--[[ taken from src/mg_schematic.cpp: Minetest Schematic File Format All values are stored in big-endian byte order. [u32] signature: 'MTSM' [u16] version: 3 [u16] size X [u16] size Y [u16] size Z For each Y: [u8] slice probability value [Name-ID table] Name ID Mapping Table [u16] name-id count For each name-id mapping: [u16] name length [u8[] ] name ZLib deflated { For each node in schematic: (for z, y, x) [u16] content For each node in schematic: [u8] probability of occurance (param1) For each node in schematic: [u8] param2 } Version changes: 1 - Initial version 2 - Fixed messy never/always place; 0 probability is now never, 0xFF is always 3 - Added y-slice probabilities; this allows for variable height structures --]] --handle_schematics = {} -- taken from https://github.com/MirceaKitsune/minetest_mods_structures/blob/master/structures_io.lua (Taokis Sructures I/O mod) -- gets the size of a structure file -- nodenames: contains all the node names that are used in the schematic -- on_constr: lists all the node names for which on_construct has to be called after placement of the schematic handle_schematics.analyze_mts_file = function( path ) local size = { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, version = 0 } local version = 0; local file, err = save_restore.file_access(path..'.mts', "rb") if (file == nil) then return nil end --print('[handle_schematics] Analyzing .mts file '..tostring( path..'.mts' )); --if( not( string.byte )) then -- print( '[handle_schematics] Error: string.byte undefined.'); -- return nil; --end -- thanks to sfan5 for this advanced code that reads the size from schematic files local read_s16 = function(fi) return string.byte(fi:read(1)) * 256 + string.byte(fi:read(1)) end local function get_schematic_size(f) -- make sure those are the first 4 characters, otherwise this might be a corrupt file if f:read(4) ~= "MTSM" then return nil end -- advance 2 more characters local version = read_s16(f); --f:read(2) -- the next characters here are our size, read them return read_s16(f), read_s16(f), read_s16(f), version end size.x, size.y, size.z, size.version = get_schematic_size(file) -- read the slice probability for each y value that was introduced in version 3 if( size.version >= 3 ) then -- the probability is not very intresting for buildings so we just skip it file:read( size.y ); end -- this list is not yet used for anything local nodenames = {}; -- this list is needed for calling on_construct after place_schematic local on_constr = {}; -- nodes that require after_place_node to be called local after_place_node = {}; -- after that: read_s16 (2 bytes) to find out how many diffrent nodenames (node_name_count) are present in the file local node_name_count = read_s16( file ); for i = 1, node_name_count do -- the length of the next name local name_length = read_s16( file ); -- the text of the next name local name_text = file:read( name_length ); table.insert( nodenames, name_text ); local node_def = handle_schematics.node_defined( name_text ); -- in order to get this information, the node has to be defined and loaded if( node_def and node_def.on_construct) then table.insert( on_constr, name_text ); end -- some nodes need after_place_node to be called for initialization if( node_def and node_def.after_place_node) then table.insert( after_place_node, name_text ); end end local rotated = 0; local burried = 0; local parts = path:split('_'); if( parts and #parts > 2 ) then if( parts[#parts]=="0" or parts[#parts]=="90" or parts[#parts]=="180" or parts[#parts]=="270" ) then rotated = tonumber( parts[#parts] ); burried = tonumber( parts[ #parts-1 ] ); if( not( burried ) or burried>20 or burried<0) then burried = 0; end end end -- decompression was recently added; if it is not yet present, we need to use normal place_schematic if( minetest.decompress == nil) then file.close(file); return nil; -- normal place_schematic is no longer supported as minetest.decompress is now part of the release version of minetest -- return { size = { x=size.x, y=size.y, z=size.z}, nodenames = nodenames, on_constr = on_constr, after_place_node = after_place_node, rotated=rotated, burried=burried, scm_data_cache = nil }; end local compressed_data = file:read( "*all" ); local data_string = minetest.decompress(compressed_data, "deflate" ); file.close(file) -- find out which id air has in this particular schematic local is_air = 0; for i,v in ipairs( nodenames ) do if( v == 'air' ) then is_air = i; end end -- some mods (like mg_villages) might be intrested in the number of npc that can live here local bed_count = 0; local bed_list = {}; local p2offset = (size.x*size.y*size.z)*3; local i = 1; local scm = {}; for z = 1, size.z do for y = 1, size.y do for x = 1, size.x do if( not( scm[y] )) then scm[y] = {}; end if( not( scm[y][x] )) then scm[y][x] = {}; end local id = string.byte( data_string, i ) * 256 + string.byte( data_string, i+1 ); i = i + 2; local p2 = string.byte( data_string, p2offset + math.floor(i/2)); id = id+1; if( id ~= is_air ) then scm[y][x][z] = {id, p2}; if( handle_schematics.bed_node_names[ nodenames[ id ]]) then bed_count = bed_count + 1; table.insert( bed_list, {x=x, y=y, z=z, p2, id}); end end end end end --print( "MTS FILE "..tostring(path)..": "..tostring( bed_count ).." beds."); return { size = { x=size.x, y=size.y, z=size.z}, nodenames = nodenames, on_constr = on_constr, after_place_node = after_place_node, rotated=rotated, burried=burried, scm_data_cache = scm, bed_count = bed_count, bed_list = bed_list }; end handle_schematics.store_mts_file = function( path, data ) data.nodenames[ #data.nodenames+1 ] = 'air'; local file, err = save_restore.file_access(path..'.mts', "wb") if (file == nil) then return nil end local write_s16 = function( fi, a ) fi:write( string.char( math.floor( a/256) )); fi:write( string.char( a%256 )); end data.size.version = 3; -- we only support version 3 of the .mts file format file:write( "MTSM" ); write_s16( file, data.size.version ); write_s16( file, data.size.x ); write_s16( file, data.size.y ); write_s16( file, data.size.z ); -- set the slice probability for each y value that was introduced in version 3 if( data.size.version >= 3 ) then -- the probability is not very intresting for buildings so we just skip it for i=1,data.size.y do file:write( string.char(255) ); end end -- set how many diffrent nodenames (node_name_count) are present in the file write_s16( file, #data.nodenames ); for i = 1, #data.nodenames do -- the length of the next name write_s16( file, string.len( data.nodenames[ i ] )); file:write( data.nodenames[ i ] ); end -- this string will later be compressed local node_data = ""; -- actual node data for z = 1, data.size.z do for y = 1, data.size.y do for x = 1, data.size.x do local a = data.scm_data_cache[y][x][z]; if( a and type( a ) == 'table') then node_data = node_data..string.char( math.floor( a[1]/256) )..string.char( a[1]%256-1); else node_data = node_data..string.char( 0 )..string.char( #data.nodenames-1 ); end end end end -- probability of occurance for z = 1, data.size.z do for y = 1, data.size.y do for x = 1, data.size.x do node_data = node_data..string.char( 255 ); end end end -- param2 for z = 1, data.size.z do for y = 1, data.size.y do for x = 1, data.size.x do local a = data.scm_data_cache[y][x][z]; if( a and type( a) == 'table' ) then node_data = node_data..string.char( a[2] ); else node_data = node_data..string.char( 0 ); end end end end local compressed_data = minetest.compress( node_data, "deflate" ); file:write( compressed_data ); file.close(file); print('SAVING '..path..'.mts (converted from .we).'); end