#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => 'potus'; zci is_cached => 1; ddg_goodie_test( [qw( DDG::Goodie::POTUS)], 'who is president of the united states' => test_zci( 'Barack Obama is the 44th President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['44th'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Barack Obama' } ), 'who is the fourth president of the united states' => test_zci( 'James Madison was the 4th President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['4th'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'James Madison' } ), 'who is the nineteenth president of the united states' => test_zci( 'Rutherford B. Hayes was the 19th President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['19th'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Rutherford B. Hayes' } ), 'who was the 1st president of the united states' => test_zci( 'George Washington was the 1st President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['1st'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'George Washington' } ), 'who was the 31 president of the united states' => test_zci( 'Herbert Hoover was the 31st President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['31st'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Herbert Hoover' } ), 'who was the 22 president of the united states' => test_zci( 'Grover Cleveland was the 22nd President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['22nd'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Grover Cleveland' } ), 'potus 11' => test_zci( 'James K. Polk was the 11th President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['11th'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'James K. Polk' } ), 'POTUS 24' => test_zci( 'Grover Cleveland was the 24th President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['24th'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Grover Cleveland' } ), 'who was the twenty-second POTUS?' => test_zci( 'Grover Cleveland was the 22nd President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['22nd'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Grover Cleveland' } ), 'potus 16' => test_zci( 'Abraham Lincoln was the 16th President of the United States.', structured_answer => { input => ['16th'], operation => 'President of the United States', result => 'Abraham Lincoln' } ), ); done_testing;