local const_discord = bridges.discord -- Converts "#XXXXXX" color codes to colors function colorize_message(message) local rope={} local otherrope if const_discord then otherrope={} end local function append_character(c) table.insert(rope, c) if const_discord then table.insert(otherrope, c) end end local i=1 while i <= message:len() do local c=message:sub(i,i) if c == string.char(0x1b) and message:sub(i+1, i+4) == "(c@#" and message:sub(i+11, i+11) == ")" then table.insert(rope, message:sub(i, i+11)) i=i+11 elseif c == "#" then local color = true for j=i+1, i+6 do local c2=message:sub(j,j):upper() if c2=="" or not ((c2 >= "0" and c2 <= "9") or (c2 >= "A" and c2 <= "F")) then color = false break end end if color then table.insert(rope, minetest.get_color_escape_sequence(message:sub(i, i+6))) i=i+6 else append_character(c) end else append_character(c) end i=i+1 end if const_discord then return table.concat(rope), table.concat(otherrope) end return table.concat(rope) end load_schemes()