-- Initialise ctf.register_on_init(function() ctf.log("flag", "Initialising...") ctf._set("flag.allow_multiple", true) ctf._set("flag.capture_take", false) ctf._set("flag.names", true) ctf._set("flag.waypoints", true) ctf._set("flag.protect_distance", 25) ctf._set("flag.nobuild_radius", 3) ctf._set("flag.drop_time", 7*60) ctf._set("flag.drop_warn_time", 60) ctf._set("flag.alerts", true) ctf._set("flag.alerts.neutral_alert", true) ctf._set("gui.team.teleport_to_flag", true) ctf._set("gui.team.teleport_to_spawn", false) end) minetest.register_privilege("ctf_place_flag", { description = "can place flag" }) dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ctf_flag") .. "/hud.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ctf_flag") .. "/gui.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ctf_flag") .. "/flag_func.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ctf_flag") .. "/api.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("ctf_flag") .. "/flags.lua") ctf.register_on_new_team(function(team) team.flags = {} end) function ctf_flag.get_nearest(pos) local closest = nil local closest_distSQ = 1000000 local pd = ctf.setting("flag.protect_distance") local pdSQ = pd * pd for tname, team in pairs(ctf.teams) do for i = 1, #team.flags do local distSQ = vector.distanceSQ(pos, team.flags[i]) if distSQ < pdSQ and distSQ < closest_distSQ then closest = team.flags[i] closest_distSQ = distSQ end end end return closest, closest_distSQ end function ctf_flag.get_nearest_team_dist(pos) local flag, distSQ = ctf_flag.get_nearest(pos) if flag then return flag.team, distSQ end end ctf.register_on_territory_query(ctf_flag.get_nearest_team_dist) function ctf.get_spawn(team) if not ctf.team(team) then return nil end if ctf.team(team).spawn then return ctf.team(team).spawn end -- Get spawn from first flag ctf_flag.assert_flags(team) if #ctf.team(team).flags > 0 then return ctf.team(team).flags[1] else return nil end end -- Add minimum build range local old_is_protected = minetest.is_protected local r = ctf.setting("flag.nobuild_radius") local rs = r * r function minetest.is_protected(pos, name) if r <= 0 or rs == 0 then return old_is_protected(pos, name) end local flag, distSQ = ctf_flag.get_nearest(pos) if flag and pos.y >= flag.y and distSQ < rs then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "Too close to the flag to build! Leave at least " .. r .. " blocks around the flag.") return true else return old_is_protected(pos, name) end end -- Play sound ctf_flag.register_on_pick_up(function(attname, flag) local vteam = ctf.team(flag.team) for name, player in pairs(vteam.players) do minetest.sound_play({name="trumpet_lose"}, { to_player = name, gain = 1.0, -- default }) end local ateam = ctf.team(ctf.player(attname).team) for name, player in pairs(ateam.players) do minetest.sound_play({name="trumpet_win"}, { to_player = name, gain = 1.0, -- default }) end end) -- Change nametag color local oldntc = ctf_colors.get_nametag_color function ctf_colors.get_nametag_color(name, tplayer, tcolor_text, tcolor_hex) if ctf_flag.get_claimed_by_player(name) then return "0xFFFF0000" else return oldntc(name, tplayer, tcolor_text, tcolor_hex) end end ctf_flag.register_on_pick_up(function(attname, flag) ctf_colors.update(nil, attname, ctf.player(attname)) end) ctf_flag.register_on_drop(function(attname, flag) ctf_colors.update(nil, attname, ctf.player(attname)) end) -- Drop after time local pickup_times = {} ctf_flag.register_on_pick_up(function(attname, flag) pickup_times[attname] = minetest.get_gametime() end) ctf_flag.register_on_drop(function(attname, flag) pickup_times[attname] = nil end) ctf_flag.register_on_capture(function(attname, flag) pickup_times[attname] = nil end) ctf.register_on_new_game(function() pickup_times = {} end) local function update_flag_drops() local time = minetest.get_gametime() local drop_time = ctf.setting("flag.drop_time") for name, start in pairs(pickup_times) do local remaining = drop_time - time + start if remaining < 0 then ctf_flag.player_drop_flag(name) minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You took too long to capture the flag, so it returned!") elseif remaining < ctf.setting("flag.drop_warn_time") then minetest.chat_send_player(name, "You have " .. remaining .. " seconds to capture the flag before it returns.") end end minetest.after(5, update_flag_drops) end minetest.after(5, update_flag_drops)