wesh = { name = "wesh", temp_foldername = "wesh_temp_obj_files", default_max_faces = 8000, mod_path = minetest.get_modpath(minetest.get_current_modname()), vt_size = 72, player_canvas = {}, forms = {}, content_ids = {}, } wesh.models_path = wesh.mod_path .. "/models/" local storage = dofile(wesh.mod_path .. "/storage.lua") local smartfs = dofile(wesh.mod_path .. "/lib/smartfs.lua") -- ======================================================================== -- local helpers -- ======================================================================== local function copy_file(source, dest) local src_file = io.open(source, "rb") if not src_file then return false, "copy_file() unable to open source for reading" end local src_data = src_file:read("*all") src_file:close() local dest_file = io.open(dest, "wb") if not dest_file then return false, "copy_file() unable to open dest for writing" end dest_file:write(src_data) dest_file:close() return true, "files copied successfully" end local function custom_or_default(modname, path, filename) local default_filename = "default/" .. filename local full_filename = path .. "/custom." .. filename local full_default_filename = path .. "/" .. default_filename os.rename(path .. "/" .. filename, full_filename) local file = io.open(full_filename, "rb") if not file then minetest.debug("[" .. modname .. "] Copying " .. default_filename .. " to " .. filename .. " (path: " .. path .. ")") local success, err = copy_file(full_default_filename, full_filename) if not success then minetest.debug("[" .. modname .. "] " .. err) return false end file = io.open(full_filename, "rb") if not file then minetest.debug("[" .. modname .. "] Unable to load " .. filename .. " file from path " .. path) return false end end file:close() return full_filename end -- ======================================================================== -- initialization functions -- ======================================================================== function wesh.init() wesh.temp_path = minetest.get_worldpath() .. "/mod_storage/" .. wesh.temp_foldername .. "/" wesh.gen_prefix = "mesh_" if not minetest.mkdir(wesh.temp_path) then error("[wesh] Unable to create folder " .. wesh.temp_path) end wesh.init_colors() wesh.init_geometry() wesh.init_privileges() wesh.init_transforms() wesh.init_variants() wesh.init_vertex_textures() wesh.register_canvas_nodes() wesh.delete_marked_objs() wesh.move_temp_files() wesh.load_mod_meshes() end function wesh.init_colors() wesh.colors = { "violet", "white", "yellow", "air", "magenta", "orange", "pink", "red", "dark_green", "dark_grey", "green", "grey", "black", "blue", "brown", "cyan", } -- The following loop populates the color_vertices table with data like this... -- -- wesh.color_vertices = { -- violet = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }, -- white = { 5, 6, 7, 8 }, -- -- ...and so forth, in a boring sequence. -- -- Such indices will refer to the vt sequence generated by _init_vertex_textures() -- The same loop will also fill the nodename_to_color table with default fallbacks for wool wesh.nodename_to_color = {} wesh.nodename_to_rgb = {} wesh.color_vertices = {} for i, color in ipairs(wesh.colors) do local t = {} local j = (i - 1) * 4 + 1 for k = j, j + 3 do table.insert(t, k) end wesh.color_vertices[color] = t if color ~= "air" then wesh.nodename_to_color["wool:" .. color] = color end end local full_colors_filename = custom_or_default(wesh.name, wesh.mod_path, "nodecolors.conf") if not full_colors_filename then return end local file = io.open(full_colors_filename, "rb") if not file then return end -- The following loop will fill the nodename_to_color table with custom values local content = file:read("*all") local lines = content:gsub("(\r\n)+", "\r"):gsub("\r+", "\n"):split("\n") for _, line in ipairs(lines) do line = line:gsub("%s+", "") if line:sub(1,1) ~= "#" then local parts = line:split("=") if #parts == 2 then wesh.nodename_to_color[parts[1]] = parts[2] end end end file:close() local full_rgb_filename = custom_or_default(wesh.name, wesh.mod_path, "colors.txt") if not full_rgb_filename then return end local rgb_file = io.open(full_rgb_filename, "rb") if not rgb_file then return end -- The following loop will fill the nodename_to_rgb table with custom values local rgb_content = rgb_file:read("*all") local rgb_lines = rgb_content:gsub("(\r\n)+", "\r"):gsub("\r+", "\n"):split("\n") for _, line in ipairs(rgb_lines) do line = line:gsub("%s+", " ") if line:sub(1,1) ~= "#" then local parts = line:split(" ") if #parts == 4 then wesh.nodename_to_rgb[parts[1]] = { tonumber(parts[2]), tonumber(parts[3]), tonumber(parts[4]) } end end end rgb_file:close() end function wesh.init_geometry() -- helper table to build the six faces wesh.cube_vertices = { { x = 1, y = -1, z = -1 }, -- 1 { x = -1, y = -1, z = -1 }, -- 2 { x = -1, y = -1, z = 1 }, -- 3 { x = 1, y = -1, z = 1 }, -- 4 { x = 1, y = 1, z = -1 }, -- 5 { x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 }, -- 6 { x = -1, y = 1, z = 1 }, -- 7 { x = -1, y = 1, z = -1 }, -- 8 } -- vertices refer to the above cube_vertices table wesh.face_construction = { bottom = { vertices = { 4, 3, 2, 1 }, normal = 1 }, top = { vertices = { 8, 7, 6, 5 }, normal = 2 }, back = { vertices = { 2, 8, 5, 1 }, normal = 3 }, front = { vertices = { 4, 6, 7, 3 }, normal = 4 }, left = { vertices = { 6, 4, 1, 5 }, normal = 5 }, right = { vertices = { 3, 7, 8, 2 }, normal = 6 }, } wesh.face_normals = { {x = 0, y = -1, z = 0 }, {x = 0, y = 1, z = 0 }, {x = 0, y = 0, z = -1 }, {x = 0, y = 0, z = 1 }, {x = -1, y = 0, z = 0 }, {x = 1, y = 0, z = 0 }, } end function wesh.init_privileges() minetest.register_privilege("wesh_capture", { description = "Can use wesh canvases to capture new meshes", give_to_singleplayer = true, }) minetest.register_privilege("wesh_place", { description = "Can place nodes created from wesh captures", give_to_singleplayer = true, }) minetest.register_privilege("wesh_delete", { description = "Can delete captured meshes", give_to_singleplayer = true, }) minetest.register_privilege("wesh_import", { description = "Can import matrix files", give_to_singleplayer = true, }) minetest.register_privilege("wesh_fill", { description = "Can void the canvas or fill it with arbitrary nodes", give_to_singleplayer = true, }) end function wesh.init_transforms() local rot = {} local dir = {} -- no rotation rot[0] = matrix{{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, 1, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}} -- 90 degrees clockwise rot[1] = matrix{{ 0, 0, 1}, { 0, 1, 0}, { -1, 0, 0}} -- 180 degrees rot[2] = matrix{{ -1, 0, 0}, { 0, 1, 0}, { 0, 0, -1}} -- 270 degrees clockwise rot[3] = matrix{{ 0, 0, -1}, { 0, 1, 0}, { 1, 0, 0}} -- directions -- Y+ dir[0] = matrix{{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, 1, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}} -- Z+ dir[1] = matrix{{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, -1}, { 0, 1, 0}} -- Z- dir[2] = matrix{{ 1, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}, { 0, -1, 0}} -- X+ dir[3] = matrix{{ 0, 1, 0}, { -1, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}} -- X- dir[4] = matrix{{ 0, -1, 0}, { 1, 0, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}} -- Y- dir[5] = matrix{{ -1, 0, 0}, { 0, -1, 0}, { 0, 0, 1}} wesh._facedir_transform = {} wesh._matrix_to_facedir = {} for facedir = 0, 23 do local direction = math.floor(facedir / 4) local rotation = facedir % 4 local transform = dir[direction] * rot[rotation] wesh._facedir_transform[facedir] = transform wesh._matrix_to_facedir[transform:tostring():gsub("%-0", "0")] = facedir end end function wesh.get_facedir_transform(facedir) return wesh._facedir_transform[facedir] or wesh._facedir_transform[0] end function wesh.matrix_to_facedir(mtx) local key = mtx:tostring():gsub("%-0", "0") if not wesh._matrix_to_facedir[key] then error("Unsupported matrix:\n" .. key) end return wesh._matrix_to_facedir[key] end function wesh.transform_facedir(canvas_facedir, node_facedir, invert_canvas) if not wesh.transform_cache then wesh.transform_cache = {} end local rotation = node_facedir % 32 -- get first 5 bits local remaining = node_facedir - rotation local cache_key = canvas_facedir .. "," .. rotation .. "," .. (invert_canvas and 1 or 0) if not wesh.transform_cache[cache_key] then local canvas_transform = wesh.get_facedir_transform(canvas_facedir) local node_transform = wesh.get_facedir_transform(rotation) if invert_canvas then canvas_transform = canvas_transform:invert() end local transform = canvas_transform * node_transform wesh.transform_cache[cache_key] = wesh.matrix_to_facedir(transform) end return wesh.transform_cache[cache_key] + remaining end function wesh.init_variants() wesh.variants = { plain = "plain-16.png", } local full_variants_filename = custom_or_default(wesh.name, wesh.mod_path, "nodevariants.lua") if not full_variants_filename then return end local file = io.open(full_variants_filename, "rb") if not file then return end local custom_variants = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) file:close() -- ensure there is at least one valid variant in the custom variants if custom_variants and type(custom_variants) == "table" then for name, texture in pairs(custom_variants) do if name and type(name) == "string" and texture and type(texture) == "string" then wesh.variants = custom_variants break end end end end function wesh.init_vertex_textures() -- creates a 4x4 grid of UV mappings, each with a margin of one pixel -- will be used by the .OBJ file generator local vt = {} local space = wesh.vt_size / 4 local tile = space - 2 local offset = tile / 2 local start = offset + 1 local stop = start + 3 * space local mult = 1 / wesh.vt_size for y = start, stop, space do for x = start, stop, space do table.insert(vt, "vt " .. ((x + offset) * mult) .. " " .. ((y + offset) * mult) .. "\n") -- top right table.insert(vt, "vt " .. ((x + offset) * mult) .. " " .. ((y - offset) * mult) .. "\n") -- bottom right table.insert(vt, "vt " .. ((x - offset) * mult) .. " " .. ((y - offset) * mult) .. "\n") -- bottom left table.insert(vt, "vt " .. ((x - offset) * mult) .. " " .. ((y + offset) * mult) .. "\n") -- top left end end wesh.vertex_textures = table.concat(vt) end function wesh.register_canvas_nodes() local function register_canvas(index, size, recipe) minetest.register_craft({ output = "wesh:canvas" .. size, recipe = recipe, }) minetest.register_node("wesh:canvas" .. size, { drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "zzz_canvas" .. size .. ".obj", inventory_image = "canvas_inventory.png^[verticalframe:6:" .. (index-1) .. ".png", tiles = { "canvas.png" }, paramtype2 = "facedir", on_rightclick = wesh.canvas_interaction, description = "Woolen Mesh Canvas - Size " .. size, walkable = true, groups = { snappy = 2, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3 }, }) end wesh.valid_canvas_sizes = {} local full_recipes_filename = custom_or_default(wesh.name, wesh.mod_path, "recipes.lua") if not full_recipes_filename then return end local recipes = dofile(full_recipes_filename); if type(recipes) ~= "table" then minetest.debug("[" .. wesh.name .. "] custom.recipes.lua is empty or malformed, all relative crafts will be disabled") return end local canvas_sizes = { "02", "04", "08", "16", "32", "64" } for index, size in pairs(canvas_sizes) do local recipe = recipes["wesh:canvas" .. size] if recipe then wesh.valid_canvas_sizes[tonumber(size)] = true register_canvas(index, size, recipe) end end if wesh.valid_canvas_sizes["16"] then minetest.register_alias("wesh:canvas", "wesh:canvas16") end if recipes["wesh:faces"] then minetest.register_craft({ output = "wesh:faces", recipe = recipes["wesh:faces"], }) minetest.register_node("wesh:faces", { drawtype = "mesh", mesh = "zzz_faces.obj", tiles = { "faces-96x64.png" }, paramtype2 = "facedir", description = "Woolen Mesh Orientation Block", walkable = true, groups = { snappy = 2, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3 }, }) end end function wesh.reset_geometry(canvas) canvas.matrix = {} canvas.wool_matrix = {} canvas.node_matrix = {} canvas.vertices = {} canvas.vertices_indices = {} canvas.faces = {} canvas.voxel_count = 0 canvas.nodename_count = 0 canvas.custom_texture_vertices_mapping = {} canvas.custom_texture_colors = {} local function reset(p) if not canvas.matrix[p.x] then canvas.matrix[p.x] = {} canvas.wool_matrix[p.x] = {} canvas.node_matrix[p.x] = {} end if not canvas.matrix[p.x][p.y] then canvas.matrix[p.x][p.y] = {} canvas.wool_matrix[p.x][p.y] = {} canvas.node_matrix[p.x][p.y] = {} end canvas.wool_matrix[p.x][p.y][p.z] = "air" canvas.matrix[p.x][p.y][p.z] = "air" canvas.node_matrix[p.x][p.y][p.z] = { name = "air", param2 = 0, } end wesh.traverse_matrix(reset, canvas.size) end -- ======================================================================== -- forms handling -- ======================================================================== wesh.forms.capture = smartfs.create("wesh.forms.capture", function(state) state:size(7, 7) local meshname_field = state:field(0.5, 0.5, 5, 1, "meshname", "Enter the name for your mesh") local capture_button = state:button(5, 0.2, 2, 1, "capture", "Capture") state:checkbox(0.5, 1, "generate_matrix", "Generate backup matrix"):setValue(true) state:checkbox(0.5, 1.5, "ignore_variants", "Ignore variants, use RGB") state:label(0.5, 2.5, "label_variants", "Select one or more variants:") local variants_x = 0.5 local variants_y = 3 local delete_button = state:button(5, 2.2, 2, 0, "delete", "Manage\nMeshes") local give_button = state:button(5, 3.2, 2, 0, "give", "Giveme\nMeshes") local import_button = state:button(5, 4.2, 2, 0, "import", "Import\nMatrix") local vacuum_button = state:button(5, 5.2, 2, 0, "vacuum", "Fill/Erase\nCanvas") local max_faces = state:field(0.5, 6.5, 4, 1, "max_faces", "Max # faces, zero disables limit") local cancel_button = state:button(5, 6.2, 2, 1, "cancel", "Cancel") meshname_field:onKeyEnter(wesh.mesh_capture_confirmed) meshname_field:setCloseOnEnter(false) capture_button:onClick(wesh.mesh_capture_confirmed) delete_button:setClose(true) give_button:setClose(true) import_button:setClose(true) vacuum_button:setClose(true) cancel_button:setClose(true) max_faces:setText(wesh.default_max_faces) max_faces:setCloseOnEnter(false) delete_button:onClick(function(_, state) if not minetest.get_player_privs(state.player).wesh_delete then wesh.notify(state.player, "Insufficient privileges to manage meshes") return end minetest.after(0, function() wesh.forms.delete_meshes:show(state.player) end) end) give_button:onClick(function(_, state) minetest.after(0, function() wesh.forms.giveme_meshes:show(state.player) end) end) import_button:onClick(function(_, state) if not minetest.get_player_privs(state.player).wesh_import then wesh.notify(state.player, "Insufficient privileges to import matrices") return end minetest.after(0, function() wesh.forms.import_matrix:show(state.player) end) end) vacuum_button:onClick(function(_, state) if not minetest.get_player_privs(state.player).wesh_fill then wesh.notify(state.player, "Insufficient privileges to fill canvas") return end minetest.after(0, function() wesh.forms.fill_canvas:show(state.player) end) end) local first_variant = nil local one_checked = false local variant_names = {} for name, _ in pairs(wesh.variants) do table.insert(variant_names, name) end table.sort(variant_names) for _, name in ipairs(variant_names) do local chk = state:checkbox(variants_x, variants_y, "variant_" .. name, name) if name == 'plain' then one_checked = true chk:setValue(true) end variants_y = variants_y + 0.5 if not first_variant then first_variant = chk end end if not one_checked then first_variant:setValue(true) end end) wesh.forms.delete_meshes = smartfs.create("wesh.forms.delete_meshes", function(state) state:size(8, 8) local all_obj_files_list = state:listbox(0.5, 0.5, 7, 5.5, "all_obj_files_list") local label = state:label(0.5, 6.3, "label", "No OBJ selected") local action_button = state:button(0.5, 7.2, 5, 1, "action_button", "[disabled]") local done_button = state:button(6, 7.2, 2, 1, "done", "Done") done_button:setClose(true) local obj_files = nil local function update_button(obj) if not obj or not obj.type then action_button:setText("[disabled]") elseif obj.type == "stored" then action_button:setText("Mark for deletion") elseif obj.type == "pending deletion" then action_button:setText("Cancel pending deletion") elseif obj.type == "temporary" then action_button:setText("Delete selected temporary NOW!") end end local function fill_list() obj_files = wesh.get_all_obj_files() all_obj_files_list:clearItems() for index, obj in ipairs(obj_files) do local item = obj.filename .. (obj.type ~= "" and (" (" .. obj.type .. ")") or "") all_obj_files_list:addItem(item) end all_obj_files_list:setSelected("") label:setText("No OBJ selected") end all_obj_files_list:onClick(function(self, state) local index = self:getSelected() if index then label:setText("Selected:\n" .. self:getItem(index)) else label:setText("No OBJ selected") end update_button(obj_files[index]) end) action_button:onClick(function(_, state) local index = all_obj_files_list:getSelected() local obj = obj_files[index] if not obj or not obj.type then return elseif obj.type == "stored" then wesh.mark_obj_for_deletion(obj.filename) elseif obj.type == "pending deletion" then wesh.unmark_obj_for_deletion(obj.filename) elseif obj.type == "temporary" then wesh.delete_temp_obj(obj.filename) end fill_list() update_button() end) fill_list() end) wesh.forms.giveme_meshes = smartfs.create("wesh.forms.giveme_meshes", function(state) state:size(8, 8) local stored_obj_files = wesh.filter_non_obj(wesh.get_stored_files()) local stored_variants = state:listbox(0.5, 0.5, 7, 6.5, "stored_variants") for _, obj_filename in pairs(stored_obj_files) do local data = wesh.get_obj_filedata(obj_filename) if not data.variants then break end for variant, _ in pairs(data.variants) do stored_variants:addItem(wesh.create_nodename(obj_filename, variant)) end end local give_button = state:button(0.5, 7.2, 3, 1, "give", "Giveme selected") local done_button = state:button(4, 7.2, 2, 1, "done", "Done") done_button:setClose(true) local function give_mesh_callback(_, state) local nodename = state:get("stored_variants"):getSelectedItem() if not nodename then return end local player_inv = minetest.get_player_by_name(state.player):get_inventory() player_inv:add_item("main", {name = nodename, count = 1}) wesh.notify(state.player, nodename .. " added to inventory") end stored_variants:onDoubleClick(give_mesh_callback) give_button:onClick(give_mesh_callback) end) wesh.forms.import_matrix = smartfs.create("wesh.forms.import_matrix", function(state) state:size(8, 9) local canvas = wesh.player_canvas[state.player] local stored_matrices = wesh.filter_non_matrix(wesh.get_stored_files(), canvas) local temp_matrices = wesh.filter_non_matrix(wesh.get_temp_files(), canvas) local matrices_list = state:listbox(0.5, 0.5, 7, 4.5, "matrices_list") for _, matrix_filename in pairs(stored_matrices) do matrices_list:addItem(matrix_filename) end for _, matrix_filename in pairs(temp_matrices) do matrices_list:addItem(matrix_filename) end local original_check = state:checkbox(0.5, 5.2, "original_check", "Import original nodes (if available)") local negative_check = state:checkbox(0.5, 6.2, "negative_check", "Invert") local mononode_check = state:checkbox(2.3, 6.2, "mononode_check", "Mononode") original_check:onToggle(function() negative_check:setValue(false) mononode_check:setValue(false) end) negative_check:onToggle(function() original_check:setValue(false) mononode_check:setValue(false) end) mononode_check:onToggle(function() negative_check:setValue(false) original_check:setValue(false) end) local nodename_field = state:field(4.5, 6.5, 3.5, 1, "nodename", "'modname:nodename' or 'air'") state:label(4.3, 7, "label_nodename", "('Invert' or 'Mononode' only)") nodename_field:setCloseOnEnter(false) nodename_field:setText("air") local import_button = state:button(0.5, 8.2, 3, 1, "import", "Import selected") import_button:onClick(function() local full_matrix_filename = false local selected_matrix_filename = matrices_list:getSelectedItem() for _, matrix_filename in pairs(stored_matrices) do if matrix_filename == selected_matrix_filename then full_matrix_filename = wesh.models_path .. matrix_filename break end end for _, matrix_filename in pairs(temp_matrices) do if matrix_filename == selected_matrix_filename then full_matrix_filename = wesh.temp_path .. matrix_filename break end end local negative = negative_check:getValue() local mononode = mononode_check:getValue() local original = original_check:getValue() local nodename = nodename_field:getText() if wesh.import_matrix(full_matrix_filename, state.player, original, negative, mononode, nodename) then minetest.after(0, function() minetest.close_formspec(state.player, "wesh.forms.import_matrix") end) end end) local close_button = state:button(5.5, 8.2, 2, 1, "close", "Close") close_button:setClose(true) end) wesh.forms.fill_canvas = smartfs.create("wesh.forms.fill_canvas", function(state) state:size(6, 4) local nodename_field = state:field(0.5, 0.5, 5, 1, "nodename", "'modname:nodename' or 'air'") nodename_field:setCloseOnEnter(false) nodename_field:setText("air") local confirm_vacuum = state:button(0.5, 2, 4, 1, "confirm_vacuum", "Fill canvas") confirm_vacuum:onClick(function() local nodename = nodename_field:getText() if wesh.fill_canvas(state.player, nodename) then wesh.notify(state.player, "Canvas filled with " .. nodename) end end) confirm_vacuum:setClose(true) local cancel_button = state:button(0.5, 3, 4, 1, "cancel", "Cancel") cancel_button:setClose(true) end) -- ======================================================================== -- core functions -- ======================================================================== function wesh.canvas_interaction(clicked_pos, node, clicker) -- called when the player right-clicks on a canvas block local canvas = { pos = clicked_pos, facedir = node.param2, node = node, } canvas.size = canvas.node.name:gsub(".*(%d%d)$", "%1") canvas.size = tonumber(canvas.size) if not wesh.valid_canvas_sizes[canvas.size] then canvas.size = 16 end local playername = clicker:get_player_name() wesh.player_canvas[playername] = canvas wesh.forms.capture:show(playername) end function wesh.mesh_capture_confirmed(button_or_field, state) local meshname = state:get("meshname"):getText() local playername = state.player if not minetest.get_player_privs(playername).wesh_capture then wesh.notify(playername, "Insufficient privileges to capture new meshes") return end local canvas = wesh.player_canvas[playername] canvas.generate_matrix = state:get("generate_matrix"):getValue() canvas.max_faces = tonumber(state:get("max_faces"):getText()) or wesh.default_max_faces canvas.ignore_variants = state:get("ignore_variants"):getValue() canvas.chosen_variants = {} if not canvas.ignore_variants then local no_variants = true for name, texture in pairs(wesh.variants) do if state:get("variant_" .. name):getValue() then canvas.chosen_variants[name] = texture no_variants = false end end if no_variants then wesh.notify(playername, "Please choose at least one variant") return end end canvas.boundary = {} if wesh.save_new_mesh(canvas, playername, meshname) then minetest.close_formspec(playername, "wesh.forms.capture") end wesh.player_canvas[playername] = { pos = canvas.pos, facedir = canvas.facedir, node = canvas.node, size = canvas.size, } end function wesh.save_new_mesh(canvas, playername, description) local sanitized_meshname = wesh.check_plain(description) if sanitized_meshname:len() < 3 then wesh.notify(playername, "Mesh name too short, try again (min. 3 chars)") return false end local obj_filename = wesh.gen_prefix .. sanitized_meshname .. ".obj" for _, entry in ipairs(wesh.get_all_files()) do if entry == obj_filename then wesh.notify(playername, "Mesh name '" .. description .. "' already taken, pick a new one") return false end end -- empty all helper variables wesh.reset_geometry(canvas) -- read all nodes from the canvas space in the world -- extract the colors and put them into a helper matrix of color voxels -- generate primary boundary wesh.traverse_matrix(wesh.node_to_voxel, canvas.size, canvas) canvas.generate_obj = true local meshdata = "" if canvas.voxel_count == 0 then canvas.generate_obj = false if canvas.generate_matrix and canvas.nodename_count == 0 then wesh.notify(playername, "Empty canvas, nothing to do") return false end wesh.notify(playername, "WARNING: no 'colored' nodes found, mesh file will not be generated") else -- generate secondary boundaries wesh.generate_secondary_boundaries(canvas) -- generate faces according to voxels local success, err = pcall(function() wesh.traverse_matrix(wesh.voxel_to_faces, canvas.size, canvas) end) if not success then wesh.notify(playername, err.msg) return false end -- this will be the actual content of the .obj file local vt_section = wesh.vertex_textures if canvas.ignore_variants then vt_section = wesh.generate_custom_vt(canvas) end local v_section = wesh.vertices_to_string(canvas) local vn_section = wesh.normals_to_string() local f_section = table.concat(canvas.faces) meshdata = vt_section .. v_section .. vn_section .. f_section end return wesh.save_mesh_to_file(obj_filename, meshdata, description, playername, canvas) end function wesh.color_to_hex(color) local r = string.format("%x", color[1]) local g = string.format("%x", color[2]) local b = string.format("%x", color[3]) if #r + #g + #b ~= 3 then r = #r == 1 and "0" .. r or r g = #g == 1 and "0" .. g or g b = #b == 1 and "0" .. b or b end return r .. g .. b end function wesh.generate_custom_vt(canvas) local vt_section = {} local tile_strings = {} local colors = canvas.custom_texture_colors table.insert(tile_strings, "[combine:" .. #colors .. "x1") local step = 1 / #colors local gap = step / 100 for i, color in ipairs(colors) do table.insert(vt_section, "vt " .. step * (i - 1) + gap .. "\n") table.insert(vt_section, "vt " .. step * i - gap .. "\n") table.insert(tile_strings, ":" .. (i - 1) .. ",0=(px.png\\^[colorize\\:#" .. wesh.color_to_hex(color) .. ")") end canvas.tile_string = table.concat(tile_strings) return table.concat(vt_section) end -- ======================================================================== -- file generation -- ======================================================================== function wesh.create_nodename(obj_filename, variant) return "wesh:" .. obj_filename:gsub("[^%w]+", "_"):gsub("_obj", "") .. "_" .. variant end function wesh.prepare_data_file(description, canvas) local boxes = {} wesh.merge_collision_boxes(canvas) for _, box in ipairs(canvas.boxes) do table.insert(boxes, wesh.box_to_collision_box(box, canvas.size)) end local data = { description = description, variants = canvas.chosen_variants, collision_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = boxes, } } if canvas.ignore_variants then data.variants = { rgb = canvas.tile_string } end return wesh.serialize(data, 2) end function wesh.save_mesh_to_file(obj_filename, meshdata, description, playername, canvas) if canvas.generate_obj then -- save .obj file local full_filename = wesh.temp_path .. "/" .. obj_filename local file, errmsg = io.open(full_filename, "wb") if not file then wesh.notify(playername, "Unable to write to file '" .. obj_filename .. "' from '" .. wesh.temp_path .. "' - error: " .. errmsg) return false end file:write(meshdata) file:close() -- save .dat file local data_filename = obj_filename .. ".dat" local full_data_filename = wesh.temp_path .. "/" .. data_filename local file, errmsg = io.open(full_data_filename, "wb") if not file then wesh.notify(playername, "Unable to write to file '" .. data_filename .. "' from '" .. wesh.temp_path .. "' - error: " .. errmsg) return false end file:write(wesh.prepare_data_file(description, canvas)) file:close() wesh.notify(playername, "Mesh saved to '" .. obj_filename .. "' in '" .. wesh.temp_path .. "'") wesh.notify(playername, "Reload the world to move newly created mesh to the mod folder") wesh.notify(playername, "Mesh stats: " .. canvas.voxel_count .. " voxels, " .. #canvas.vertices .. " vertices, " .. #canvas.faces .. " faces, " .. canvas.nodename_count .. " nodenames") end if canvas.generate_matrix then -- save .matrix.dat file local matrix_data_filename = obj_filename .. ".matrix" .. canvas.size .. ".dat" local full_matrix_data_filename = wesh.temp_path .. "/" .. matrix_data_filename local file, errmsg = io.open(full_matrix_data_filename, "wb") if not file then wesh.notify(playername, "Unable to write to file '" .. matrix_data_filename .. "' from '" .. wesh.temp_path .. "' - error: " .. errmsg) return false end local matrix_data = { colors = canvas.wool_matrix, nodes = canvas.node_matrix, } file:write(minetest.serialize(matrix_data)) file:close() wesh.notify(playername, "Matrix file saved to '" .. matrix_data_filename .. "' in '" .. wesh.temp_path .. "'") wesh.notify(playername, "Reload the world to move newly created matrix to the mod folder") end return true end -- ======================================================================== -- file listing / filtering -- ======================================================================== function wesh.filter_non_obj(filelist) local list = {} for _, filename in pairs(filelist) do if wesh.is_valid_obj_filename(filename) then table.insert(list, filename) end end return list end function wesh.filter_non_matrix(filelist, canvas) local list = {} for _, filename in pairs(filelist) do if wesh.is_valid_matrix_filename(filename, canvas) then table.insert(list, filename) end end return list end function wesh.get_all_files() local all = wesh.get_temp_files() for _, entry in pairs(wesh.get_stored_files()) do table.insert(all, entry) end return all end function wesh.get_all_obj_files() local stored_obj_files = wesh.filter_non_obj(wesh.get_stored_files()) local temp_obj_files = wesh.filter_non_obj(wesh.get_temp_files()) local marked_objs = wesh.retrieve_marked_objs() local result = {} for _, obj_filename in pairs(stored_obj_files) do table.insert(result, { filename = obj_filename, type = marked_objs[obj_filename] and "pending deletion" or "stored", }) end for _, obj_filename in pairs(temp_obj_files) do table.insert(result, { filename = obj_filename, type = "temporary", }) end return result end function wesh.get_stored_files() return minetest.get_dir_list(wesh.models_path, false) end function wesh.get_temp_files() return minetest.get_dir_list(wesh.temp_path, false) end function wesh.is_valid_obj_filename(obj_filename) return obj_filename:match("^" .. wesh.gen_prefix .. ".-%.obj$") end function wesh.is_valid_matrix_filename(matrix_filename, canvas) local pattern = "^" .. wesh.gen_prefix .. ".-%.obj%.matrix(%d*)%.dat$" local result = matrix_filename:match(pattern) return tonumber(result) == canvas.size or result == "" end -- ======================================================================== -- file movement / copy -- ======================================================================== function wesh.move_temp_files() local meshes = wesh.get_temp_files() for _, filename in ipairs(meshes) do os.rename(wesh.temp_path .. "/" .. filename, wesh.models_path .. filename) end end -- ======================================================================== -- file deletion -- ======================================================================== function wesh.delete_marked_objs() for obj_filename, _ in pairs(wesh.retrieve_marked_objs()) do wesh.delete_obj_fileset(wesh.models_path .. obj_filename) end storage:set_string("marked_objs", "") end function wesh.delete_obj_fileset(full_obj_filename) os.remove(full_obj_filename) os.remove(full_obj_filename .. ".dat") os.remove(full_obj_filename .. ".matrix.dat") for size, _ in ipairs(wesh.valid_canvas_sizes) do os.remove(full_obj_filename .. ".matrix" .. size .. ".dat") end end function wesh.delete_temp_obj(obj_filename) local full_obj_filename = wesh.temp_path .. "/" .. obj_filename wesh.delete_obj_fileset(full_obj_filename) end -- ======================================================================== -- file marking -- ======================================================================== function wesh.retrieve_marked_objs() local marked_objs = minetest.deserialize(storage:get_string("marked_objs")) return type(marked_objs) == "table" and marked_objs or {} end function wesh.store_marked_objs(marked_objs) storage:set_string("marked_objs", minetest.serialize(marked_objs)) end function wesh.mark_obj_for_deletion(obj_filename) local marked_objs = wesh.retrieve_marked_objs() marked_objs[obj_filename] = 1 wesh.store_marked_objs(marked_objs) end function wesh.unmark_obj_for_deletion(obj_filename) local marked_objs = wesh.retrieve_marked_objs() marked_objs[obj_filename] = nil wesh.store_marked_objs(marked_objs) end -- ======================================================================== -- file loading -- ======================================================================== function wesh.load_mod_meshes() local meshes = wesh.get_stored_files() for _, filename in ipairs(meshes) do if wesh.is_valid_obj_filename(filename) then wesh.load_mesh(filename) end end end function wesh.load_mesh(obj_filename) local data = wesh.get_obj_filedata(obj_filename) local description = data.description or "Custom Woolen Mesh" local variants = data.variants or { plain = "plain-16.png" } for variant, tile in pairs(variants) do local props = { drawtype = "mesh", mesh = obj_filename, paramtype = "light", sunlight_propagates = true, paramtype2 = "facedir", description = description .. " (" .. variant .. ")", tiles = { tile }, walkable = true, groups = { snappy = 2, choppy = 2, oddly_breakable_by_hand = 3 }, } for prop, value in pairs(data) do if prop ~= "variants" and prop ~= "description" then props[prop] = value end end if props.collision_box and not props.selection_box then props.selection_box = props.collision_box end props.on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local playername = placer:get_player_name() if not minetest.get_player_privs(playername).wesh_place then wesh.notify(playername, "Insufficient privileges to place mesh nodes") return end minetest.item_place(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end local nodename = wesh.create_nodename(obj_filename, variant) minetest.register_node(nodename, props) end end function wesh.get_obj_filedata(obj_filename) local full_data_filename = wesh.models_path .. obj_filename .. ".dat" local file = io.open(full_data_filename, "rb") local data = {} if file then data = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) data = type(data) == "table" and data or {} file:close() end return data end -- ======================================================================== -- matrix import -- ======================================================================== function wesh.get_content_id(nodename) if not wesh.content_ids[nodename] then wesh.content_ids[nodename] = minetest.get_content_id(nodename) end return wesh.content_ids[nodename] end function wesh.import_matrix(full_matrix_filename, playername, original, negative, mononode, nodename) if not full_matrix_filename then wesh.notify(playername, "Please select a matrix to import") return false end local nodename_id = wesh.get_content_id(nodename) local invalid_nodename = (nodename_id == minetest.CONTENT_IGNORE) or (nodename_id == minetest.CONTENT_UNKNOWN) if invalid_nodename and (negative or mononode) then wesh.notify(playername, "Unknown nodename: '" .. nodename .. "'") return false end local file = io.open(full_matrix_filename, "rb") if not file then wesh.notify(playername, "Unable to open file " .. full_matrix_filename) return false end local matrix_all = minetest.deserialize(file:read("*all")) if not matrix_all or type(matrix_all) ~= "table" then wesh.notify(playername, "Invalid matrix data inside " .. full_matrix_filename) return false end local matrix_data = matrix_all.colors or matrix_all local matrix_nodes = matrix_all.nodes or false if not matrix_nodes and original then wesh.notify(playername, "Old matrix without original nodes " .. full_matrix_filename) return false end if original and (negative or mononode) then wesh.notify(playername, "Can't import ORIGINAL nodes in INVERT mode or in MONONODE mode") return false end if original then matrix_data = matrix_nodes end local canvas = wesh.player_canvas[playername] local function invalid_size(axis, size) if size ~= canvas.size then wesh.notify(playername, "Trying to import " .. full_matrix_filename) wesh.notify(playername, axis .. " == " .. size .. " doesn't match canvas value of " .. canvas.size) return true end return false end if invalid_size("x", #matrix_data) or invalid_size("y", #matrix_data[1]) or invalid_size("z", #matrix_data[1][1]) then return false end local min_pos = wesh.make_absolute({ x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 }, canvas) local max_pos = wesh.make_absolute({ x = canvas.size, y = canvas.size, z = canvas.size }, canvas) local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(min_pos, max_pos) local a = VoxelArea:new{ MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax } local data = vm:get_data() local data2 = false if original then data2 = vm:get_param2_data() end local air_id = wesh.get_content_id("air") for x = 1, #matrix_data do for y = 1, #matrix_data[x] do for z = 1, #matrix_data[x][y] do local cell = matrix_data[x][y][z] local param2 = false local final_id = false if original then if cell[1] ~= "air" then final_id = wesh.get_content_id(cell[1]) if cell[2] then param2 = wesh.transform_facedir(canvas.facedir, cell[2]) end end else local color = cell if negative then if color == "air" then final_id = nodename_id end elseif color ~= "air" then final_id = mononode and nodename_id or wesh.get_content_id("wool:" .. color) end end if final_id then local rel_pos = { x = x, y = y, z = z } local abs_pos = wesh.make_absolute(rel_pos, canvas) local vi = a:index(abs_pos.x, abs_pos.y, abs_pos.z) data[vi] = final_id if data2 and param2 then data2[vi] = param2 end end end end end vm:set_data(data) if data2 then vm:set_param2_data(data2) end vm:write_to_map(true) return true end function wesh.fill_canvas(playername, nodename) local nodename_id = wesh.get_content_id(nodename) if nodename_id == minetest.CONTENT_IGNORE or nodename_id == minetest.CONTENT_UNKNOWN then wesh.notify(playername, "Unknown nodename: '" .. nodename .. "'") return false end local canvas = wesh.player_canvas[playername] local min_pos = wesh.make_absolute({ x = 1, y = 1, z = 1 }, canvas) local max_pos = wesh.make_absolute({ x = canvas.size, y = canvas.size, z = canvas.size }, canvas) local vm = minetest.get_voxel_manip() local emin, emax = vm:read_from_map(min_pos, max_pos) local a = VoxelArea:new{ MinEdge = emin, MaxEdge = emax } local data = vm:get_data() local min = wesh.axis_min(min_pos, max_pos) local max = wesh.axis_max(min_pos, max_pos) for x = min.x, max.x do for y = min.y, max.y do for z = min.z, max.z do local vi = a:index(x, y, z) data[vi] = nodename_id end end end vm:set_data(data) vm:write_to_map(true) return true end -- ======================================================================== -- collision box computers -- ======================================================================== function wesh.box_to_collision_box(box, size) -- transform integral values of the box to the -0.5 ~ 0.5 range -- and return its string representation local subvoxel = 1 / size local min = vector.subtract(box.min, 1) min = vector.multiply(min, subvoxel) min = vector.subtract(min, 0.5) local max = vector.add(box.max, 0) max = vector.multiply(max, subvoxel) max = vector.subtract(max, 0.5) return { min.x, min.y, min.z, max.x, max.y, max.z } end function wesh.generate_secondary_boundaries(canvas) -- split_boundary calls itself recursively and splits over the three axes in sequence canvas.boundaries = wesh.split_boundary(canvas.boundary, "x") -- boundaries will get converted to boxes with integral values and shrunk if necessary canvas.boxes = {} for index, boundary in ipairs(canvas.boundaries) do canvas.boxes[index] = {} wesh.traverse_matrix(wesh.update_secondary_collision_box, boundary, canvas.boxes[index], canvas) end end function wesh.merge_collision_boxes(canvas) -- merge collision boxes back if they fall within a relative treshold local unmergeable = {} local boxes = {} local treshold = math.floor(canvas.size / 4) -- remove all empty boxes for _, box in ipairs(canvas.boxes) do if box.min then table.insert(boxes, box) end end -- repeatedly iterate over boxes comparing the first to remaining ones while #boxes > 1 do local a = boxes[1] local merged = false for i = 2, #boxes do local b = boxes[i] -- if appropriate, remove and merge pairs together appending resulting box to the table if wesh.mergeable_boxes(a, b, treshold) then table.insert(boxes, { min = wesh.axis_min(a.min, b.min), max = wesh.axis_max(a.max, b.max), }) table.remove(boxes, i) table.remove(boxes, 1) merged = true; break end end if not merged then table.insert(unmergeable, boxes[1]) table.remove(boxes, 1) end end for _, v in ipairs(unmergeable) do table.insert(boxes, v) end canvas.boxes = boxes; end function wesh.mergeable_boxes(a, b, treshold) -- check if boxes are aligned independently on each axis local align_x = math.abs(a.min.x - b.min.x) <= treshold and math.abs(a.max.x - b.max.x) <= treshold local align_y = math.abs(a.min.y - b.min.y) <= treshold and math.abs(a.max.y - b.max.y) <= treshold local align_z = math.abs(a.min.z - b.min.z) <= treshold and math.abs(a.max.z - b.max.z) <= treshold -- increase treshold by one to arrange for 2x2x2 corner case with treshold set to zero treshold = treshold + 1 -- check if spacing between boxes along independent axes is smaller than given treshold local close_x = math.abs(a.min.x - b.max.x) <= treshold or math.abs(b.min.x - a.max.x) <= treshold local close_y = math.abs(a.min.y - b.max.y) <= treshold or math.abs(b.min.y - a.max.y) <= treshold local close_z = math.abs(a.min.z - b.max.z) <= treshold or math.abs(b.min.z - a.max.z) <= treshold -- return true only if the boxes are aligned on two axes and close together on the third one return align_x and align_y and close_z or align_y and align_z and close_x or align_z and align_x and close_y end function wesh.split_boundary(boundary, axis) -- split the boundary in half over each axis recursively -- this can result in up to 8 secondary boundaries local boundaries = {} local span = boundary.max[axis] - boundary.min[axis] local next_axis = nil if axis == "x" then next_axis = "y" elseif axis == "y" then next_axis = "z" end if span > 0 then local limit = math.ceil(span / 2) local sub_one = table.copy(boundary) sub_one.max[axis] = limit local sub_two = table.copy(boundary) sub_two.min[axis] = limit + 1 if next_axis then wesh.merge_tables(boundaries, wesh.split_boundary(sub_one, next_axis)) wesh.merge_tables(boundaries, wesh.split_boundary(sub_two, next_axis)) else table.insert(boundaries, sub_one) table.insert(boundaries, sub_two) end elseif next_axis then wesh.merge_tables(boundaries, wesh.split_boundary(boundary, next_axis)) else table.insert(boundaries, boundary) end return boundaries end function wesh.update_collision_box(rel_pos, box) -- shrink box boundaries over the three axes separately if not box.min then box.min = rel_pos else box.min = wesh.axis_min(box.min, rel_pos) end if not box.max then box.max = rel_pos else box.max = wesh.axis_max(box.max, rel_pos) end end function wesh.update_secondary_collision_box(rel_pos, box, canvas) -- let the box shrink only if the subvoxel isn't empty if wesh.get_voxel_color(rel_pos, canvas) ~= "air" then wesh.update_collision_box(rel_pos, box) end end -- ======================================================================== -- mesh generation -- ======================================================================== function wesh.construct_face(rel_pos, canvas, texture_vertices, facename, vertices, normal_index) local function out_of_bounds(pos) return pos.x < 1 or pos.x > canvas.size or pos.y < 1 or pos.y > canvas.size or pos.z < 1 or pos.z > canvas.size end local normal = wesh.face_normals[normal_index] local hider_pos = vector.add(rel_pos, normal) if not out_of_bounds(hider_pos) and wesh.get_voxel_color(hider_pos, canvas) ~= "air" then return end local face_line = { "f " } for i, vertex in ipairs(vertices) do local index = wesh.get_vertex_index(rel_pos, canvas, vertex) table.insert(face_line, index .. "/" .. texture_vertices[i] .. "/" .. normal_index .. " ") end table.insert(canvas.faces, table.concat(face_line) .. "\n") if canvas.max_faces > 0 and #canvas.faces > canvas.max_faces then error({ msg = canvas.max_faces .. " faces limit exceeded"}) end end function wesh.get_texture_vertices(color) if not wesh.color_vertices[color] then error({ msg = "unable to find color " .. dump(color) .. " in wesh.color_vertices"}) end return wesh.color_vertices[color] end function wesh.get_custom_texture_vertices(color, canvas) if type(color) ~= "table" then error({ msg = "passed color variable " .. dump(color) .. " isn't a table"}) end if #color ~= 3 then error({ msg = "bad length of color table " .. dump(color)}) end local index = table.concat(color, "-") local vi = canvas.custom_texture_vertices_mapping[index] if not vi then vi = #canvas.custom_texture_colors * 2 + 1 table.insert(canvas.custom_texture_colors, color) canvas.custom_texture_vertices_mapping[index] = vi end return {vi, vi, vi + 1, vi + 1} end function wesh.get_vertex_index(pos, canvas, vertex_number) -- get integral offset of vertices related to voxel center local offset = wesh.cube_vertices[vertex_number] -- convert integral offset to real offset offset = vector.multiply(offset, 1/canvas.size/2) -- scale voxel center from range 1~canvas.size to range 1/canvas.size ~ 1 pos = vector.divide(pos, canvas.size) -- center whole mesh around zero and shift it to make room for offsets pos = vector.subtract(pos, 1/2 + 1/canvas.size/2) -- not really sure whether this should be done here, -- but if I don't do this the resulting mesh will be wrongly mirrored pos.x = -pos.x -- combine voxel center and offset to get final real vertex coordinate pos = vector.add(pos, offset) -- bail out if this vertex already exists local lookup = pos.x .. "," .. pos.y .. "," .. pos.z if canvas.vertices_indices[lookup] then return canvas.vertices_indices[lookup] end -- add the vertex to the list of needed ones table.insert(canvas.vertices, pos) canvas.vertices_indices[lookup] = #canvas.vertices return #canvas.vertices end function wesh.get_voxel_color(pos, canvas) return canvas.matrix[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z] end function wesh.make_absolute(rel_pos, canvas) -- relative positions range from (1, 1, 1) to (canvas.size, canvas.size, canvas.size) -- shift relative to canvas node within canvas space local shifted_pos = { x = rel_pos.x - (canvas.size / 2), y = rel_pos.y - 1, z = rel_pos.z, } -- transform according to canvas facedir local transformed_pos = wesh.apply_transform(shifted_pos, wesh.get_facedir_transform(canvas.facedir)) -- translate to absolute according to canvas position local abs_pos = vector.add(canvas.pos, transformed_pos) return abs_pos end function wesh.node_to_voxel(rel_pos, canvas) local abs_pos = wesh.make_absolute(rel_pos, canvas) local node = minetest.get_node_or_nil(abs_pos) local nodedata = { node and node.name or "air" } local paramtype2 = node and wesh.get_nodedef_field(node.name, "paramtype2") if paramtype2 == "facedir" or paramtype2 == "colorfacedir" then nodedata[2] = wesh.transform_facedir(canvas.facedir, node.param2, true) end local nodename = nodedata[1] local color = "" local rgb_color = wesh.nodename_to_rgb[nodename] or "air" local wool_color = wesh.nodename_to_color[nodename] or "air" if canvas.ignore_variants then color = rgb_color else color = wool_color end if color ~= "air" then canvas.voxel_count = canvas.voxel_count + 1 wesh.update_collision_box(rel_pos, canvas.boundary) end if nodename ~= "air" then canvas.nodename_count = canvas.nodename_count + 1 end canvas.wool_matrix[rel_pos.x][rel_pos.y][rel_pos.z] = wool_color canvas.matrix[rel_pos.x][rel_pos.y][rel_pos.z] = color canvas.node_matrix[rel_pos.x][rel_pos.y][rel_pos.z] = nodedata end function wesh.normals_to_string() local output = {} for i, normal in ipairs(wesh.face_normals) do table.insert(output, "vn " .. normal.x .. " " .. normal.y .. " " .. normal.z .. "\n") end return table.concat(output) end function wesh.voxel_to_faces(rel_pos, canvas) local color = wesh.get_voxel_color(rel_pos, canvas) if color == "air" then return end for facename, facedata in pairs(wesh.face_construction) do local texture_vertices = "" if canvas.ignore_variants then texture_vertices = wesh.get_custom_texture_vertices(color, canvas) else texture_vertices = wesh.get_texture_vertices(color) end wesh.construct_face(rel_pos, canvas, texture_vertices, facename, facedata.vertices, facedata.normal) end end function wesh.vertices_to_string(canvas) local output = {} for i, vertex in ipairs(canvas.vertices) do table.insert(output, "v " .. vertex.x .. " " .. vertex.y .. " " .. vertex.z .. "\n") end return table.concat(output) end -- ======================================================================== -- generic helpers -- ======================================================================== function wesh.apply_transform(pos, transform) return { x = pos.x * transform[1][1] + pos.y * transform[1][2] + pos.z * transform[1][3], y = pos.x * transform[2][1] + pos.y * transform[2][2] + pos.z * transform[2][3], z = pos.x * transform[3][1] + pos.y * transform[3][2] + pos.z * transform[3][3], } end function wesh.axis_min(pos1, pos2) local result = {} for axis, value in pairs(pos1) do result[axis] = math.min(value, pos2[axis]) end return result end function wesh.axis_max(pos1, pos2) local result = {} for axis, value in pairs(pos1) do result[axis] = math.max(value, pos2[axis]) end return result end function wesh.check_plain(text) if type(text) ~= "string" then return "" end text = text:gsub("^[^%w]*(.-)[^%w]*$", "%1") return text:gsub("[^%w]+", "_"):lower() end function wesh.get_nodedef_field(nodename, fieldname) if not minetest.registered_nodes[nodename] then return nil end return minetest.registered_nodes[nodename][fieldname] end function wesh.merge_tables(t1, t2) for _, value in pairs(t2) do table.insert(t1, value) end end function wesh.notify(playername, message) minetest.chat_send_player(playername, "[wesh] " .. message) end function wesh.serialize(object, max_wrapping) local function helper(obj, max_depth, depth, seen) if not depth then depth = 0 end if not seen then seen = {} end local wrap = max_depth and max_depth > depth or false local out = "" local t = type(obj) if t == nil then return "nil" elseif t == "string" then return string.format("%q", obj) elseif t == "boolean" then return obj and "true" or "false" elseif t == "number" then if math.floor(obj) == obj then return string.format("%d", obj) else return tostring(obj) end elseif t == "table" then if seen[tostring(obj)] then error("[wesh] serialize(): Cyclic references not supported") end seen[tostring(obj)] = true; local output = { "{\n" } local post_table = string.rep("\t", depth) .. "}" local pre_key = string.rep("\t", depth + 1) local post_value = ",\n"; if not wrap then output = { "{ " } post_table = "}" pre_key = "" post_value = ", " end for k, v in pairs(obj) do local key = k .. " = " if type(k) == "number" then -- remove numeric indices on purpose key = "" elseif type(k) ~= "string" or k:match("[^%w_]") then error("[wesh] serialize(): Unsupported array key " .. helper(k)) end table.insert(output, pre_key) table.insert(output, key) table.insert(output, helper(v, max_depth, depth + 1, seen)) table.insert(output, post_value) end table.insert(output, post_table) return table.concat(output) else error("[wesh] serialize(): Data type " .. t .. " not supported") end end return "return " .. helper(object, max_wrapping) end function wesh.traverse_matrix(callback, boundary, ...) if type(boundary) == "table" then for x = boundary.min.x, boundary.max.x do for y = boundary.min.y, boundary.max.y do for z = boundary.min.z, boundary.max.z do callback({x = x, y = y, z = z}, ...) end end end else for x = 1, boundary do for y = 1, boundary do for z = 1, boundary do callback({x = x, y = y, z = z}, ...) end end end end end wesh.init()