package DDG::Goodie::FlipText; use DDG::Goodie; triggers startend => "flip", "mirror", "spin", "rotate"; zci is_cached => 1; zci answer_type => "flip_text"; primary_example_queries 'flip text'; secondary_example_queries 'mirror text'; description 'flip and mirror text'; name 'FlipText'; code_url ''; category 'conversions'; topics 'geek'; attribution web => [ '', 'Robert Picard' ], github => [ '', 'rpicard'], twitter => ['', '__rlp']; my %charMap = ( "a" => "\x{0250}", "b" => "q", "c" => "\x{0254}", "d" => "p", "e" => "\x{01DD}", "f" => "\x{025F}", "g" => "\x{0183}", "h" => "\x{0265}", "i" => "\x{0131}", "j" => "\x{027E}", "k" => "\x{029E}", "l" => "l", "m" => "\x{026F}", "n" => "u", "o" => "o", "p" => "d", "q" => "b", "r" => "\x{0279}", "s" => "s", "t" => "\x{0287}", "u" => "n", "v" => "\x{028C}", "w" => "\x{028D}", "x" => "x", "y" => "\x{028E}", "z" => "z", "A" => "\x{2200}", "B" => "B", "C" => "\x{0186}", "D" => "D", "E" => "\x{018E}", "F" => "\x{2132}", "G" => "\x{05E4}", "H" => "H", "I" => "I", "J" => "\x{017F}", "K" => "K", "L" => "\x{02E5}", "M" => "W", "N" => "N", "O" => "O", "P" => "\x{0500}", "Q" => "Q", "R" => "R", "S" => "S", "T" => "\x{2534}", "U" => "\x{2229}", "V" => "\x{039B}", "W" => "M", "X" => "X", "Y" => "\x{2144}", "Z" => "Z", "0" => "0", "1" => "\x{0196}", # "2" => "\x{1105}", Doesn't display in tests "3" => "\x{0190}", # "4" => "\x{3123}", Doesn't display in tests # "5" => "\x{03DB}", Doesn't really look like a 5 "6" => "9", # "7" => "\x{3125}", Doesn't display in tests "8" => "8", "9" => "6", "," => "'", "." => "\x{02D9}", "?" => "\x{00BF}", "!" => "\x{00A1}", '"' => ",,", "'" => ",", "`" => ",", "(" => ")", ")" => "(", "[" => "]", "]" => "[", "{" => "}", "}" => "{", ">" => "<", "<" => ">", "_" => "\x{203E}"); handle remainder => sub { my %reverseCharMap = reverse %charMap; my @string = split(//, reverse $_); my $flippedString; for (@string) { # Not all uppercase letters can be flipped $_ = lc; if ( exists $charMap{$_}) { $flippedString .= $charMap{$_}; } elsif (exists $reverseCharMap{$_}) { $flippedString .= $reverseCharMap{$_}; } else { $flippedString .= $_; } } return $flippedString; }; 1;