package DDG::Goodie::Ascii; # ABSTRACT: ASCII use strict; use DDG::Goodie; triggers end => "ascii"; primary_example_queries '0110100001100101011011000110110001101111 to ascii'; description 'convert binary data to readable characters'; name 'Ascii'; code_url ''; category 'transformations'; topics 'cryptography'; zci answer_type => "ascii_conversion"; zci is_cached => 1; handle remainder => sub { my $ascii = pack("B*", $1) if /^(([0-1]{8})*)\s+(in|to)$/; my $binary = $1; return unless $ascii; return "$binary in binary is \"$ascii\" in ASCII", structured_answer => { input => [$binary], operation => 'Binary to ASCII', result => html_enc($ascii), }; }; 1;