# tardis ![screenshot](https://github.com/benrob0329/tardis/raw/master/screenshot.png) Pre Alpha Tardis Mod For Minetest Do **not** use on a production server, there is no protection check or ~~error handling.~~ ## Use: Give yourself ```tardis:tardis``` and place down away from other Tardises (the interior spawns directly above it, at Y = 30000). Right click on the exterior to teleport to the interior. Right click the demat lever to dematerialise. Right click it again to remat. Use **/set_nav** to bring up a coords dialog, enter **valid** coords ~~anything else will crash the game~~ This has been fixed. ### TODO: 1. ~~Clean Up The Code, move all functions to functions.lua and node definitions to nodes.lua~~ 2. Add remat pos checks (~~validity~~ and air) 3. ~~Redo meshes,~~ make doors open 4. Add scanner ~~/other device to enter remat pos~~