#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use DDG::Test::Goodie; zci answer_type => "ultimate_answer"; zci is_cached => 1; my $answer = 'Forty-two'; my $structuredAnswer = { data => { title => $answer, subtitle => 'The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything.' }, meta => { sourceName => 'Wikipedia', sourceUrl => 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phrases_from_The_Hitchhiker%27s_Guide_to_the_Galaxy#Answer_to_the_Ultimate_Question_of_Life.2C_the_Universe.2C_and_Everything_.2842.29' }, templates => { group => 'text' } }; ddg_goodie_test( ['DDG::Goodie::UltimateAnswer'], 'what is the answer to life the universe and everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'What is the Answer to Life the Universe and Everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the answer to life the universe and everything?' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'answer to life the universe and everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'meaning of life the universe and everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'ultimate answer' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'Ultimate Answer' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the ultimate answer' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the ultimate answer?' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the ultimate answer to life the universe and everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'answer to the ultimate question' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'Answer to the Ultimate Question' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the answer to the ultimate question' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the answer to the ultimate question?' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'what is the answer to the ultimate question of life the universe and everything' => test_zci( $answer, structured_answer => $structuredAnswer ), 'life the universe and everything' => undef, 'life the universe and everything 42' => undef, 'blah life the universe and everything' => undef, 'ultimate answer to kings' => undef, 'blah ultimate answer' => undef, 'answer to the ultimate question of life' => undef, 'blah answer to the ultimate question' => undef, 'what is the answer to my homework question' => undef, 'why?' => undef, ); done_testing;