package DDG::Goodie::Phonetic; # ABSTRACT: Take a string and spell it out phonetically using the NATO alphabet use strict; use DDG::Goodie; triggers start => 'phonetic'; zci is_cached => 1; primary_example_queries 'phonetic what duck'; description 'spell a string phonetically with the NATO alphabet'; name 'Phonetic'; code_url ''; category 'reference'; topics 'special_interest'; attribution github => [ 'robotmay', 'Robert May' ], twitter => [ 'robotmay', 'Robert May' ]; sub components { my %nato = ( a => "Alfa", b => "Bravo", c => "Charlie", d => "Delta", e => "Echo", f => "Foxtrot", g => "Golf", h => "Hotel", i => "India", j => "Juliet", k => "Kilo", l => "Lima", m => "Mike", n => "November", o => "Oscar", p => "Papa", q => "Quebec", r => "Romeo", s => "Sierra", t => "Tango", u => "Uniform", v => "Victor", w => "Whiskey", x => "Xray", y => "Yankee", z => "Zulu", 1 => "One", 2 => "Two", 3 => "Three", 4 => "Four", 5 => "Five", 6 => "Six", 7 => "Seven", 8 => "Eight", 9 => "Nine", 0 => "Zero" ); my @components = map { defined $nato{$_} ? ($nato{$_}) : () } split //, $_; return join("-", @components); } handle remainder => sub { return unless $_; $_ = lc; my @words = split(/\s+/, $_); my @phonetics = map { components($_) } @words; return "Phonetic: " . join(" ", @phonetics); }; 1;