package DDG::Goodie::PercentError; use DDG::Goodie; triggers start => "percent error", "% error", "%err", "%error", "percenterror", "percent err"; zci answer_type => "percent_error"; zci is_cached => 1; primary_example_queries 'percent-error 34.5 35'; secondary_example_queries '%err 41 43', '%-error 2.88 2.82'; description 'find the percent error given accepted and experimental values'; name 'PercentError'; code_url ''; category 'calculations'; topics 'math'; attribution twitter => 'crazedpsyc', cpan => 'CRZEDPSYC' ; handle remainder => sub { my $length = length($_); #return unless $length == 2; my ( $acc, $exp ) = split /\s*[\s;,]\s*/, $_; return unless $acc =~ /^-?\d+?(?:\.\d+|)$/ && $exp =~ /^-?\d+?(?:\.\d+|)$/; my $diff = abs $acc - $exp; my $per = abs ($diff/$acc); my $err = $per*100; my $html = qq(Accepted: $acc Experimental: $exp Error: $err%); return "Accepted: $acc Experimental: $exp Error: $err%", html => $html; }; 1;