package DDG::Goodie::FIGlet; # ABSTRACT: Uses FIGlet to make large letters out of ordinary text. use strict; use utf8; use DDG::Goodie; use Text::FIGlet; triggers startend => "figlet", "bigtext", "big text"; primary_example_queries 'figlet DuckDuckGo'; secondary_example_queries 'figlet computer DuckDuckGo'; name 'FIGlet'; description 'Uses FIGlet to make large letters out of ordinary text.'; category 'transformations'; topics 'words_and_games'; code_url ''; attribution web => ['', 'Lars Jansøn Engvik'], github => [ 'larseng', 'Lars Jansøn Engvik']; zci answer_type => 'figlet'; zci is_cached => 1; my $width = 800; # Fetch available fonts. opendir DIR, share(); my @fonts = readdir(DIR); closedir DIR; # Renders a figlet. sub render_figlet { my ($font, $text) = @_; return Text::FIGlet->new(-f=>$font, -d=>share())->figify(-w=>$width, -A=>$text); } handle query => sub { my $font; my $text; my $figlet; my $html; # Return if no input provided. return if ((lc $_ eq 'figlet') || (lc $_ eq 'bigtext') || (lc $_ eq 'big text')); # Parse query. $_ =~ m/^(?:figlet|bigtext|big text)(?:\-|\s+)(.*)|(.*)\s+(?:figlet|bigtext|big text)$/i; $text = $1 if $1; $text = $2 if $2; # Checks if the first word is a font. $text =~ m/^\s*(\w+)/; $font = lc $1 if grep /\b$1\b/i, @fonts; # Strip the font from the text to render if we're using a font. if ($font && $font ne $text) { $text = substr $text, length ($font)+1, length $text; } else { $font = "standard"; } # Render the FIGlet $figlet = render_figlet($font, $text); $html = "
Font: $font
"; return $figlet, html => $html if $figlet; return; }; 1;