package DDG::Goodie::ABC; # ABSTRACT: Randomly pick one of different choices splitted by "or" use DDG::Goodie; triggers any => "or"; zci answer_type => "rand"; primary_example_queries 'yes or no'; secondary_example_queries 'this or that or none'; description 'make a random choice'; name 'ABC'; code_url ''; category 'random'; topics 'trivia'; attribution twitter => 'crazedpsyc', cpan => 'CRZEDPSYC' ; handle query_parts => sub { my @choices; my @collected_parts; while (my $part = shift) { if ( lc($part) eq 'or' ) { return unless @collected_parts; push @choices, join(' ', @collected_parts); my $length = @collected_parts; return if $length > 1; @collected_parts = (); } elsif ( $part ) { push @collected_parts, $part; } } push @choices, join(' ', @collected_parts) if @choices && @collected_parts; return if scalar(@choices) <= 1; my $choice = int(rand(@choices)); if (my @duck = grep { / \A (?: duck (?: duckgo )? | ddg ) \z /ix } @choices) { return $duck[0]." (not random)", answer_type => 'egg'; } return $choices[$choice]." (random)"; return; }; 1;