#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => 'password'; zci is_cached => 1; ddg_goodie_test( [qw( DDG::Goodie::RouterPasswords )], 'Belkin f5d6130' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), 'Belkin f5d6130 default password' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), 'Belkin f5d6130 password default' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), 'default password Belkin f5d6130' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), 'Belkin f5d6130 password' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), 'default BELKIN password f5d6130' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), 'password bELKIN default f5d6130' => test_zci('Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130: Username: (none) Password: password', html => 'Default login for the BELKIN F5D6130:
Username: (none)
Password: password'), ); done_testing;