package DDG::Goodie::MoonPhases; use DDG::Goodie; use Astro::MoonPhase; primary_example_queries => "lunar phase"; secondary_example_queries => "moon phase", "phase of the moon", "what is the current lunar phase"; description "Lunar phase"; name "MoonPhases"; topics => "special_interest", "everyday_goodies"; category => "random"; attribution github => ['', 'rpicard'], twitter => ['', '__rlp'], web => ['', 'Robert Picard']; triggers any => 'moon', 'lunar'; my %triggerQueries = ( 'moon phase' => 1, 'lunar phase' => 1, 'phase of the moon' => 1, 'current moon phase' => 1, 'current phase of the moon' => 1, 'what is the phase of the moon' => 1, 'whats the phase of the moon' => 1, 'what is the current phase of the moon' => 1, 'whats the current phase of them moon' => 1, 'current lunar phase' => 1, 'whats the lunar phase' => 1, 'what is the lunar phase' => 1, 'whats the current lunar phase' => 1, 'what is the current lunar phase' => 1, 'what phase is the moon in' => 1, 'what lunar phase is the moon in' => 1, ); handle query_lc => sub { # Make sure the query is on the list my $queryStripped = $_; $queryStripped =~ s/[^a-zA-z\s]//g; return unless exists $triggerQueries{$queryStripped}; # Get the phase angle my $phaseAngle = int(phase() * 100); # Figure out what phase the moon is in from the phase angle my $phase; $phase = 'Waxing Crescent' if $phaseAngle > 0 && $phaseAngle < 25; $phase = 'Waxing Gibbous' if $phaseAngle > 25 && $phaseAngle < 50; $phase = 'Waning Gibbous' if $phaseAngle > 50 && $phaseAngle <75; $phase = 'Waning Crescent' if $phaseAngle > 75 && $phaseAngle < 100; $phase = 'New Moon' if $phaseAngle == 0 || $phaseAngle == 100; $phase = 'First Quarter' if $phaseAngle == 25; $phase = 'Full Moon' if $phaseAngle == 50; $phase = 'Third Quarter' if $phaseAngle == 75; my $phaseUrl = $phase; $phaseUrl =~ s/\s+/+/g; return "The current lunar phase is: $phase", html => qq(The current lunar phase is: $phase); }; zci is_cached => 0; 1;