#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => 'root'; zci is_cached => 1; sub build_structured_answer { my ($exp, $base, $text, $html) = @_; return $text, structured_answer => { data => { title => $html, subtitle => "Calculate $exp-root of $base", }, templates => { group => 'text', options => { title_content => 'DDH.calc_roots.title', }, }, }; } sub build_test { test_zci(build_structured_answer(@_)) } ddg_goodie_test( [qw( DDG::Goodie::CalcRoots )], 'square root of negative 9' => build_test('2', '-9', 'The 2-root of -9 is 3 i', '2√-9 = 3i'), 'negative square root of negative 25' => build_test('-2', '-25', 'The -2-root of -25 is -5 i', '-2√-25 = -5i'), '2nd root of 100' => build_test('2', '100', 'The 2-root of 100 is 10.', qq|2√100 = 10|), 'cube root of 33' => build_test('3', '33', 'The 3-root of 33 is 3.20753432999583.', qq|3√33 = 3.20753432999583|), '2nd root of 9999999999' => undef ); done_testing;