language: perl perl: - "5.16" - "5.14" - "5.12" - "5.10" before_install: # Prevent "Please tell me who you are" errors for certain DZIL configs - git config --global "TravisCI" - git config --global $HOSTNAME"" install: # Deal with all of the DZIL dependancies, quickly and quietly - cpanm --quiet --notest --skip-satisfied Dist::Zilla - dzil authordeps | grep -vP '[^\w:]' | xargs -n 5 -P 10 cpanm --quiet --notest --skip-satisfied - export AUTOMATED_TESTING=1 HARNESS_OPTIONS=j10:c HARNESS_TIMER=1 - dzil listdeps | grep -vP '[^\w:]' | cpanm --verbose script: - dzil smoke --release --author