package DDG::Goodie::SolarSystem; # ABSTRACT: Return various attributes of a object use DDG::Goodie; use YAML::XS 'LoadFile'; use POSIX; use Text::Trim; use strict; zci answer_type => "solarsystem"; zci is_cached => 1; name "SolarSystem"; primary_example_queries 'size of venus'; secondary_example_queries 'what is the size of venus', 'volume of venus'; description 'Lookup various object attributes'; code_url ""; category 'random'; topics 'special_interest'; attribution github => ["MrChrisW", "Chris Wilson"], web => ["", "Chris Wilson"]; # Get Goodie version for use with image paths my $goodieVersion = $DDG::GoodieBundle::OpenSourceDuckDuckGo::VERSION // 999; my @attributesArray = ( 'size', 'radius', 'volume', 'mass', 'surface area', 'area'); my $attributesString = join('|', @attributesArray); my @unitTriggers = ( 'kg', 'km2', 'km3', 'km', 'mi2', 'mi3', 'mi', 'lbs', 'metric', 'imperial'); my $unitsString = join('|', @unitTriggers); triggers any => 'earth', 'jupiter', 'mars', 'mercury', 'neptune', 'saturn', 'uranus', 'venus', 'pluto', 'sun', 'moon'; # Load object data my $objects = LoadFile(share('objects.yml')); # Handle statement handle query_lc => sub { # Declare vars my ($attribute, $result, $objectObj, $objectName, $saturn, $unitType, $operation); s/(^what is)|(the)|(of)|(object)|(in)//g; # Remove common words return unless /$attributesString/; # Ensure we match at least one attribute, eg. size, volume # Set attribute depending on search query if(m/size|radius/) { $attribute = "radius" } elsif(m/volume/) { $attribute = "volume" } elsif(m/mass/) { $attribute = "mass" } elsif(m/area/) { $attribute = "surface_area" } s/$attributesString//g; # Remove attributes # Set unitType based on query string # kg, km, metric | lbs mi imperial if(m/kg|km\d?|metric/) { $unitType = $attribute; } elsif (m/lbs|mi\d?|imperial/) { $unitType = $attribute."_imperial"; } else { # Switch to imperial for non-metric countries based on location # if ($loc->country_code =~ m/US|MM|LR/i) { $unitType = $attribute."_imperial"; } else { $unitType = $attribute; } } s/$unitsString//g; # Remove unit/unit type trim($_); # Trim return unless $_; # Return if empty query $objectObj = $objects->{$_}; # Get object data return unless $objectObj; # Return if we don't have a valid object return unless $unitType; # Guard against no $unitType - should never occur $result = $objectObj->{$unitType}; # Get data using correct unit type $objectName = $_; # Convert attribute surface_area = Surface Area # Human friendly object name + attribute if($attribute =~ "surface_area") { $attribute = "Surface Area"; } $operation = ucfirst($_)." - ".ucfirst($attribute); # Superscript for km3, mi3, km2 or mi2 if($result =~ m/(km|mi)(\d)/) { my ($symbol, $superscript) = ($1, $2); $result =~ s/$symbol$superscript/$symbol$superscript<\/sup>/; } # Superscript for scientific notation # Convert x to HTML entity × if($result =~ m/x\s(10)(\d\d)/) { my ($number, $exponent) = ($1, $2); $result =~ s/$number$exponent/$number$exponent<\/sup>/; $result =~ s/x/×/; } #$saturn var is provided to handlebars template to set size of image $saturn = ($objectName eq "saturn") ? 1 : 0; #Return result and html return $operation." is ".$result, structured_answer => { id => 'solar_system', name => 'Answer', data => { attributes => $result, operation => $operation, imageName => $objectName, saturn => $saturn, goodie_version => $goodieVersion }, meta => { sourceUrl => "", sourceName => "NASA" }, templates => { group => 'base', detail_mobile => '', options => { content => 'DDH.solar_system.content', } } }; }; 1;