package DDG::Goodie::Base64; use DDG::Goodie; use MIME::Base64; use Encode; triggers startend => "base64"; zci answer_type => "base64_conversion"; zci is_cached => 1; primary_example_queries 'base64 encode foo'; secondary_example_queries 'base64 decode dGhpcyB0ZXh0'; description 'encode to and decode from base64'; name 'Base64'; code_url ''; category 'conversions'; topics 'programming'; attribution web => [ '', 'Robert Picard' ], github => [ '', 'rpicard'], twitter => ['', '__rlp']; handle remainder => sub { return unless $_ =~ /^(encode|decode|)\s*(.*)$/i; my $command = $1 || ''; my $str = $2 || ''; if ($str) { if ( $command && $command eq 'decode' ) { $str = decode_base64($str); $str = decode( "UTF-8", $str ); chomp $str; return "Base64 decoded: $str"; } else { $str = encode_base64( encode( "UTF-8", $str ) ); chomp $str; return "Base64 encoded: $str"; } } return; }; 1;