#!/bin/bash if [ -n "$2" ]; then cd "$2" # update given directory only else cd "$(dirname $0)"/../../mods_src fi VERBOSE="$1" GIT="git --no-pager" GITPARAM="--color=always" if [ "$VERBOSE" == "" ]; then VERBOSE=0 fi # 0: just update relevant infos # 1 display "branch -vaa" + local changes # 2 display log on current branch # 3 display "remote -v" find . -name ".git" -type d | while read repo; do echo '' echo '--------------------------------------' echo "$(dirname "$repo")" echo '--------------------------------------' cd "$(dirname "$repo")" # fetch all connected remotes for repo in $(git remote); do $GIT fetch "$repo" --prune done # Display repo status in different verbosity if [ "$VERBOSE" -ge 1 ]; then $GIT branch -vva $GITPARAM fi # create log range currentbranch="$(git branch | grep '^*' | sed 's:\* ::g')" remotebranch="$(git branch -avv | grep '^\*' | sed 's@.*\[@@g;s@[]:].*@@g' | grep -v '^\*')" # print the log information if [ "$VERBOSE" -ge 2 ]; then if [ "$remotebranch" == "" ]; then echo '!!!!! No remote branch for' $currentbranch '!!!!!!' else echo $currentbranch '=>' "$remotebranch" $GIT log $currentbranch..$remotebranch fi if [ "$VERBOSE" -ge 3 ]; then $GIT remote -v fi fi # Now pull+merge # git pull. (from man git-pull: git pull is shorthand for git fetch followed by git merge FETCH_HEAD.) if [ ! "$remotebranch" == "" ]; then $GIT merge "$remotebranch" fi # display local changes if [ $VERBOSE -ge 1 ]; then $GIT diff $GITPARAM #display local changes fi echo "last commit: $(git log -1 --format=%cd)" cd - >/dev/null done ######################################### # Find all ".hg" and pull them find . -name ".hg" -type d | while read repo; do echo "$(dirname "$repo")" cd "$(dirname "$repo")" hg pull cd - >/dev/null done