffer, 1, (size_t)dictSize, dictHandle); if (readSize!=dictSize) EXM_THROW(35, "Error reading dictionary file %s", dictFileName); fclose(dictHandle); ress.dictBufferSize = (size_t)dictSize; } return ress; } static void FIO_freeCResources(cRess_t ress) { size_t errorCode; free(ress.srcBuffer); free(ress.dstBuffer); free(ress.dictBuffer); errorCode = ZBUFF_freeCCtx(ress.ctx); if (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode)) EXM_THROW(38, "Error : can't release ZBUFF context resource : %s", ZBUFF_getErrorName(errorCode)); } /* * FIO_compressFilename_extRess() * result : 0 : compression completed correctly * 1 : missing or pb opening srcFileName */ static int FIO_compressFilename_extRess(cRess_t ress, const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName, int cLevel) { FILE* srcFile; FILE* dstFile; U64 filesize = 0; U64 compressedfilesize = 0; size_t dictSize = ress.dictBufferSize; size_t sizeCheck, errorCode; /* File check */ if (FIO_getFiles(&dstFile, &srcFile, dstFileName, srcFileName)) return 1; /* init */ filesize = FIO_getFileSize(srcFileName) + dictSize; errorCode = ZBUFF_compressInit_advanced(ress.ctx, ZSTD_getParams(cLevel, filesize)); if (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode)) EXM_THROW(21, "Error initializing compression"); errorCode = ZBUFF_compressWithDictionary(ress.ctx, ress.dictBuffer, ress.dictBufferSize); if (ZBUFF_isError(errorCode)) EXM_THROW(22, "Error initializing dictionary"); /* Main compression loop */ filesize = 0; while (1) { size_t inSize; /* Fill input Buffer */ inSize = fread(ress.srcBuffer, (size_t)1, ress.srcBufferSize, srcFile); if (inSize==0) break; filesize += inSize; DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\rRead : %u MB ", (U32)(filesize>>20)); { /* Compress (buffered streaming ensures appropriate formatting) */ size_t usedInSize = inSize; size_t cSize = ress.dstBufferSize; size_t result = ZBUFF_compressContinue(ress.ctx, ress.dstBuffer, &cSize, ress.srcBuffer, &usedInSize); if (ZBUFF_isError(result)) EXM_THROW(23, "Compression error : %s ", ZBUFF_getErrorName(result)); if (inSize != usedInSize) /* inBuff should be entirely consumed since buffer sizes are recommended ones */ EXM_THROW(24, "Compression error : input block not fully consumed"); /* Write cBlock */ sizeCheck = fwrite(ress.dstBuffer, 1, cSize, dstFile); if (sizeCheck!=cSize) EXM_THROW(25, "Write error : cannot write compressed block into %s", dstFileName); compressedfilesize += cSize; } DISPLAYUPDATE(2, "\rRead : %u MB ==> %.2f%% ", (U32)(filesize>>20), (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100); } /* End of Frame */ { size_t cSize = ress.dstBufferSize; size_t result = ZBUFF_compressEnd(ress.ctx, ress.dstBuffer, &cSize); if (result!=0) EXM_THROW(26, "Compression error : cannot create frame end"); sizeCheck = fwrite(ress.dstBuffer, 1, cSize, dstFile); if (sizeCheck!=cSize) EXM_THROW(27, "Write error : cannot write frame end into %s", dstFileName); compressedfilesize += cSize; } /* Status */ DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", ""); DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Compressed %llu bytes into %llu bytes ==> %.2f%%\n", (unsigned long long) filesize, (unsigned long long) compressedfilesize, (double)compressedfilesize/filesize*100); /* clean */ fclose(srcFile); if (fclose(dstFile)) EXM_THROW(28, "Write error : cannot properly close %s", dstFileName); return 0; } int FIO_compressFilename(const char* dstFileName, const char* srcFileName, const char* dictFileName, int compressionLevel) { clock_t start, end; cRess_t ress; int issueWithSrcFile = 0; /* Init */ start = clock(); ress = FIO_createCResources(dictFileName); /* Compress File */ issueWithSrcFile += FIO_compressFilename_extRess(ress, dstFileName, srcFileName, compressionLevel); /* Free resources */ FIO_freeCResources(ress); /* Final Status */ end = clock(); { double seconds = (double)(end - start) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC; DISPLAYLEVEL(4, "Completed in %.2f sec \n", seconds); } return issueWithSrcFile; } #define FNSPACE 30 int FIO_compressMultipleFilenames(const char** inFileNamesTable, unsigned nbFiles, const char* suffix, const char* dictFileName, int compressionLevel) { unsigned u; int missed_files = 0; char* dstFileName = (char*)malloc(FNSPACE); size_t dfnSize = FNSPACE; const size_t suffixSize = strlen(suffix); cRess_t ress; /* init */ ress = FIO_createCResources(dictFileName); /* loop on each file */ for (u=0; u>20) ); if (toRead == 0) break; if (readSize) continue; /* still some data left within inBuff */ /* Fill input buffer */ if (toRead > inBuffSize) EXM_THROW(34, "too large block"); readSize = fread(inBuff, 1, toRead, finput); if (readSize != toRead) EXM_THROW(35, "Read error"); } return frameSize; } unsigned long long FIO_decompressFilename(const char* output_filename, const char* input_filename, const char* dictFileName) { FILE* finput, *foutput; BYTE* inBuff=NULL; size_t inBuffSize = ZBUFF_recommendedDInSize(); BYTE* outBuff=NULL; size_t outBuffSize = ZBUFF_recommendedDOutSize(); BYTE* dictBuff=NULL; size_t dictSize = 0; U64 filesize = 0; size_t toRead; /* dictionary */ if (dictFileName) { FILE* dictHandle; size_t readSize; DISPLAYLEVEL(4,"Using %s as dictionary \n", dictFileName); dictHandle = fopen(dictFileName, "rb"); if (dictHandle==0) EXM_THROW(21, "Error opening dictionary file %s", dictFileName); dictSize = (size_t)FIO_getFileSize(dictFileName); if (dictSize > MAX_DICT_SIZE) { int seekResult; if (dictSize > 1 GB) EXM_THROW(21, "Dictionary file %s is too large", dictFileName); /* avoid extreme cases */ DISPLAYLEVEL(2,"Dictionary %s is too large : using last %u bytes only \n", dictFileName, MAX_DICT_SIZE); seekResult = fseek(dictHandle, (long int)(dictSize-MAX_DICT_SIZE), SEEK_SET); /* use end of file */ if (seekResult != 0) EXM_THROW(21, "Error seeking into dictionary file %s", dictFileName); dictSize = MAX_DICT_SIZE; } dictBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(dictSize); if (dictBuff==NULL) EXM_THROW(20, "Allocation error : not enough memory for dictBuff"); readSize = fread(dictBuff, 1, (size_t)dictSize, dictHandle); if (readSize!=dictSize) EXM_THROW(21, "Error reading dictionary file %s", dictFileName); fclose(dictHandle); } /* Init */ ZBUFF_DCtx* dctx = ZBUFF_createDCtx(); FIO_getFileHandles(&finput, &foutput, input_filename, output_filename); /* Allocate Memory (if needed) */ inBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(inBuffSize); outBuff = (BYTE*)malloc(outBuffSize); if (!inBuff || !outBuff) EXM_THROW(33, "Allocation error : not enough memory"); /* for each frame */ for ( ; ; ) { size_t sizeCheck; /* check magic number -> version */ toRead = 4; sizeCheck = fread(inBuff, (size_t)1, toRead, finput); if (sizeCheck==0) break; /* no more input */ if (sizeCheck != toRead) EXM_THROW(31, "Read error : cannot read header"); #if defined(ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT) && (ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT==1) if (ZSTD_isLegacy(MEM_readLE32(inBuff))) { filesize += FIO_decompressLegacyFrame(foutput, finput, MEM_readLE32(inBuff)); continue; } #endif /* ZSTD_LEGACY_SUPPORT */ filesize += FIO_decompressFrame(foutput, finput, inBuff, inBuffSize, toRead, outBuff, outBuffSize, dictBuff, dictSize, dctx); } DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "\r%79s\r", ""); DISPLAYLEVEL(2, "Decoded %llu bytes \n", (long long unsigned)filesize); /* clean */ free(inBuff); free(outBuff); free(dictBuff); ZBUFF_freeDCtx(dctx); fclose(finput); if (fclose(foutput)) EXM_THROW(38, "Write error : cannot properly close %s", output_filename); return filesize; }