diff --git a/lib/DDG/Goodie/Cusip.pm b/lib/DDG/Goodie/Cusip.pm
index b2b42f52d..319437044 100644
--- a/lib/DDG/Goodie/Cusip.pm
+++ b/lib/DDG/Goodie/Cusip.pm
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package DDG::Goodie::Cusip;
# ABSTRACT: Validate a CUSIP ID's check digit.
use DDG::Goodie;
-use POSIX;
# metadata
name "CUSIP check";
@@ -13,82 +12,93 @@ topics "economy_and_finance";
code_url "https://github.com/tommytommytommy/zeroclickinfo-goodies/lib/DDG/Goodie/Cusip.pm";
attribution github => ["https://github.com/tommytommytommy", 'tommytommytommy'];
-triggers start =>
+triggers startend =>
zci answer_type => "cusip";
handle remainder => sub {
- # magic number to identify the length of the CUSIP ID
+ # magic number to identify the length of the CUSIP ID
# strip beginning and end whitespace from remainder
+ # capitalize all letters in the CUSIP
+ $_ = uc;
+ # check that the remainder is the correct length and
+ # only contains alphanumeric chars and *, @, and #
+ return if not m/^[A-Z0-9\*\@\#]{$CUSIPLENGTH}$/;
+ # split the CUSIP ID (without check digit) into an array of characters
+ my @cusipIdChars = split(//, $_);
+ my $inputCheckDigit = pop @cusipIdChars;
+ # aggregate checksum value
+ my $checksum = 0;
+ # index variable to track current CUSIP char
+ my $cusipIndex = 0;
+ # calculate the checksum for the CUSIP ID
+ foreach (@cusipIdChars) {
+ # this variable stores the integer equivalent of the CUSIP character
+ my $currentCusipCharValue = 0;
+ # map the current CUSIP character into its integer value
+ # based on the pseudo algorithm provided by
+ # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUSIP#Check_digit_pseudocode
+ if (m/[0-9]/) {
+ $currentCusipCharValue = ord($_) - ord('0');
+ } elsif (m/[A-Z]/) {
+ $currentCusipCharValue = ord($_) - ord('A') + 10;
+ } elsif ($_ eq '*') {
+ $currentCusipCharValue = 36;
+ } elsif ($_ eq '@') {
+ $currentCusipCharValue = 37;
+ } elsif ($_ eq '#') {
+ $currentCusipCharValue = 38;
+ } else {
+ $currentCusipCharValue = 0;
+ }
+ # double the CUSIP value for every other character starting with the second
+ if (($cusipIndex + 1) % 2 == 0) {
+ $currentCusipCharValue *= 2;
+ }
+ # the pseudocode in Wikipedia does not explicitly state that truncating
+ # the division result is necessary, but empirical testing
+ # with 037833100 for AAPL and 38259P706 and 38259P508 for GOOG show
+ # that the truncation is necessary
+ $checksum += int($currentCusipCharValue / 10) + $currentCusipCharValue % 10;
- # check that the remainder is the correct length
- return unless m/^(.{$CUSIPLENGTH})$/;
- # check that the remainder only contains alphanumeric chars and *, @, and #
- return if not m/^[a-zA-Z0-9\*\@\#]+$/;
- # capitalize all letters in the CUSIP
- tr/a-z/A-Z/;
- # aggregate checksum value
- my $checksum = 0;
- # iteration index
- my $cusipIndex;
- # temporary variables for use within the for loop to store
- # the current CUSIP character and its equivalent integer value
- my $currentCusipChar;
- my $currentCusipCharValue;
- # calculate the checksum for the CUSIP
- for ($cusipIndex = 0; $cusipIndex < $CUSIPLENGTH - 1; $cusipIndex++) {
- # extract the current CUSIP character
- $currentCusipChar = substr $_, $cusipIndex, 1;
- # map the current CUSIP character into its integer value
- # based on the pseudo algorithm provided by
- # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CUSIP#Check_digit_pseudocode
- $currentCusipCharValue = 0;
- for ($currentCusipChar) {
- if (/[0-9]/) {
- $currentCusipCharValue = ord($currentCusipChar) - ord('0');
- } elsif (/[A-Z]/) {
- $currentCusipCharValue = ord($currentCusipChar) - ord('A') + 10;
- } elsif ($currentCusipChar eq '*') {
- $currentCusipCharValue = 36;
- } elsif ($currentCusipChar eq '@') {
- $currentCusipCharValue = 37;
- } elsif ($currentCusipChar eq '#') {
- $currentCusipCharValue = 38;
- } else {
- $currentCusipCharValue = 0;
- }
- }
- # double the CUSIP value for every other character starting with the second
- if (($cusipIndex + 1) % 2 == 0) {
- $currentCusipCharValue *= 2;
- }
- # the pseudocode in Wikipedia does not explicitly state that floor()
- # is required, but empirical testing with 037833100 for AAPL and
- # 38259P706 and 38259P508 for GOOG shows that floor() is necessary
- $checksum += floor($currentCusipCharValue / 10) + $currentCusipCharValue % 10;
+ # increment the character position counter
+ $cusipIndex++;
- # convert the checksum into a single check digit
- my $checkDigit = (10 - ($checksum % 10)) % 10;
+ # convert the checksum into a single check digit
+ my $calculatedCheckDigit = chr((10 - ($checksum % 10)) % 10 + ord('0'));
- # return the validity of the CUSIP
- return "$_ has a valid CUSIP check digit." if $checkDigit eq substr($_, -1);
- return "$_ does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit.";
+ # store answer-specific strings
+ my ($article, $result);
+ # return the validity of the CUSIP
+ if ($calculatedCheckDigit eq $inputCheckDigit) {
+ $article = "a";
+ $result = "valid";
+ } else {
+ $article = "an";
+ $result = "invalid";
+ }
+ # create and output results
+ my $output = html_enc($_)." has $article $result CUSIP check digit.";
+ my $htmlOutput = "
".html_enc($_)." has $article $result CUSIP check digit.
+ return $output, html => $htmlOutput;
diff --git a/share/goodie/cusip/cusip.css b/share/goodie/cusip/cusip.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec3bfff90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/goodie/cusip/cusip.css
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+.zci--cusip {
+ font-size: 1.5em;
+ font-weight: 300;
+ padding-top: .25em;
+ padding-bottom: .25em;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/t/Cusip.t b/t/Cusip.t
index d7d8b2d07..f1f3902d6 100644
--- a/t/Cusip.t
+++ b/t/Cusip.t
@@ -43,54 +43,55 @@ ddg_goodie_test(
# triggers that SHOULD load the IA
# typical well-formed queries for AAPL and Southwest
- 'cusip 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 844741108' => test_zci("844741108 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 844741108' => test_zci("844741108 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ '037833100 cusip' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# starting white space should be stripped
- 'cusip 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 037833100' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# ending white space should be stripped
- 'cusip 037833100 ' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 037833100 ' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# starting and ending white space should be stripped
- 'cusip 037833100 ' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 037833100 ' => test_zci("037833100 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# same AAPL queries with an incorrect check digit
- 'cusip 03783310A' => test_zci("03783310A does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 03783310A' => test_zci("03783310A does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 03783310A ' => test_zci("03783310A does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 03783310A ' => test_zci("03783310A does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 03783310A' => test_zci("03783310A has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 03783310A' => test_zci("03783310A has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 03783310A ' => test_zci("03783310A has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 03783310A ' => test_zci("03783310A has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# check CUSIP IDs with capital letters (these are for GOOG and Blackberry)
- 'cusip 38259P706' => test_zci("38259P706 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 38259P508' => test_zci("38259P508 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 09228F103' => test_zci("09228F103 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 38259P706' => test_zci("38259P706 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 38259P508' => test_zci("38259P508 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 09228F103' => test_zci("09228F103 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# check the same CUSIP IDs with lower case letters
- 'cusip 38259p706' => test_zci("38259P706 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 38259p508' => test_zci("38259P508 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 09228f103' => test_zci("09228F103 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 38259p706' => test_zci("38259P706 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 38259p508' => test_zci("38259P508 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 09228f103' => test_zci("09228F103 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# check CUSIP IDs with '*', '#', and '@'
# these CUSIP ID check digits were calculated by hand
# if possible, these tests should be replaced with verified CUSIP IDs
- 'cusip 037833*00' => test_zci("037833*00 does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 037833*02' => test_zci("037833*02 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 0378331#0' => test_zci("0378331#0 does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 0378331#7' => test_zci("0378331#7 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 037833@00' => test_zci("037833\@00 does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 037833@01' => test_zci("037833\@01 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 037833*00' => test_zci("037833*00 has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 037833*02' => test_zci("037833*02 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 0378331#0' => test_zci("0378331#0 has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 0378331#7' => test_zci("0378331#7 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 037833@00' => test_zci("037833\@00 has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 037833@01' => test_zci("037833\@01 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# CUSIP IDs ending in '*', '#', and '@' should not break the IA
# even though they are always invalid IDs
- 'cusip 03783310*' => test_zci("03783310* does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 03783310#' => test_zci("03783310# does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip 03783310@' => test_zci("03783310\@ does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip 03783310*' => test_zci("03783310* has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 03783310#' => test_zci("03783310# has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip 03783310@' => test_zci("03783310\@ has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
# Odd CUSIP IDs should not break the IA
- 'cusip ********8' => test_zci("********8 has a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip ########9' => test_zci("########9 does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
- 'cusip @#*@#*@#*' => test_zci("\@#*\@#*\@#* does NOT have a valid CUSIP check digit."),
+ 'cusip ********8' => test_zci("********8 has a valid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip ########9' => test_zci("########9 has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),
+ 'cusip @#*@#*@#*' => test_zci("\@#*\@#*\@#* has an invalid CUSIP check digit.", html => qr/.*/),