#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => "cusip"; ddg_goodie_test( ['DDG::Goodie::Cusip'], ##### # triggers that SHOULD NOT load the IA # a query with no text should not trigger the IA 'cusip' => undef, # queries with not enough chars should not trigger the IA 'cusip 0' => undef, 'cusip 01234#' => undef, # queries with too many chars should not trigger the IA 'cusip 0123456789' => undef, # white spaces should not be counted as chars 'cusip 6789' => undef, 'cusip 1234 ' => undef, 'cusip 1234 6789' => undef, # queries with nonalphanumeric chars that are not '*', '#', or '@' # should not trigger the IA 'cusip _12345678' => undef, 'cusip 01234567+' => undef, # multiple IDs are not currently checked 'cusip 037833100 037833100' => undef, 'cusip 037833100 12345' => undef, 'cusip 12345 037833100' => undef, 'cusip 01234 56789' => undef, ##### # triggers that SHOULD load the IA # typical well-formed queries for AAPL and Southwest 'cusip 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip check 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 844741108' => test_zci("844741108 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), '037833100 cusip' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), '037833100 cusip check' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # starting white space should be stripped 'cusip 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # ending white space should be stripped 'cusip 037833100 ' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # starting and ending white space should be stripped 'cusip 037833100 ' => test_zci("037833100 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # same AAPL queries with an incorrect check digit 'cusip 03783310A' => test_zci("03783310A is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 03783310A' => test_zci("03783310A is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 03783310A ' => test_zci("03783310A is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 03783310A ' => test_zci("03783310A is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # check CUSIP IDs with capital letters (these are for GOOG and Blackberry) 'cusip 38259P706' => test_zci("38259P706 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 38259P508' => test_zci("38259P508 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 09228F103' => test_zci("09228F103 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # check the same CUSIP IDs with lower case letters 'cusip 38259p706' => test_zci("38259P706 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 38259p508' => test_zci("38259P508 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 09228f103' => test_zci("09228F103 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # check CUSIP IDs with '*', '#', and '@' # these CUSIP ID check digits were calculated by hand # if possible, these tests should be replaced with verified CUSIP IDs 'cusip 037833*00' => test_zci("037833*00 is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 037833*02' => test_zci("037833*02 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 0378331#0' => test_zci("0378331#0 is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 0378331#7' => test_zci("0378331#7 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 037833@00' => test_zci("037833\@00 is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 037833@01' => test_zci("037833\@01 is a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # CUSIP IDs ending in '*', '#', and '@' should not break the IA # even though they are always invalid IDs 'cusip 03783310*' => test_zci("03783310* is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 03783310#' => test_zci("03783310# is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip 03783310@' => test_zci("03783310\@ is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), # Odd CUSIP IDs should not break the IA 'cusip ********8' => test_zci("********8 is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip ########9' => test_zci("########9 is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), 'cusip @#*@#*@#*' => test_zci("\@#*\@#*\@#* is not a properly formatted CUSIP number.", html => qr/.*/), ); done_testing;