package DDG::Goodie::POTUS; # ABSTRACT: Returns requested President of the United States use strict; use DDG::Goodie; use Lingua::EN::Numbers::Ordinate qw(ordsuf ordinate); use Lingua::EN::Words2Nums; use YAML::XS 'LoadFile'; triggers startend => 'potus'; triggers any => 'president of the united states', 'president of the us'; zci answer_type => 'potus'; zci is_cached => 1; name 'POTUS'; description 'returns the President of the United States'; category 'reference'; topics 'trivia'; primary_example_queries 'potus 16'; code_url ''; attribution github => ['numbertheory', 'John-Peter Etcheber'], twitter => ['jpscribbles', 'John-Peter Etcheber']; my @presidents = @{LoadFile(share('presidents.yml'))}; my $prez_count = scalar @presidents; handle remainder => sub { my $rem = shift; $rem =~ s/ |who\s+(is|was)\s+the\s+ |^POTUS\s+ |\s+(POTUS|president\s+of\s+the\s+united\s+states)$ |^(POTUS|president\s+of\s+the\s+united\s+states)\s+ //gix; my $num = ($rem =~ /^\d+$/) ? $rem : words2nums($rem) || $prez_count; my $index = $num - 1; return if $index < 0 or $index > $#presidents; my $fact = ($num == $prez_count ? 'is' : 'was') . ' the'; my $POTUS = 'President of the United States'; my $the_guy = $presidents[$index]; my $which = ordinate($num); return "$the_guy $fact $which $POTUS.", structured_answer => { input => [$which], operation => $POTUS, result => $the_guy, }; }; 1;