package DDG::Goodie::Geometry; # ABSTRACT: Write an abstract here use DDG::Goodie; use strict; use YAML::XS 'LoadFile'; use Data::Dumper; zci answer_type => 'geometry'; # Caching -` zci is_cached => 1; my @keyWords = ('geometry', 'formula', 'volume', 'area', 'surface area', 'perimeter', 'circumference', 'diagonal'); my @finalWords; foreach my $word (@keyWords) { push(@finalWords, $word); push(@finalWords, $word.' of'); push(@finalWords, $word.' of a'); push(@finalWords, $word.' of an'); } triggers any => @finalWords; my ($shapes, $formulas) = LoadFile(share('objectInfo.yml')); handle remainder => sub { return unless $_; my $remainder = lc($_); return unless my $shape = $shapes->{$remainder}; my %dataFormula; # Fill dataFormula with values for handlebar to parse foreach my $key (keys %{$shape}) { $dataFormula{$key} = { 'nameCaps' => ucfirst($key), 'color' => $formulas->{$key}{'color'}, 'symbol' => $formulas->{$key}{'symbol'}, 'html' => $shape->{$key} }; } my $filename = $remainder; $filename =~ s/\s/-/g; return "plain text response", structured_answer => { data => { title => ucfirst($remainder), formulas => \%dataFormula, svg => LoadFile(share("svg/$filename.svg")), }, templates => { group => "text", options => { subtitle_content => 'DDH.geometry.subtitle' } } }; }; 1;