#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => "rgb_color"; zci is_cached => 0; ################### # Test Builders # ################### my %test_builders = ( mix => \&build_answer_mix, random => \&build_answer_random, reverse => \&build_answer_reverse, tint => \&build_answer_tint, ); my $color_re = qr/^\p{XDigit}{6}$/i; sub build_standard_builder { my $subtitle_prefix = shift; return sub { my %params = @_; return ( text_answer => $params{result_color}->{hex}, data => { subtitle_prefix => $subtitle_prefix, %params, } ); }; } sub build_answer_mix { my %params = @_; my $inps = $params{input_colors}; do { my $i = 0; map { $inps->[$i] = { amount => 0.5, %{$_} }; $i++ } @{$params{input_colors}} }; $params{input_colors} = $inps; build_standard_builder('Mix')->(%params); } sub build_answer_tint { my %params = @_; my $inps = $params{input_colors}; do { my $i = 1; my @inps = @{$params{input_colors}}; map { $inps->[$i] = { amount => 0.5, %{$_} }; $i++ } @inps[1..$#inps]; }; $params{input_colors} = $inps; build_standard_builder('Tint')->(%params); } sub build_answer_random { my %params = @_; return ( text_answer => re($color_re), data => { result_color => superhashof({ hex => re($color_re) }), subtitle_prefix => 'Random color between', %params, }, ); } sub build_answer_reverse { build_standard_builder('(RGB) Opposite color of')->(@_); } sub build_structured_answer { my ($type, %test_params) = @_; my $builder = $test_builders{$type}; my %answer = $builder->(%test_params); return $answer{text_answer}, structured_answer => { data => $answer{data}, templates => { group => "text", options => { content => 'DDH.rgb_color.content', }, } }; } sub build_test { test_zci(build_structured_answer(@_)) } ################ # Test Cases # ################ my $black = { hex => '000000', name => 'black', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(0%, 0%, 0%, 100%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #000000', hslc_disp => 'HSL(0, 0%, 0%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(0, 0, 0)', }; my $black_9prt = { %$black, amount => 0.9 }; my $black_1prt = { %$black, amount => 1 }; my $white = { hex => 'ffffff', name => 'white', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(0%, 0%, 0%, 0%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #FFFFFF', hslc_disp => 'HSL(0, 0%, 100%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(255, 255, 255)', }; my $white_1prt = { %$white, amount => 0.1 }; my $white_0prt = { %$white, amount => 0 }; my $grey = { hex => '7f7f7f', name => 'grey50', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(0%, 0%, 0%, 50%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #7F7F7F', hslc_disp => 'HSL(0, 0%, 50%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(127, 127, 127)', }; my $black_9_white_1 = { hex => '191919', name => '', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(0%, 0%, 0%, 90%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #191919', hslc_disp => 'HSL(0, 0%, 10%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(25, 25, 25)', }; my $blue = { hex => '0000ff', name => 'blue', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(100%, 100%, 0%, 0%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #0000FF', hslc_disp => 'HSL(240, 100%, 50%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(0, 0, 255)', }; my $blue1 = { %$blue, name => 'blue1' }; my $yellow = { hex => 'ffff00', name => 'yellow', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(0%, 0%, 100%, 0%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #FFFF00', hslc_disp => 'HSL(60, 100%, 50%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(255, 255, 0)', }; my $dark_spring_yellow = { hex => '669900', name => 'darkspringyellow', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(33%, 0%, 100%, 40%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #669900', hslc_disp => 'HSL(80, 100%, 30%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(102, 153, 0)', }; my $light_violet_blue = { hex => '9966ff', name => 'lightvioletblue', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(40%, 60%, 0%, 0%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #9966FF', hslc_disp => 'HSL(260, 100%, 70%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(153, 102, 255)', }; my $sap_green = { hex => 'bdda57', name => 'sapgreen', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(13%, 0%, 60%, 15%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #BDDA57', hslc_disp => 'HSL(73, 64%, 60%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(189, 218, 87)', }; my $sap_green_opp = { hex => '4225a8', name => '', cmyb_disp => 'CMYB(61%, 78%, 0%, 34%)', hex_disp => 'Hex: #4225A8', hslc_disp => 'HSL(253, 64%, 40%)', rgb_disp => 'RGB(66, 37, 168)', }; my $tc_mix_black_white = build_test('mix', input_colors => [$black, $white], result_color => $grey, ); my $tc_mix_black_white_9_1 = build_test('mix', input_colors => [$black_9prt, $white_1prt], result_color => $black_9_white_1, ); my $tc_mix_black_white_1_0 = build_test('mix', input_colors => [$black_1prt, $white_0prt], result_color => $black, ); my $tc_random_black_white = build_test('random', input_colors => [$black, $white], ); my $tc_random_white_black = build_test('random', input_colors => [$white, $black], ); my $tc_opp_white = build_test('reverse', input_colors => [$white], result_color => $black, ); my $tc_opp_blue = build_test('reverse', input_colors => [$blue], result_color => $yellow, ); my $tc_opp_blue1 = build_test('reverse', input_colors => [$blue1], result_color => $yellow, ); my $tc_opp_dsy = build_test('reverse', input_colors => [$dark_spring_yellow], result_color => $light_violet_blue, ); my $tc_opp_sg = build_test('reverse', input_colors => [$sap_green], result_color => $sap_green_opp, ); my $tc_tint_black_white = build_test('tint', input_colors => [$black, $white], result_color => $black, ); my $tc_tint_white_black = build_test('tint', input_colors => [$white, $black], result_color => $grey, ); my $tc_tint_white_black_100 = build_test('tint', input_colors => [$white, $black_1prt], result_color => $black, ); ddg_goodie_test( [qw( DDG::Goodie::RgbColor )], # Random colors 'random color' => $tc_random_black_white, 'rand color' => $tc_random_black_white, # # With bounds 'random color between white and black' => $tc_random_white_black, # # # W/o 'and' 'random color between black white' => $tc_random_black_white, # Using 'colour' 'random colour' => $tc_random_black_white, # Plural (even though it isn't) 'random colors' => $tc_random_black_white, # Mixing colors 'mix 000000 ffffff' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'black and white mixed' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'mix black with white' => $tc_mix_black_white, # 'addition' form 'mix black + white' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'black + white =' => $tc_mix_black_white, # # With amounts 'mix 9 parts black with 1 part white' => $tc_mix_black_white_9_1, 'mix 90% black and 10% white' => $tc_mix_black_white_9_1, 'mix 100% black and 0% white' => $tc_mix_black_white_1_0, # # # Division by zero 'mix 0 parts black with 0 parts white' => undef, # # With leading '#' 'mix #000000 #ffffff' => $tc_mix_black_white, # # 'and' 'mix 000000 and ffffff' => $tc_mix_black_white, # # Using names 'mix black and white' => $tc_mix_black_white, # Reversing colors 'opposite of white' => $tc_opp_white, 'complementary color of white' => $tc_opp_white, 'complement white' => $tc_opp_white, 'opposite color for white' => $tc_opp_white, # # Using three-digit hex 'opposite of #690' => $tc_opp_dsy, # # # Must be three or six digits 'opposite of #6901' => undef, # Tinting colors 'tint black with white' => $tc_tint_black_white, 'tint white with black' => $tc_tint_white_black, 'tint white with 100% black' => $tc_tint_white_black_100, # Advanced colors (non-WWW) 'opposite of darkspringyellow' => $tc_opp_dsy, 'opposite of dark spring-yellow' => $tc_opp_dsy, 'opposite of blue1' => $tc_opp_blue1, # # W/ alternate forms 'opposite of sapgreen' => $tc_opp_sg, 'opposite of sap-green' => $tc_opp_sg, 'opposite of sap green' => $tc_opp_sg, # Sample queries (from checking query suggestions) 'mix black and white what color do you get' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'what do you get if you mix black and white' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'what do you get if you mix black and white?' => $tc_mix_black_white, "what's opposite of blue on the color wheel" => $tc_opp_blue, 'mixing black and white makes what color' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'mixing black and white makes what' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'black mixed with white' => $tc_mix_black_white, 'black tinted with white' => $tc_tint_black_white, # Invalid queries 'color' => undef, 'color ffffff' => undef, 'color picker' => undef, 'color picker ffffff' => undef, 'mix' => undef, # # From sample queries 'random color names' => undef, 'mix colors to make black' => undef, 'how to mix concrete' => undef, 'blue and gold dress' => undef, 'opposite of blue raining jane lyrics' => undef, 'pictures of blue rain' => undef, 'blue hex color' => undef, 'complement girl' => undef, 'red and blue mixed up spiderman action figure' => undef, 'red and blue mixed pitbulls' => undef, 'red + blue light' => undef, 'red + blue bedding' => undef, # # With potential to trigger in the future 'blue and gold' => undef, ); done_testing;