# Welcome to DuckDuckHack's Goodies Instant Answers Repository [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/duckduckgo/zeroclickinfo-goodies) ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/hack search engine.png) **Instant Answers are an opportunity for anyone to create their own search results.** Instant Answers appear on DuckDuckGo.com above ads and organic links, on [millions of searches](https://duckduckgo.com/traffic.html). Instant Answers are created by an open source community of developers [around the world](http://duckduckgo.meetup.com/) like you. Welcome! You can find the [full documentation here](http://docs.duckduckhack.com). This is the repository for [one type of Instant Answers](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/welcome/determining-ia-type.html), called Goodies. ## Create a New Instant Answer Learn to make an Instant Answer by starting with any of our quick tutorials. All of these are self-contained and will get you up and running. Pick whatever looks most interesting! - **[Create a programming syntax cheat sheet](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/walkthroughs/programming-syntax.html)** - **[Create a quick online calculation](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/walkthroughs/calculation.html)** - **[Build an API-based lookup](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/walkthroughs/forum-lookup.html)** ## Improve a Live Instant Answer We welcome new contributors to dive in and improve live Instant Answers. It's a great, hands-on way to learn how things work. Start by [setting up your development environment](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/welcome/setup-dev-environment.html). You can see all "low-hanging fruit" issues neatly organized in one place on our [Live Issues Page](https://duck.co/ia/dev/issues?tag=lowhangingfruit), or get an overview of all [Instant Answers in development](https://duck.co/ia/dev/pipeline). Have a [favorite Instant Answer](http://duck.co/ia) that you want to make even better? Feel free to dive in and make changes. ## Inspiration Instant Answers allow you to create your own search results. Here are some examples of what contributors have created. You can see [all live Instant Answers listed here](https://duck.co/ia). Instant Answers can be quite dynamic... ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/parking_ny.png) ...or simply convenient: ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/sales_tax.png) Some are just cool: ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/heads_tails.png) Many are absolutely delightful and unexpected: ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/bpm_ms.png) Many are super practical... ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/air_quality.png) ...in ways we never imagined: ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/blue_pill.png) Some Instant Answers are built from pure code: ![](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/url_encode.png) Other Instant Answers channel external sources (API requests): ![App search Instant Answer example](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/app_search_example.png) The [possibilities are endless](https://duck.co/ia). **Our community's mission is to cover every topic with a community-generated Instant Answer.** ## Discuss with Us Want help? Need to think out loud? [![slack](http://docs.duckduckhack.com/assets/slack.png) Talk to us on Slack](mailto:QuackSlack@duckduckgo.com?subject=AddMe) or [email us](mailto:open@duckduckgo.com). We're a digital community, but real people - we frequently meet up to hack together. Check out our [global meetups](http://duckduckgo.meetup.com/). You can find the [full documentation here](http://docs.duckduckhack.com).