package DDG::Goodie::Uppercase; # ABSTRACT: uppercase a provided string. use strict; use DDG::Goodie; triggers start => 'uppercase', 'upper case', 'allcaps', 'all caps', 'strtoupper', 'toupper'; # leaving out 'uc' because of queries like "UC Berkley", etc # 2014-08-10: triggers to "start"-only to make it act more like a "command" # resolves issue with queries like "why do people type in all caps" zci answer_type => "uppercase"; zci is_cached => 1; primary_example_queries 'uppercase this'; secondary_example_queries 'upper case that'; name 'Uppercase'; description 'Make a string uppercase.'; code_url ''; category 'conversions'; topics 'programming'; attribution twitter => ['crazedpsyc', 'Michael Smith'], cpan => ['CRZEDPSYC', 'Michael Smith']; handle remainder => sub { my $input = shift; return unless $input; return if $input eq uc($input); my $upper = uc $input; return $upper, structured_answer => { input => [html_enc($input)], operation => 'Uppercase', result => html_enc($upper), }; }; 1;