{ "id": "apple_mac_os_cheat_sheet", "name": "Apple OS X", "description": "List of useful keyboard shortcuts for Mac", "metadata": { "sourceName": "Apple Support", "sourceUrl": "https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236" }, "aliases": [ "osx", "os x", "mac", "apple mac", "mac os", "mac osx", "macos" ], "template_type": "keyboard", "section_order": [ "General", "Finder", "Spotlight", "Text Editing", "Screenshots (Hold Ctrl to copy screenshot to the clipboard)", "Web Browsing (Works on most of the modern browsers)" ], "sections": { "General": [ { "key": "[⌘] [Tab]", "val": "Switch between apps. Holding Shift reverses." }, { "key": "[⌘] [~]", "val": "Switch to next window of current app. Holding Shift reverses." }, { "key": "[⌘] [Q]", "val": "Quit app" }, { "key": "[⌘] [H]", "val": "Hide windows of current app" }, { "key": "[⌘] [M]", "val": "Minimize windows of current app" }, { "key": "[⌘] [,]", "val": "Open Preferences (if available)" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] ( [←] / [→] )", "val": "Move one desktop left or right" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Opt] [Esc]", "val": "Open force quit dialog" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] [Shift] [⌽ (Power)]", "val": "Lock the screen" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [~]", "val": "Switch windows" }, { "key": "[⌘] [,]", "val": "Preference" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [Q]", "val": "Logout of OS X user account" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Ctrl] [Power]", "val": "Force Mac Restart" }, { "key": "[Shift] [Ctrl] [Power]", "val": "Sleep" } ], "Finder": [ { "key": "[⌘] [C]", "val": "Copy selected files" }, { "key": "[⌘] [V]", "val": "Paste files" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Opt] [V]", "val": "Move the copied files to current directory" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Del]", "val": "Delete selected folder or file" }, { "key": "([Return] / [Enter])", "val": "Rename the selected file/folder" }, { "key": "[⌘] [1~4]", "val": "Switch Finder views (Icon, List, Column, Cover Flow)" }, { "key": "[⌘] [↓]", "val": "Go into selected folder or open the selected file" }, { "key": "[⌘] [↑]", "val": "Go to parent folder" }, { "key": "[⌘] [T]", "val": "Open new Finder tab" }, { "key": "[⌘] [W]", "val": "Close current tab" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [W]", "val": "Close current window" }, { "key": "[⌘] [N]", "val": "Open new Finder window" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] [Tab]", "val": "Cycle through tabs" }, { "key": "Spacebar", "val": "Preview selected item using Quick Look" } ], "Spotlight": [ { "key": "[⌘] [Space]", "val": "Open Spotlight" }, { "key": "Enter", "val": "Open selected item" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Enter]", "val": "Open selected item in Finder" }, { "key": "[⌘] ( [↑] / [↓] )", "val": "Skip to next/previous result category" } ], "Text Editing": [ { "key": "[⌘] [A]", "val": "Select all" }, { "key": "[⌘] [X]", "val": "Cut" }, { "key": "[⌘] [C]", "val": "Copy" }, { "key": "[⌘] [V]", "val": "Paste" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Z]", "val": "Undo" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [Z]", "val": "Redo" }, { "key": "[⌘] ( [←] / [→] )", "val": "Go to beginning/end of line" }, { "key": "[⌘] [↑]", "val": "Go to beginning of document" }, { "key": "[⌘] [↓]", "val": "Go to end of document" }, { "key": "[Opt] [←]", "val": "Go to beginning of previous word" }, { "key": "[Opt] [→]", "val": "Go to end of next word" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] [K]", "val": "Delete the text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] [H]", "val": "Delete the character to the left of the insertion point" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] [D]", "val": "Delete the character to the right of the insertion point." } ], "Screenshots (Hold Ctrl to copy screenshot to the clipboard)": [ { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [3]", "val": "Take picture of the entire screen" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [4]", "val": "Take picture of a selected area" }, { "key": "[⌘] [Shift] [4], [Spacebar]", "val": "Take picture of a specific window/object" } ], "Web Browsing (Works on most of the modern browsers)": [ { "key": "[⌘] [T]", "val": "Open a new tab" }, { "key": "[⌘] [W]", "val": "Close current tab" }, { "key": "[⌘] [L]", "val": "Focus on browser's location bar" }, { "key": "[⌘] [R]", "val": "Refresh" }, { "key": "[⌘] [←]", "val": "Go back a page" }, { "key": "[⌘] [→]", "val": "Go forward a page" }, { "key": "[Ctrl] [Tab]", "val": "Cycle through tabs. Holding Shift reverses." }, { "key": "[⌘] [F]", "val": "Find" } ] } }