# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- print("**Minetest lua_api.txt Markdown parser - mt-lua-api-pyparse - converts Markdown to HTML document with navigation**") print("**Written by Lars Müller alias LMD in Python 3.5 - requires Python >= 3.2**") print("**Furthermore, this script has to be in the same folder as generate_bg.py, template.html, jumbotron.css, and the images taken from Minetest Game.**") print("**The images taken from Minetest Game are licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0, credits go to the Minetest Artists.**") #from cgi import html from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, unescape html_escape_table = { '"': """, "'": "'" } def html_escape(text): return escape(text, html_escape_table) import urllib.request as url import urllib.parse as parse print("**Generating underground Minetest scene...**") exec(open("generate_bg.py","r").read()) # IMPORTANT - GENERATES THE BEAUTIFUL BACKGROUND ! print("**...finished generating scene.**") import math # This python script grabs the newest lua_api.txt from Minetest GitHub repo and converts it to HTML, plus adding some bookmarks & css # So mainly MD -> HTML. Written by me to improve my rusty Python skills. # © Lars Müller @appguru.eu print("**Grabbing newest lua_api.txt, make sure you have an internet connection...**") link = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/minetest/minetest/master/doc/lua_api.txt" # Grab newest lua_api.txt f = url.urlopen(link) markdown = parse.unquote(str(f.read().decode("ascii","ignore"))) # Read & convert print("**...grabbed newest lua_api.txt from official Minetest repository.**") liste=0 # Which sublist we are in right NOW headers=[] # Stores all the headers + IDs ID=0 # Stores header ID counter print("**Starting parsing...**") def parse_markdown(string,parent=False): # PARSES A SINGLE LINE ! global liste global ID global headers suffix="" prefix="" if string.find("*") != -1 and (string[0:string.find("*")].count(" ") == string.find("*")) and not (parent or string[string.find("*")+1]=="*"): # LISTS prevliste=liste liste=1+int(string.find("*")/3) if (liste > prevliste): for i in range(0,liste-prevliste): prefix+="" return prefix+"
  • "+parse_markdown(string[string.find("*")+2:],parent=True)+"
  • "+suffix if not parent and liste != 0 and string=="": for i in range(0,liste): prefix+="" liste=0 if (len(string)) == 0: return prefix+"
    " if (string[-2:]==" "): return prefix+parse_markdown(string[:-2],parent=True)+"
    " if (string[0]=="#"): space=string.find(" ") c=string[0:space-1].count("#") if space==-1 or string[space+1:].count(" ")==len(string)-space-1: return "
    " if (space-1==c): ID+=1 c+=1 temp="'+parse_markdown(string[space+1:],parent=True)+"" headers.append((temp,str(ID))) temp=prefix+temp[:3]+' id="gheader'+str(ID)+'"'+temp[3:] return temp bold=False boldamount=string.count("**") ba=0 italic=False code=False link=False link2=False codeamount=string.count("`") ca=0 startindex=0 tags=[] currentstring="" index=-1 while index in range(-1,len(string)-1): index+=1 appendtag=False c=string[index] if c == "`": if ca < codeamount: code=not code ca=ca+1 if not code: # We have just closed a code fragment tags.append((string[startindex+1:index],"code")) continue else: # A new one starts : SAVE INDEX + SAVE CURRENT STRING ! appendtag=True elif not code: if c == "*" and len(string) > index+1 and string[index+1] == "*": if ba < boldamount: index+=1 bold=not bold ba=ba+1 if not bold: # We have just closed a code fragment tags.append((string[startindex+1:index-1],"bold")) continue else: # A new one starts : SAVE INDEX + SAVE CURRENT STRING ! appendtag=True elif c == "<" and not link: appendtag=True link=True elif c == ">" and link: link=False tags.append((string[startindex+1:index],"link")) continue elif c == "[": breakit=False text="" for i in range(index+2,len(string)-3): c2=string[i] if (c2 == "]"): text=string[index+1:i] if string[i+1]=="(": for j in range(i+3,len(string)): c3=string[j] if (c3 == ")"): breakit=True tags.append((text,"link",string[i+2:j])) index=j+1 break if breakit: continue if appendtag: tags.append((currentstring,"normal")) currentstring="" startindex=index continue if not bold and not code and not link and not link2: currentstring+=c if len(currentstring) != 0: tags.append((currentstring,"normal")) result="" for tag in tags: string=tag[0] p="" s="" if tag[1]=="code": p,s="","" elif tag[1]=="bold": p,s="","" elif tag[1]=="link": if len(tag) == 2: if tag[0][0:4] == "http": # CHECK LINKS ! p,s='',"" else: p,s='',"" elif tag[1]=="italic": p,s="","" result+=p+html_escape(string)+s return prefix+"


    " def parse_md(string): # Parse line by line lines=string.split("\n") ret="" for i in range(len(lines)-1,0,-1): # Convert alternate header writings(underlines) if abs(len(lines[i-1])-len(lines[i])) < 3: if lines[i].count("=")==len(lines[i]): lines[i]="" lines[i-1]="# "+lines[i-1] elif lines[i].count("-")==len(lines[i]): lines[i]="" lines[i-1]="## "+lines[i-1] i=0 ident=False segments=0 for line in lines: prefix="" suffix="" asteriskpos=line.find("*") # or (len(line) > 1 and line[0]=="\t" and (asteriskpos==-1 or line[0:asteriskpos].count("\t") != asteriskpos))) if liste== 0 and ((len(line) > 4 and line[0:4]==" "*4 and (asteriskpos==-1 or asteriskpos > 1 or line[0:asteriskpos].count(" ") != asteriskpos))): if not ident: prefix="
                    #print("START : "+line[4:])
            elif ident:
    " segments+=1 #else: #if (len(line > 4) #print("{"+line[0:4]+";"+line[0]+"}") lval="" if ident: lval=html_escape(line[4:])+"\n" else: lval=parse_markdown(line) ret+=prefix+lval i=i+1 print("**Found "+str(segments)+" multi-line code segments.**") if ident: ident=False return ret+"" return ret def code(): # Parse multi-line code fragments global markdown last=-1 i=0 stuff=[] while (i < len(markdown)): if markdown[i:i+3]=="`"*3: # Handle GitHub style code tags i=i+3 if last < 0: start=-(last+1) last=i stuff.append((markdown[start:last-3],False)) else: stuff.append((markdown[last:i-3],True)) last=-i-1 i=i+1 start=-(last+1) stuff.append((markdown[start:],False)) #print(stuff) markdown="" for s in stuff: if s[1]: markdown+="
    " else: markdown+=parse_md(s[0]) code() print("**...finished parsing.**") nav="" print("**Creating content table...**") for header in headers: nav+="""
  • """+header[0]+"""
  • """ # Create navbar print("**...finished creating content table. "+str(len(headers))+" Headers are included.**") # FINAL - THE FINAL HTML, BOOTSTRAP BASED DOCUMENT OUR HTML IS INSERTED IN final = open('template.html', 'r').read() print("**Inserting content into template file...**") markdown=final.replace("",markdown) print("**...finished inserting content.**") print("**Inserting content table into template file...**") markdown=markdown.replace("",nav) print("**...finished inserting content table.**") print("**Saving as lua_api.html...**") file = open('lua_api.html', 'w') # SAVE AS lua_api.html file.write(markdown) print("**...saved.**") print("**Parser finished successfully and lua_api.html was generated.**") file.close()