#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; use utf8; zci answer_type => 'binary_logic'; zci is_cached => 1; ddg_goodie_test( [qw( DDG::Goodie::BinaryLogic )], '4 xor 5' => test_zci('1', html => "
Result: 1
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '4 ⊕ 5' => test_zci('1', html => "
Result: 1
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '9489 xor 394 xor 9349 xor 39 xor 29 xor 4967 xor 3985' => test_zci('7378', html => "
Result: 7378
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '10 and 12' => test_zci('8', html => "
Result: 8
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '10 ∧ 12' => test_zci('8', html => "
Result: 8
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '52 or 100' => test_zci('116', html => "
Result: 116
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '52 ∨ 100' => test_zci('116', html => "
Result: 116
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '23 and (30 or 128)' => test_zci('22', html => "
Result: 22
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '23 ∧ (30 ∨ 128)' => test_zci('22', html => "
Result: 22
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '0x999 xor 0x589' => test_zci('3088', html => "
Result: 3088
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '0x999 ⊕ 0x589' => test_zci('3088', html => "
Result: 3088
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), 'not 1' => test_zci('18446744073709551614', html => "
Result: 18446744073709551614
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '¬1' => test_zci('18446744073709551614', html => "
Result: 18446744073709551614
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '3 and 2' => test_zci('2', html => "
Result: 2
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '1 or 1234' => test_zci('1235', html => "
Result: 1235
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '34 or 100' => test_zci('102', html => "
Result: 102
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '10 and (30 or 128)' => test_zci('10', html => "
Result: 10
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '0x01 or not 0X100' => test_zci('18446744073709551359', html => "
Result: 18446744073709551359
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '0x01 or 0x02' => test_zci('3', html => "
Result: 3
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '0b01 or 0b10' => test_zci('3', html => "
Result: 3
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), '0B11 xor 0B10' => test_zci('1', html => "
Result: 1
", heading => "Binary Logic" ), ); done_testing;