const WHITELIST = { folhadespaulo: { xhrBlocking: [ '', '' ] } }; const BLOCKLIST = { brpolitico: { xhrBlocking: [ '*://**', ] }, correio24horas: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', ] }, correiopopular: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', ] }, diarinho: { xhrBlocking: [ '*://*', ] }, diariodecanoas: { xhrBlocking: [ '*://**', ] }, diariopopular: { cookieBlocking: { urlFilter: '*://*', blockAll: true } }, elpais: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://', '*://', '*://*' ] }, exame: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://', '*://*' ] }, folhadespaulo: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', '*://*', ], xhrBlocking: [ '*://*', '*://*', ], }, folhadelondrina: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', ], xhrBlocking: [ '*://*', ], }, gazetadopovo: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', ] }, gazetaonline: { cookieBlocking: { urlFilter: '*://*', blockAll: true } }, gauchazh: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', '*://*.min.js' ] }, jornalnh: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://**', ] }, jornalvs: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://**', ] }, jota: { headerInjection: { name: 'User-Agent', value: 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +', urlFilter: '*://*' } }, nexo: { xhrBlocking: [ '*' ] }, nsctotal: { xhrBlocking: [ '', ], scriptBlocking: [ '*://**' ] }, oestadodespaulo: { xhrBlocking: [ '*://**', ], scriptBlocking: [ '*://**', ] }, pioneiro: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://', ] }, quatrorodas: { scriptBlocking: [ 'https://**', ] }, revistaoeste: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', '*://*' ] }, seudinheiro: { scriptBlocking: [ 'https://**', 'https://**', ] }, superinteressante: { scriptBlocking: [ 'https://**', ] }, uol: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://', ], headerInjection: { name: 'User-Agent', value: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/536.26 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0 Mobile/10A5376e Safari/8536.25', urlFilter: '*://*' } }, valoreconomico: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://*', ] }, veja: { scriptBlocking: [ 'https://**', ] }, observador: { scriptBlocking: [ '*://**', ] } }; function onBeforeRequestScript(details) { for (let item in BLOCKLIST) { let urls = BLOCKLIST[item].urls; let scripts = BLOCKLIST[item].allowScript; if (scripts == undefined) continue; if (urls != undefined) { for (let item in urls) { if (urls[item].test(details.initiator) || urls[item].test(details.originUrl)) { for (let item in scripts) { if (details.url.match(matchPatternToRegExp(scripts[item]))) return {cancel: false}; } } } } } return {cancel: true}; } function setScriptBlocking(enabledSites) { let urlFilters = []; for (let item in BLOCKLIST) { let script = BLOCKLIST[item].scriptBlocking; if (enabledSites && enabledSites[item] == false) continue; if (script == undefined) continue; urlFilters = urlFilters.concat(script); } chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( onBeforeRequestScript, { urls: urlFilters, types: ['script'] }, ['blocking'] ); } let whitelist = []; function onBeforeRequestXml(details) { if (whitelist.indexOf(details.url) !== -1) return {cancel: false}; else return {cancel: true}; } function setXhrBlocking(enabledSites) { let blocklist = []; for (let item in BLOCKLIST) { let xhr = BLOCKLIST[item].xhrBlocking; if (xhr == undefined) continue; if (enabledSites && enabledSites[item] == false) continue; blocklist = blocklist.concat(xhr); } for (let item in WHITELIST) { if (enabledSites && enabledSites[item] == false) continue; let xhr = WHITELIST[item].xhrBlocking; if (xhr == undefined) continue; whitelist = whitelist.concat(xhr); } chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( onBeforeRequestXml, { urls: blocklist, types: ['xmlhttprequest'] }, ['blocking'] ); } function onHeadersReceivedCookie(details) { details.responseHeaders.forEach(function(responseHeader) { if ( == 'set-cookie') { responseHeader.value = ''; } }); return { responseHeaders: details.responseHeaders }; } function onBeforeSendHeadersCookie(details) { injectHeader('Cookie', '', details.requestHeaders); return {requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders}; } function makeCookieRemove(cookie) { return function() { chrome.cookies.remove(cookie); }; } let callbacksOnBeforeRequestCookie = []; function setCookieBlocking(enabledSites) { let urlFilters = []; for (let item in BLOCKLIST) { let cookie = BLOCKLIST[item].cookieBlocking; if (cookie == undefined) continue; if (enabledSites && enabledSites[item] == false) continue; if (cookie.blockAll) { urlFilters.push(cookie.urlFilter); } else { let callback = makeCookieRemove(cookie.cookie); callbacksOnBeforeRequestCookie.push(callback); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.addListener( callback, { urls: [cookie.urlFilter], types: ['xmlhttprequest', 'script', 'main_frame'] } ); } } chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.addListener( onHeadersReceivedCookie, { urls: urlFilters, types: ['xmlhttprequest', 'script', 'main_frame'] }, ['blocking', 'responseHeaders'] ); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( onBeforeSendHeadersCookie, { urls: urlFilters, types: ['xmlhttprequest', 'script', 'main_frame'] }, ['blocking', 'requestHeaders'] ); } function makeInjectHeader(name, value) { return function(details) { injectHeader( name, value, details.requestHeaders ); return {requestHeaders: details.requestHeaders}; }; } let callbacksOnBeforeSendHeadersInjection = []; function setHeaderInjection(enabledSites) { for (let item in BLOCKLIST) { let header = BLOCKLIST[item].headerInjection; if (header == undefined) continue; if (enabledSites && enabledSites[item] == false) continue; let callback = makeInjectHeader(, header.value); callbacksOnBeforeSendHeadersInjection.push(callback); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.addListener( callback, { urls: [ header.urlFilter ], types: ['xmlhttprequest', 'main_frame'] }, ['blocking', 'requestHeaders'] ); } } function injectHeader(name, value, requestHeaders) { /** * @param {string} name - Name of the header to be inserted * @param {string} value - Value of the header to be inserted * @param {Object[]} requestHeaders - Provided by webRequest * listeners in callback arg `details.requestHeader` * @param {string} requestHeaders[].name * @param {string} requestHeaders[].value */ var headerIndex = requestHeaders.findIndex( x => == name.toLowerCase()); var newHeader = {name: name, value: value}; if (headerIndex == -1) requestHeaders.push(newHeader); else requestHeaders[headerIndex] = newHeader; } function apply() {'sites', function(result) { let enabledSites = result.sites; setScriptBlocking(enabledSites); setXhrBlocking(enabledSites); setCookieBlocking(enabledSites); setHeaderInjection(enabledSites); }); } function removeListeners() { chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(onBeforeRequestScript); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(onBeforeRequestXml); chrome.webRequest.onHeadersReceived.removeListener(onHeadersReceivedCookie); chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.removeListener(onBeforeSendHeadersCookie); for (let item of callbacksOnBeforeRequestCookie) { if (, item)) { chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest.removeListener(item); } } for (let item of callbacksOnBeforeSendHeadersInjection) { if (, item)) { chrome.webRequest.onBeforeSendHeaders.removeListener(item); } } } apply(); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(message) { if (message == 'update') { removeListeners(); apply(); } }); function matchPatternToRegExp(pattern) { /** * Transforms a valid match pattern into a regular expression * which matches all URLs included by that pattern. * * @param {string} pattern The pattern to transform. * @return {RegExp} The pattern's equivalent as a RegExp. * @throws {TypeError} If the pattern is not a valid MatchPattern */ if (pattern === '') { return (/^(?:http|https|file|ftp|app):\/\//); } const schemeSegment = '(\\*|http|https|ws|wss|file|ftp)'; const hostSegment = '(\\*|(?:\\*\\.)?(?:[^/*]+))?'; const pathSegment = '(.*)'; const matchPatternRegExp = new RegExp( `^${schemeSegment}://${hostSegment}/${pathSegment}$` ); let match = matchPatternRegExp.exec(pattern); if (!match) { throw new TypeError(`"${pattern}" is not a valid MatchPattern`); } let [, scheme, host, path] = match; if (!host) { throw new TypeError(`"${pattern}" does not have a valid host`); } let regex = '^'; if (scheme === '*') { regex += '(http|https)'; } else { regex += scheme; } regex += '://'; if (host && host === '*') { regex += '[^/]+?'; } else if (host) { if (host.match(/^\*\./)) { regex += '[^/]*?'; host = host.substring(2); } regex += host.replace(/\./g, '\\.'); } if (path) { if (path === '*') { regex += '(/.*)?'; } else if (path.charAt(0) !== '/') { regex += '/'; regex += path.replace(/\./g, '\\.').replace(/\*/g, '.*?'); regex += '/?'; } } regex += '$'; return new RegExp(regex); }