package DDG::Goodie::Password; # ABSTRACT: Generate a random password. use strict; use DDG::Goodie; use List::MoreUtils qw( none ); use List::Util qw( min max first ); use Scalar::Util qw( looks_like_number ); primary_example_queries 'random password', 'random password strong 15'; description 'generates a random password'; name 'Password'; code_url ''; attribution github => ['duckduckgo', 'DuckDuckGo']; category 'computing_tools'; topics 'cryptography'; zci answer_type => 'pw'; zci is_cached => 0; triggers start => 'password', 'random password', 'pw', 'random pw', 'pwgen'; use constant MAX_PWD_LENGTH => 64; use constant DEFAULT_PWD_LENGTH => 8; my %look_alikes = map { $_ => 1 } qw(l O I); # Exclude alphabet characters which can be easily visually confused. my %averages = map { $_ => 1 } (2 .. 9); # 0,1 missing for the same reasons as above. my %highs = map { $_ => 1 } ('!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')'); my @pwgen_low = grep { !$look_alikes{$_} } ('a' .. 'z', 'A' .. 'Z'); my @pwgen_average = (@pwgen_low, keys %averages); my @pwgen_high = (@pwgen_average, keys %highs); my %pw_strengths = ( 'strong' => 'high', 'hard' => 'high', 'easy' => 'low', 'weak' => 'low', 'normal' => 'average', 'avg' => 'average', ); foreach my $value (values %pw_strengths) { $pw_strengths{$value} = $value; # Add in self-refereces. } my $strengths = join('|', keys %pw_strengths); handle remainder => sub { my $query = shift; return if ($query && $query !~ /^(?\d+|$strengths|)\s*(?\d+|$strengths|)$/i); srand(); # Reseed on each request. my @q_words = map { lc $_ } grep { defined } ($+{'fw'}, $+{'sw'}); my $pw_length = first { looks_like_number($_) } @q_words; $pw_length = ($pw_length) ? max(1, $pw_length) : DEFAULT_PWD_LENGTH; return if ($pw_length > MAX_PWD_LENGTH); my $strength_code = first { $_ && exists $pw_strengths{$_} } @q_words; my $pw_strength = $pw_strengths{$strength_code || 'average'}; # Password. my @pwgen; my @list_to_use = ($pw_strength eq 'low') ? @pwgen_low : ($pw_strength eq 'high') ? @pwgen_high : @pwgen_average; # Generate random password of the correct length. while (scalar @pwgen < $pw_length) { push @pwgen, $list_to_use[int rand scalar @list_to_use]; } if ($pw_strength ne 'low') { # Make sure we have the characters we want; replace_inside_with(\@pwgen, \%averages) if (none { $averages{$_} } @pwgen); replace_inside_with(\@pwgen, \%highs) if ($pw_strength eq 'high' && none { $highs{$_} } @pwgen); } my $pw_string = join('', @pwgen); # Add password for display. return $pw_string . " (random password)", structured_answer => { input => [$pw_length . ' characters', $pw_strength . ' strength'], operation => 'Random password', result => $pw_string }; }; sub replace_inside_with { my ($orig, $required_hash) = @_; my @keys = keys %$required_hash; # replace a random character in the original list with # with a randomly selected key from our hash. $orig->[int rand scalar @$orig] = $keys[int rand scalar @keys]; return; } 1;