{ "id": "haml_cheat_sheet", "name": "HAML Cheatsheet", "description": "HAML Cheat Sheet lists common examples of the HAML templating system and displays the resulting generated code in HTML format.", "metadata": { "sourceName": "haml.info", "sourceUrl": "http://haml.info/docs/yardoc/file.REFERENCE.html" }, "aliases": [ "html abstraction markup language" ], "template_type": "terminal", "section_order": [ "Basics", "HTML Elements", "Comments", "Doctypes", "Ruby Evaluation", "Filters" ], "sections": { "Basics": [{ "key": "Plain text", "val": "Lines not interpreted as HAML are passed through unmodified" }, { "key": "
", "val": "HTML tags are passed through unmodified as well" }, { "key": "\\= @title", "val": "A backslash escapes the first character of a line, allowing use of otherwise interpreted characters as plain text." }], "HTML Elements": [{ "key": "%one", "val": "" }, { "key": "%one \n %two \n %three Divs are easily nested", "val": " \n < two > \n < three > Divs are easily nested < /three> \n < /two> \n < /one>" }, { "key": "%br/", "val": "
" }, { "key": "%div#things", "val": "
" }, { "key": "%span#rice Chicken Fried", "val": "Chicken Fried" }, { "key": "%p.beans\\{ :food => 'true' \\} The magical fruit", "val": "

The magical fruit

" }, { "key": "%h1.class.otherclass#id La La La", "val": "

La La La

" }, { "key": "%a\\{ :href => 'https://duckduckgo.com/' \\}", "val": "" }], "Comments": [{ "key": "/ This is the peanutbutterjelly element", "val": "" }, { "key": "/\\[if IE\\]", "val": "