#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => 'date_conversion'; zci is_cached => 1; ddg_goodie_test( [qw( DDG::Goodie::AltCalendars )], 'heisei 25' => test_zci('Heisei 25 is equivalent to 2013 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Heisei 25 is equivalent to 2013 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), 'shouwa 39' => test_zci('Shouwa 39 is equivalent to 1964 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Shouwa 39 is equivalent to 1964 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), 'taisho 11' => test_zci('Taisho 11 is equivalent to 1922 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Taisho 11 is equivalent to 1922 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), 'meiji 1' => test_zci('Meiji 1 is equivalent to 1868 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Meiji 1 is equivalent to 1868 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), 'minguo 50' => test_zci('Minguo 50 is equivalent to 1961 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Minguo 50 is equivalent to 1961 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), 'juche 07' => test_zci('Juche 07 is equivalent to 1918 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Juche 07 is equivalent to 1918 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), 'Heisei 12 was a leap year' => test_zci('2000 was a leap year (Heisei 12 is equivalent to 2000 in the Gregorian Calendar)', html => '2000 was a leap year (Heisei 12 is equivalent to 2000 in the Gregorian Calendar)
More at Wikipedia'), 'it\'s heisei 25 now' => test_zci('it\'s 2013 now (Heisei 25 is equivalent to 2013 in the Gregorian Calendar)', html => 'it\'s 2013 now (Heisei 25 is equivalent to 2013 in the Gregorian Calendar)
More at Wikipedia'), 'January 1st Meiji 33' => test_zci('January 1st 1900 (Meiji 33 is equivalent to 1900 in the Gregorian Calendar)', html => 'January 1st 1900 (Meiji 33 is equivalent to 1900 in the Gregorian Calendar)
More at Wikipedia'), 'heisei 24' => test_zci('Heisei 24 is equivalent to 2012 in the Gregorian Calendar', html => 'Heisei 24 is equivalent to 2012 in the Gregorian Calendar
More at Wikipedia'), ); done_testing;