package DDG::Goodie::URLEncode; # ABSTRACT: Displays the percent-encoded url. use DDG::Goodie; use URI::Escape::XS qw(encodeURIComponent); use warnings; use strict; triggers startend => 'url encode', 'encode url', 'urlencode', 'encodeurl', 'url escape', 'escape url', 'urlescape', 'escapeurl'; primary_example_queries 'url encode' , 'encode url'; secondary_example_queries ' url escape', ' escape url'; zci answer_type => 'encoded_url'; zci is_cached => 1; name 'URLEncode'; description 'Displays the percent-encoded url'; code_url ''; category 'computing_tools'; topics 'programming', 'web_design'; attribution twitter => ['nshanmugham', 'Nishanth Shanmugham'], web => ['', 'Nishanth Shanmugham'], github => ['nishanths', 'Nishanth Shanmugham']; handle remainder => sub { my $in = $_; return unless $in; my $encoded_url = encodeURIComponent($in); my $text = "Percent-encoded URL: $encoded_url"; return $text, structured_answer => { input => [html_enc($in)], operation => 'URL percent-encode', result => html_enc($encoded_url), }; }; 1;