local mlvec = modlib.vector local media_paths = epidermis.media_paths local bad_character_b3d_path = modlib.mod.get_resource"character_without_normals.b3d" local bad_character_b3d_hash = minetest.sha1(modlib.file.read(bad_character_b3d_path)) local fixed_character_b3d_path = modlib.mod.get_resource"character_with_normals.b3d" return setmetatable({}, {__index = function(self, filename) local _, ext = modlib.file.get_extension(filename) if not ext or ext:lower() ~= "b3d" then -- Only B3D support currently return end local path = assert(media_paths[filename], filename) -- HACK replace a "bad" character.b3d with a fixed version that includes normals -- Susceptible to SHA1 collisions, but so is MT's media loading process -- See https://github.com/minetest/minetest_game/pull/2902 if filename == "character.b3d" and minetest.sha1(modlib.file.read(path)) == bad_character_b3d_hash then path = fixed_character_b3d_path end local model = io.open(path, "r") local character = assert(modlib.b3d.read(model)) assert(not model:read(1)) model:close() local mesh = assert(character.node.mesh) local vertices = assert(mesh.vertices) for _, vertex in ipairs(vertices) do -- Minetest hardcodes a blocksize of 10 model units vertex.pos = mlvec.divide_scalar(vertex.pos, 10) end -- Triangle sets by texture index local tris_by_tex = {} local func = modlib.func for _, set in pairs(assert(mesh.triangle_sets)) do local tris = set.vertex_ids for _, tri in pairs(tris) do modlib.table.map(tri, func.curry(func.index, vertices)) tri.poses = {tri[1].pos, tri[2].pos, tri[3].pos} end local brush_id = tris.brush_id or mesh.brush_id local tex_id if brush_id then tex_id = assert(character.brushes[brush_id].texture_id[1]) else -- No brush, default to first texture tex_id = 1 end tris_by_tex[tex_id] = tris_by_tex[tex_id] and modlib.table.append(tris_by_tex[tex_id], tris) or tris end self[filename] = { vertices = vertices, triangle_sets = tris_by_tex, frames = (character.node.animation or {}).frames or 1 } return self[filename] end})