#include "core/log.h" #include "client_file/api.h" #include "network/api.h" #include "replicate/api.h" #include "voxelworld/api.h" #include "interface/module.h" #include "interface/server.h" #include "interface/event.h" #include "interface/mesh.h" #include "interface/voxel.h" #include "interface/noise.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace magic = Urho3D; namespace pv = PolyVox; using interface::Event; using interface::VoxelInstance; // TODO: Move to a header (core/types_polyvox.h or something) #define PV3I_FORMAT "(%i, %i, %i)" #define PV3I_PARAMS(p) p.getX(), p.getY(), p.getZ() // TODO: Move to a header (core/cereal_polyvox.h or something) namespace cereal { template void save(Archive &archive, const pv::Vector3DInt32 &v){ archive((int32_t)v.getX(), (int32_t)v.getY(), (int32_t)v.getZ()); } template void load(Archive &archive, pv::Vector3DInt32 &v){ int32_t x, y, z; archive(x, y, z); v.setX(x); v.setY(y); v.setZ(z); } } namespace digger { using namespace Urho3D; struct Module: public interface::Module { interface::Server *m_server; Module(interface::Server *server): interface::Module("digger"), m_server(server) { } ~Module() {} void init() { m_server->sub_event(this, Event::t("core:start")); m_server->sub_event(this, Event::t("core:continue")); m_server->sub_event(this, Event::t("core:tick")); m_server->sub_event(this, Event::t("client_file:files_transmitted")); m_server->sub_event(this, Event::t("voxelworld:generation_request")); m_server->sub_event(this, Event::t( "network:packet_received/main:place_voxel")); } void event(const Event::Type &type, const Event::Private *p) { EVENT_VOIDN("core:start", on_start) EVENT_VOIDN("core:continue", on_continue) EVENT_TYPEN("core:tick", on_tick, interface::TickEvent) EVENT_TYPEN("client_file:files_transmitted", on_files_transmitted, client_file::FilesTransmitted) EVENT_TYPEN("voxelworld:generation_request", on_generation_request, voxelworld::GenerationRequest) EVENT_TYPEN("network:packet_received/main:place_voxel", on_place_voxel, network::Packet) } void on_start() { m_server->access_scene([&](Scene *scene) { Context *context = scene->GetContext(); ResourceCache *cache = context->GetSubsystem(); { Node *node = scene->CreateChild("DirectionalLight"); node->SetDirection(Vector3(-0.6f, -1.0f, 0.8f)); Light *light = node->CreateComponent(); light->SetLightType(LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL); light->SetCastShadows(true); light->SetBrightness(0.8); light->SetColor(Color(1.0, 1.0, 0.95)); } { Node *node = scene->CreateChild("DirectionalLight"); node->SetDirection(Vector3(0.3f, -1.0f, -0.4f)); Light *light = node->CreateComponent(); light->SetLightType(LIGHT_DIRECTIONAL); light->SetCastShadows(true); light->SetBrightness(0.2); light->SetColor(Color(0.7, 0.7, 1.0)); } voxelworld::access(m_server, [&](voxelworld::Interface *ivoxelworld) { interface::VoxelRegistry *voxel_reg = ivoxelworld->get_voxel_reg(); Node *n = scene->CreateChild("Testbox"); n->SetPosition(Vector3(30.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f)); n->SetScale(Vector3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f)); /*int w = 1, h = 1, d = 1; ss_ data = "1";*/ int w = 2, h = 2, d = 1; ss_ data = "1333"; // Convert data to the actually usable voxel type id namespace // starting from VOXELTYPEID_UNDEFINED=0 for(size_t i = 0; i < data.size(); i++){ data[i] = data[i] - '0'; } n->SetVar(StringHash("simple_voxel_data"), Variant( PODVector((const uint8_t*)data.c_str(), data.size()))); n->SetVar(StringHash("simple_voxel_w"), Variant(w)); n->SetVar(StringHash("simple_voxel_h"), Variant(h)); n->SetVar(StringHash("simple_voxel_d"), Variant(d)); // Load the same model in here and give it to the physics // subsystem so that it can be collided to SharedPtr model(interface::mesh:: create_8bit_voxel_physics_model(context, w, h, d, data, voxel_reg)); RigidBody *body = n->CreateComponent(LOCAL); body->SetFriction(0.75f); body->SetMass(1.0); CollisionShape *shape = n->CreateComponent(LOCAL); shape->SetConvexHull(model, 0, Vector3::ONE); //shape->SetTriangleMesh(model, 0, Vector3::ONE); //shape->SetBox(Vector3::ONE); }); }); } void on_continue() { } void update_scene() { } void on_tick(const interface::TickEvent &event) { /*m_server->access_scene([&](Scene *scene){ Node *n = scene->GetChild("Testbox"); auto p = n->GetPosition(); log_v(MODULE, "Testbox: (%f, %f, %f)", p.x_, p.y_, p.z_); });*/ static uint a = 0; if(((a++) % 100) == 0){ m_server->access_scene([&](Scene *scene){ Node *n = scene->GetChild("Testbox"); n->SetRotation(Quaternion(30, 60, 90)); n->SetPosition(Vector3(30.0f, 30.0f, 40.0f)); }); } } void on_files_transmitted(const client_file::FilesTransmitted &event) { network::access(m_server, [&](network::Interface *inetwork){ inetwork->send(event.recipient, "core:run_script", "buildat.run_script_file(\"main/init.lua\")"); }); } void on_generation_request(const voxelworld::GenerationRequest &event) { log_v(MODULE, "on_generation_request(): section_p: (%i, %i, %i)", event.section_p.getX(), event.section_p.getY(), event.section_p.getZ()); voxelworld::access(m_server, [&](voxelworld::Interface *ivoxelworld) { const pv::Vector3DInt16 §ion_p = event.section_p; pv::Region region = ivoxelworld->get_section_region_voxels( section_p); auto lc = region.getLowerCorner(); auto uc = region.getUpperCorner(); log_t(MODULE, "on_generation_request(): lc: (%i, %i, %i)", lc.getX(), lc.getY(), lc.getZ()); log_t(MODULE, "on_generation_request(): uc: (%i, %i, %i)", uc.getX(), uc.getY(), uc.getZ()); interface::v3f spread(160, 160, 160); interface::NoiseParams np(0, 40, spread, 0, 7, 0.55); int w = uc.getX() - lc.getX() + 1; int d = uc.getZ() - lc.getZ() + 1; interface::Noise noise(&np, 3, w, d); noise.perlinMap2D(lc.getX() + spread.X/2, lc.getZ() + spread.Z/2); noise.transformNoiseMap(); // ? size_t noise_i = 0; for(int z = lc.getZ(); z <= uc.getZ(); z++){ for(int x = lc.getX(); x <= uc.getX(); x++){ double a = noise.result[noise_i]; noise_i++; for(int y = lc.getY(); y <= uc.getY(); y++){ pv::Vector3DInt32 p(x, y, z); pv::Vector3DInt32 cp(-112, 20, 253); if((p - cp).lengthSquared() < 30*30){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(1)); continue; } if(z > 37 && z < 50 && y > 20){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(1)); continue; } if(x > 27 && x < 40 && y > 20){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(1)); continue; } if(x > 18 && x < 25 && z >= 32 && z <= 37 && y > 20 && y < 25){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(1)); continue; } if(y < a+5){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(2)); } else if(y < a+10){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(3)); } else if(y < a+11){ ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(4)); } else { ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(1)); } } } } // Add random trees auto extent = uc - lc + pv::Vector3DInt32(1, 1, 1); int area = extent.getX() * extent.getZ(); auto pr = interface::PseudoRandom(13241); for(int i = 0; i < area / 100; i++){ int x = pr.range(lc.getX(), uc.getX()); int z = pr.range(lc.getZ(), uc.getZ()); /*int y = 50; for(; y>-50; y--){ pv::Vector3DInt32 p(x, y, z); VoxelInstance v = ivoxelworld->get_voxel(p); if(v.getId() != 1) break; } y++;*/ size_t noise_i = (z-lc.getZ())*d + (x-lc.getX()); double a = noise.result[noise_i]; int y = a + 11.0; if(y < lc.getY() - 5 || y > uc.getY() - 5) continue; for(int y1 = y; y1set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(3), true); } for(int x1 = x-2; x1 <= x+2; x1++){ for(int y1 = y+3; y1 <= y+7; y1++){ for(int z1 = z-2; z1 <= z+2; z1++){ pv::Vector3DInt32 p(x1, y1, z1); ivoxelworld->set_voxel(p, VoxelInstance(5), true); } } } } }); } void on_place_voxel(const network::Packet &packet) { pv::Vector3DInt32 voxel_p; { std::istringstream is(packet.data, std::ios::binary); cereal::PortableBinaryInputArchive ar(is); ar(voxel_p); } log_v(MODULE, "C%i: on_place_voxel(): p=" PV3I_FORMAT, packet.sender, PV3I_PARAMS(voxel_p)); voxelworld::access(m_server, [&](voxelworld::Interface *ivoxelworld) { ivoxelworld->set_voxel(voxel_p, VoxelInstance(2)); }); } }; extern "C" { BUILDAT_EXPORT void* createModule_main(interface::Server *server){ return (void*)(new Module(server)); } } } // vim: set noet ts=4 sw=4: