package DDG::Goodie::CaesarCipher; # ABSTRACT: Perform a simple Caesar cipher on some text. use strict; use DDG::Goodie; triggers startend => "caesar cipher", "ceasar cipher", "shift cipher"; triggers start => 'caesar', 'ceasar'; zci is_cached => 1; zci answer_type => "caesar_cipher"; my @alphabet = ('a' ... 'z'); my $string_alphabet = join '', @alphabet; sub build_infobox_element { my $query = shift; my @split = split ' ', $query; return { label => $query, url => '' . (join '+', @split) . '&ia=answer', }; } my $infobox = [ { heading => "Example Queries", }, build_infobox_element('caesar cipher 2 text'), build_infobox_element('shift cipher -2 vgzv'), build_infobox_element('caesar cipher 33 secret'), build_infobox_element('caesar cipher -7 zljyla'), ]; my @description_pars = split "\n\n", share('description.txt')->slurp(); my $decode_response = { data => { title => "How to decode the caesar cipher", infoboxData => $infobox, description_pars => \@description_pars, }, meta => { sourceUrl => '', sourceName => 'Wikipedia', }, templates => { group => 'info', options => { content => 'DDH.caesar_cipher.content', chompContent => 1, }, }, }; sub wants_decode { my $query = shift; return $query =~ /^how to ((de|en)(code|crypt)|use)( (a|the))?|(de|en)(coder?|crypt(er)?)$/i; } sub perform_caesar { my ($to_cipher, $shift_val) = @_; my $amount = $shift_val % 26; # This creates the cipher by shifting the alphabet. my @shifted_alphabet = (@alphabet[$amount...25], @alphabet[0..$amount-1]); my $result; foreach my $char (split //, $to_cipher) { if ($char =~ /[[:alpha:]]/) { my $uppercase = $char =~ /[A-Z]/; my $idx = index $string_alphabet, lc $char; $char = $shifted_alphabet[$idx] if ($idx != -1); $char = uc $char if ($uppercase); } $result .= $char; } return $result; } handle remainder => sub { my $remainder = shift; my $wants_decode = wants_decode($remainder); return "Caesar Cipher", structured_answer => $decode_response if $wants_decode; return unless $remainder =~ /(\-?\d+)\s+([[:ascii:]]+)$/; my ($shift_val, $to_cipher) = ($1, $2); my $result = perform_caesar($to_cipher, $shift_val); return "$result", structured_answer => { data => { title => "$result", subtitle => "Caesar cipher $shift_val $to_cipher", }, templates => { group => 'text', moreAt => 0, }, }; }; 1;