#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use Test::More; use DDG::Test::Goodie; use URI::Escape; zci answer_type => 'minecraft'; zci is_cached => 1; my $goodieVersion = $DDG::GoodieBundle::OpenSourceDuckDuckGo::VERSION // 999; ddg_goodie_test( [ 'DDG::Goodie::Minecraft' ], 'ladder crafting minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Ladder ingredients: 7 Stick.', make_structured_answer( "Ladder", "7 Stick", "Used for climbing walls. You can climb either horizontally or vertically. To climb safely, you can sneak while climbing (hold shift).", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/ladder-crafting.png", ) ), 'how to make a ladder crafting minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Ladder ingredients: 7 Stick.', make_structured_answer( "Ladder", "7 Stick", "Used for climbing walls. You can climb either horizontally or vertically. To climb safely, you can sneak while climbing (hold shift).", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/ladder-crafting.png", ) ), 'crafting table minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Crafting Table ingredients: 4 Wood Planks.', make_structured_answer( "Crafting Table", "4 Wood Planks", "When placed on the ground, it provides use of the 3×3 crafting grid.", "/share/goodie/minecraft/$goodieVersion/images/crafting-table.gif", ) ), 'how do I craft a workbench in minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Crafting Table ingredients: 4 Wood Planks.', make_structured_answer( "Crafting Table", "4 Wood Planks", "When placed on the ground, it provides use of the 3×3 crafting grid.", "/share/goodie/minecraft/$goodieVersion/images/crafting-table.gif", ) ), 'how to make a crafting table minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Crafting Table ingredients: 4 Wood Planks.', make_structured_answer( "Crafting Table", "4 Wood Planks", "When placed on the ground, it provides use of the 3×3 crafting grid.", "/share/goodie/minecraft/$goodieVersion/images/crafting-table.gif", ) ), 'tnt minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft TNT ingredients: 5 Gunpowder + 4 Sand.', make_structured_answer( "TNT", "5 Gunpowder + 4 Sand", "An explosive block. When activated, it creates an explosion that damages nearby creatures and destroys nearby blocks", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/tnt-crafting.png", ) ), 'minecraft how to craft a book' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Book ingredients: 3 Paper + 1 Leather.', make_structured_answer( "Book", "3 Paper + 1 Leather", "Used to create book and quills, bookshelfs or an enchantment table. Can be enchanted.", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/book-crafting.png", ) ), 'minecraft activator rail' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Activator Rail ingredients: 6 Iron Ingot + 2 Stick + 1 Redstone Torch.', make_structured_answer( "Activator Rail", "6 Iron Ingot + 2 Stick + 1 Redstone Torch", "Used to activate TNT Minecarts or Minecarts with Hoppers.", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/activator-rail-crafting.png", ) ), 'how do i craft an anvil in minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Anvil ingredients: 3 Iron Block + 4 Iron Ingot.', make_structured_answer( "Anvil", "3 Iron Block + 4 Iron Ingot", "Used to combine enchantments, repair or rename items or blocks. Anvils are affected by gravity. On average, an anvil will survive for 25 uses.", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/anvil-crafting.png", ) ), 'recipe for a shovel on minecraft' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Shovel ingredients: 2 Stick + 1 Wood Planks OR 1 Cobblestone OR 1 Iron Ingot OR 1 Gold Ingot OR 1 Diamond.', make_structured_answer( "Shovel", "2 Stick + 1 Wood Planks OR 1 Cobblestone OR 1 Iron Ingot OR 1 Gold Ingot OR 1 Diamond", "Used to effectively dig sand, dirt, gravel, snow and clay. Required to dig snowballs.", "http://www.minecraftxl.com/images/wiki/recipes/shovels-crafting.gif", ) ), 'minecraft make colored hard clay' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Colored Terracotta ingredients: 8 Terracotta + 1 Dye.' , make_structured_answer( "Colored Terracotta", "8 Terracotta + 1 Dye", "Used as decoration or building material.", "/share/goodie/minecraft/999/images/colored-terracotta.gif", ) ), # Same as last but with british spelling of colour 'minecraft make coloured hard clay' => test_zci( 'Minecraft Colored Terracotta ingredients: 8 Terracotta + 1 Dye.' , make_structured_answer( "Colored Terracotta", "8 Terracotta + 1 Dye", "Used as decoration or building material.", "/share/goodie/minecraft/999/images/colored-terracotta.gif", ) ), 'diamond shovel' => undef, 'craft ladder' => undef, 'make tnt' => undef, 'burger minecraft' => undef, 'crafting burgers in minecraft' => undef, 'how do i craft a cheeseburger in minecraft' => undef, 'minecraft download' => undef, 'cool texture packs for minecraft' => undef, 'minecraft cake design' => undef, 'minecraft cake guide' => undef, ); sub make_structured_answer { my ($name, $ingredients, $description, $image ) = @_; my %recipe = ( name => $name, ingredients => $ingredients, description => $description, image => $image, imageTile => 1 ); return structured_answer => { data => { title => $recipe{'name'}, subtitle => "Ingredients: " . $recipe{'ingredients'}, description => $recipe{'description'}, image => $recipe{'image'}, imageTile => 1 }, meta => { sourceName => "Minecraft Wiki", sourceUrl => 'http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/' . uri_escape( $recipe{'name'} ) }, templates => { group => 'info', options => { moreAt => 1 } } }; }; done_testing;