package DDG::Goodie::Week; # ABSTRACT: Find the current week number or when a week began use DDG::Goodie; # My imports use strict; use warnings; use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate qw/ordinate ordsuf/; use DateTime; use Date::Calc qw(:all); # File metadata primary_example_queries "what is the current week"; secondary_example_queries "what was the 5th week of this year", "what was the 5th week of 1944"; description "find the current week number or when a week began"; name "Week"; code_url ""; category "dates"; topics "everyday", "special_interest"; attribution twitter => ["garrettsquire", 'Garrett Squire'], github => ["gsquire", 'Garrett Squire']; triggers any => 'week'; zci is_cached => 1; zci answer_type => "week"; my @months = qw/ January February March April May June July August September October November December /; handle query_raw => sub { return unless /^\s* what(?:'?s|\sis|\swas)?\s+ (?:the\s+)? (?:(current|(\d{1,2})(?:nd|th|rd|st)?)\s+)? week ( \s+of\s+ (?:(?:the|this)\s+)? (year|\d{4}) | \s+is\s+this )?\?? \s*$/x; my $week = $1; my $year = defined $4 ? ($4 eq 'year' ? 'current' : $4) : 'current'; ($week, $year) = qw/current current/ if (not defined $week); return if $week =~ s/(nd|th|rd|st)$// and $week > 52; my $dt = DateTime->now(time_zone => $loc->time_zone) if ($week eq 'current' or $year eq 'current'); if ($week eq 'current' and $year eq 'current') { return "We are in currently in the " . ordinate($dt->week_number) . ' week of ' . $dt->year . '.', html => 'We are in currently in the ' . $dt->week_number . '' . ordsuf($dt->week_number) . '' . ' week of ' . $dt->year . '.'; } elsif ($year eq 'current') { $year = $dt->year(); } my (undef, $month, $day) = Monday_of_Week($week, $year); return "The " . ordinate($week) . " week of $year began on " . "$months[--$month] " . ordinate($day) . '.', html =>"The $week" . ordsuf($week) . " week of $year began on " . "$months[$month] $day" . ordsuf($day) . '.'; }; 1;