#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => 'united_nations'; zci is_cached => 1; sub build_structure { my ($num, $result, $link) = @_; return $result, structured_answer => { id => 'un', name => 'UN Number', data => { title => "UN Number: " . $num, description => $result }, meta => { sourceName => "Wikipedia", sourceUrl => $link }, templates => { group => 'info', options => { moreAt => 1 } } }; } ddg_goodie_test( [qw(DDG::Goodie::UN)], "un 9" => test_zci( build_structure( "0009", "Ammunition, incendiary with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UN_numbers_0001_to_0100" ) ), "un number 9" => test_zci( build_structure( "0009", "Ammunition, incendiary with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UN_numbers_0001_to_0100" ) ), "un number 0009" => test_zci( build_structure( "0009", "Ammunition, incendiary with or without burster, expelling charge, or propelling charge", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UN_numbers_0001_to_0100" ) ), "un 1993" => test_zci( build_structure( "1993", "Combustible liquids, n.o.s", "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_UN_numbers_1901_to_2000" ) ), "un number foo" => undef, ); done_testing;