{ "id": "markdown_cheat_sheet", "name": "Markdown", "description": "A lightweight markup language with plain text formatting syntax designed so that it can be converted to HTML", "metadata": { "sourceName": "GitHub", "sourceUrl": "https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/wiki/Markdown-Cheatsheet" }, "aliases": [ "md", "markdown language" ], "template_type": "terminal", "section_order": [ "Headers", "Emphasis", "Lists", "Links", "Images", "Code and Syntax Highlighting", "Blockquotes", "Inline HTML", "Horizontal Rule" ], "sections": { "Headers": [ { "key": "# Heading", "val": "H1" }, { "key": "## Heading", "val": "H2" }, { "key": "### Heading", "val": "H3" }, { "key": "#### Heading", "val": "H4" }, { "key": "##### Heading", "val": "H5" }, { "key": "###### Heading", "val": "H6" } ], "Emphasis": [ { "key": "_Text_", "val": "Displays text in italics" }, { "key": "**Text**", "val": "Displays the text in bold" }, { "key": "**_Text_**", "val": "Displays the text in bold and italics" }, { "key": "~~Text~~", "val": "Adds strikethrough effect to the text" } ], "Lists": [ { "key": "1. item1", "val": "First ordered list item" }, { "key": "2. item2", "val": "Second ordered list item" }, { "key": "⋅⋅1. Item", "val": "Ordered sub-list item" }, { "key": "* Item", "val": "Unordered list item" }, { "key": "⋅⋅* Item", "val": "Unordered sub-list item" } ], "Links": [ { "key": "\\[text link\\](https://duckduckgo.com)", "val": "Inline-style link" }, { "key": "\\[text link with title\\](https://duckduckgo.com \"DDG Home\")", "val": "Inline-style link with title" }, { "key": "\\[Reference-style link\\]\\[Arbitrary case-insensitive reference text\\]", "val": "Reference style link" }, { "key": "\\[Use numbers for reference-style link definitions\\]\\[1\\]", "val": "Links with a reference number. The number needs to be defined as [1]: http://slashdot.org" } ], "Images": [ { "key": "!\\[alt text\\](https://github.com/n48.png \"Logo Title\")", "val": "Inline style" }, { "key": "\\[alt text\\]\\[logo\\]", "val": "The reference style. Reference need to be declared as [logo]: https://github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/raw/master/src/common/images/icon48.png \"Logo Title Text 2\"" } ], "Code and Syntax Highlighting": [ { "key": "`code`", "val": "Inline code has back-ticks around it" }, { "key": "``` Code blocks ```", "val": "Blocks of code are either fenced by lines with three back-ticks or are indented with four spaces" } ], "Blockquotes": [ { "key": "> Blockquotes", "val": "Blockquotes are very handy in email to emulate reply text" } ], "Inline HTML": [ { "key": "", "val": "You can use the raw HTML in your Markdown" } ], "Horizontal Rule": [ { "key": "---", "val": "You can get a horizontal rule by typing three or more hyphens (-), asterisks (*) or underscore (_)" } ] } }