#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => "country_codes"; zci is_cached => 1; sub build_structured_answer{ my ($country, $response) = @_; return 'ISO 3166: '. ucfirst $country .' - '. $response, structured_answer => { data => { title => $response, subtitle => "ISO 3166 Country code: " . ucfirst ($country), }, templates => { group => "text", }, }, } sub build_test { test_zci(build_structured_answer(@_)) } ddg_goodie_test( [ 'DDG::Goodie::CountryCodes' ], "country code Japan" => build_test("Japan","jp"), "3 letter country code Japan" => build_test("Japan","jpn"), "3 letter country code of China" => build_test("China","chn"), "Japan 3 letter country code" => build_test("Japan","jpn"), "Russia two letter country code" => build_test("Russia","ru"), "two letter country code Japan" => build_test("Japan","jp"), "three letter country code for Japan" => build_test("Japan","jpn"), "numerical iso code japan" => build_test("Japan",392), "iso code for spain" => build_test("Spain","es"), "country code jp" => build_test("Japan","jp"), "japan numerical iso 3166" => build_test("Japan",392), "united states of america iso code" => build_test("United states of america","us"), "3 letter iso code isle of man" => build_test("Isle of man","imn"), 'country code for gelgamek' => undef, 'iso code for english' => undef, ); done_testing;